MelissaCV Member


  • Fasting is going well far. Just coffee for breakfast, then I went out for a run, and I just had lunch: a beef and vegetable soup with lentils (198 cals). Now just water until dinner time where it's chicken and vegetables. Hope you finish your fasts strong this week!
  • Hello, I completed Week 6 Day 3 this morning and ran 22min straight! Can't believe I did that! I was supposed to run yesterday but I did it today because I've noticed I run better when I am fasting and it is my fasting day today (Mondays and Thursdays). I feel so happy. :) I can't believe only 3 weeks left to finish the…
  • I did Week 6/Day 2 today...the blimey phone ran out of battery during cool down and I could not log it! Grrr. :s I am now starting to find my rhythm and timing my breathing with me steps. There is a little hill now that I used to walk up during cool down. Now, because of the new jog times, I am jogging it uphill! Phew!…
  • I had a good fast day today...I even resisted the warm baguette my husband brought in the evening. And I had a bowl of low-cal chicken broth with noodles, as you had suggested the other day. It was a good idea!
  • I did Week 5 day 3 this morning! 20 minutes running! Wasn't sure I could do it but I realized physically at this point I was ready but my mind kept saying "20min? that's too much! Are you sure?" and blah blah, so I had to just focus on the podcast I was listening to in order to ignore that. And I did it! I am also noticing…
  • My fast is going well today. I have noticed that when I go for a jog in the morning when I am fasting I can tolerate my fasts much better. Don't know why. Anyway, just had lunch and I am feeling ok.
  • Thanks so much. It's funny, the thought of a broth came to mind yesterday. I guess my body communicating with me. Thank you, I will keep that handy in my cupboard. I had an early dinner: trout fillet and roasted vegetables and I was fine in the evening. I think I chose the wrong lunch. I'll keep experimenting...thanks…
  • Well. I craved BREAD and caved in today and had 300 cals of a baguette. So mad at myself. Last week my fasts were easy-breezy. Today I had a headache all day. And drinking any more water made me feel sick. I knew it wasn't a normal fast by 10am as I was starving by then. Normally I can go without breakfast, having just…
  • I completed Week 5 Day 1 yesterday and felt great! B) I have been following the program every other day (not just 3 times a week), not missing a day. One thing though...I took a peek at the workouts ahead and the app says that I am supposed to run 20min on Thursday! :o Really? Could it be? Seeing everybody's success posts…
  • I'm having a tough time with my fasting today. Last week was a breeze but today...I'm struggling and getting a slight headache. Just had coffee this morning. Waiting for noon for my first meal, as I usually do. I guess not all fast days are the same... :#
  • Good luck! The book "Eat, Drink and Still Shrink" can be useful for you.
  • Yesterday I completed Week 4 Day 2. I felt great!
  • :o I'll be so happy!
  • Hello! Today is my first fasting day! I did 5:2 for a few months years ago and it really worked and I felt great. Then life hit me a major blow and I stopped doing it and then never got back into it...until now. :) I had black coffee for breakfast, then exercised for 30min (I'm doing the Couch to 5K program) and had a…
  • Yeap, I'm on Week 4 now. I never thought I would like it but I am really enjoying it!
  • Week 4 day 1 completed this morning...I can't believe I ran 5 min straight, and twice! And I didn't feel like I was dying either! :smiley: AND I did this on a fasting day!
  • I'm doing the 5:2 as I have found it's what has worked for me in the past and I actually feel better when I am on it and am very interested in reaping the additional health benefits from this way of eating. I read Dr. Mosley's book and also Emma Thornton's book (Eat, Drink and Still Shrink). In fact, I'm fasting today!…
  • Yes, I am back to doing the 5:2 diet, which means I eat 500 calories 2 days a week and normally the other days (normally for me is about 1,600 calories because I don't tend to overeat anyway) after the Christmas holiday break. I used it last year to lose some weight for the summer. It works perfect for me because I don't…
  • Fasting is not starving yourself. I do Intermittent Fasting (the 5:2 specifically, that is you restrict calories 2 days a week and eat normally the other 5 days) as it has great health benefits and is sustainable. I don't do well restricting what I eat all the time which is why all other diets don't work for me. It's not…
  • Thanks for your quick replies guys! I used MyFitnessPal in summer last year and I was being allowed to update my Diary with just 500 calories (even though the daily goal said 1,200). I guess they've changed it!