with numbers, please...



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    I weighed the hummus out in grams. I had 112 grams, or 4 ounces, or 8 tbsp, according to this entry. (It listed grams and tablespoons in comparison). I made my own hummus, added very little oil, and chose a hummus with a high amount of calories per 28 grams, or ounce, to be on the safe side.

    I estimated the banana, and put in more than I thought it was, because I didn't have my scale with me. If I can weigh it, I do.

    So I'm pretty sure I'm not that far off. I'm pretty exacting. For better or worse.

    Hummus naturally has a lot of oil in it ...making your own you should use the recipe builder and use the calories from that ...particularly if you're cutting the healthy, satieting oils from it - choosing a normal hummus is simply cheating yourself and logging more than you consumed

    Your problem is you don't eat enough for your health so I don't see how overestimating is going to help your body either

    I would strongly advise a referral to ED specialists
  • I know, I know! I'm trying to change that! I'm trying to figure out how I can eat properly. I have a referral, but waiting on the paperwork.

    In the meantime, I'm trying to push myself to eat what I should. It's scary for me, but I really am trying. That's why I've asked for advice figuring out how many calories to eat, and what macros to shoot for. I didn't make my goal today, but it was my first day. I aim to keep trying.
  • Alskarani, as others have suggested 1000 cal a day is much too low. I suggest you check with your doctor. I'm an old fart and have heart issues. In 98 I had a quad bypass and my only complaint prior to the operation was that I felt that I got tired too fast. I was working a job that required almost zero activity and I was on a see-food diet, e.g. if I could see it I would eat it. After the bypass I got serious about my diet and counted calories. At that time I was not aware of anything like MFP. I followed the Body For Life program with respect to exercise and diet. I'm 6'1" and was about 215, after several months I got down to 185 and hit the wall. I stayed at this level for a few years and then moved from NC to AZ. Here in AZ I was building a house and fell off the diet and exercise program for a several years. No bypass is forever and a couple of years ago after some test it was confirmed that the bypass was basically wiped out and I had new blockages. Just over a year ago I became part of a research program for a stem cell injection. I think I got the good stuff but will not know until this Nov. Recently I switch heart doctors in my home town and he stated that I have heart issues on the back side and it is very unlikely that it will improve but I could reduce the changes of heart attacks by changing my diet He suggested a Mediterranean style diet and a calorie count of 1600-1800 per day and exercise.

    Since the visit I've been using the MFP app on my smart phone, I have a chest pulse monitor and per his suggestion I keep my pulse below 110. I've been exercising on a Nordic Track Cross Country Ski machine. At first my pulse was difficult to keep below 110 and I had negative health issues as a result, e.g. I'd feel very sick, super tired, chest tightness, numbness in my right arm, tingle in my bottom teeth. I then reduced my efforts and really watched my pulse keeping it below 110. At the start it was difficult for me to exercise for 15 minutes and I was doing about a 13 minute mile. I try to exercise daily and just today I completed 4 miles in 30 min, 16 seconds, the entire time my pulse was below 110 and I have almost no negative issues. This was accomplished in about 4 weeks. My weight has dropped from 208.4 to 202.2 and my bodyfat is now about 25 percent. It was over 27 when I started. In that I have a lot of extra body fat I expect my future progress to be slow. When I weigh myself my scales display the percent body fat.

    I suggest you first visit your doctor, get on a good diet and exercise program, set realistic goals, use the MFP app, track your results. When you can afford it get a good pulse monitor, chest straps are currently the most accurate although I really want to get the Fitbit Charger HR. If you watch the sales you can pickup stuff at great prices. I have a Big 5 sport store very close to me and picked up a Yoga mat for $14 that normally cost $30. They also had a chest strap monitor on sale for $59.

    Best of luck and good health.
  • Thanks. It seems slow is the way to go...I think if I can learn this, it will be good for both my body AND my soul...