Hellow I'm New and looking for some buddies

I am a 44 year old female who was never active or into good eating habits. I have managed to lose 7kgs over three months and hoping to lose a further 9kg. I am currently weighing 69.2. Any tips and encourage ment will be appreciated.


  • MandaGC
    MandaGC Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there,
    Looking for motivation as well
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been slow go - but feel free to add me. :) I'm 45 and have not been active and am trying to get off the couch myself. :) - Trish
  • Good diet and exercise program, try the Body For Life program. It is an excellent start. Or the Mediterranean style diet with a good aerobic workout. Use the MFP app to track your progress. Set realistic goals, monitor and track your progress.
  • Hi, I'm 38yo female, and looking to lose my first 2kg (again). It's been an up and down journey through my life. So looking for some motivation as well on losing the weight and this time keeping it off for good.
  • aga43
    aga43 Posts: 1
    edited February 2015

    I am 44, have been gaining a kilo per year over the past 7 years...i am the heaviest I have ever been. Need to loose 14 kegs by the summer. Please feel free yo add me. :D
  • leschubert
    leschubert Posts: 4 Member
    Best advice. Stay off the scale. Allow yourself to be human a strict diet leaves you feeling deprived. I am 44 and I got the gym 5 times a week. Watch your fats, sodium and carbs and remember one thing it's how you feel. It is hard but worth it. Slow and steady wins the race. Diet and exercise. Set realistic goals.