Couch to 5k



  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I'm doing this too. Am on week 2 at the moment, I think it's going well but am having trouble with the walking parts as my ankles kind of freeze up and I can't walk fast at all :neutral:

    No need to walk fast - it's the duration that matters and the walking bits are to get a rest from the running anyway.
  • melodysf10
    melodysf10 Posts: 35 Member
    I just finished it last week. I'm going to start the 10k soon. I'm loving it!
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    For those who are considering purchasing the C25K app, go ahead and get the C210K, as the app covers couch to 5K as well. You will save money getting the C210K, instead of purchasing each app separately.
  • MelissaCV
    MelissaCV Posts: 24 Member
    Yeap, I'm on Week 4 now. I never thought I would like it but I am really enjoying it!
  • mydustyroad
    mydustyroad Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow! I've done the program in the past but never made it to the end. I'm determined to see this one through!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    to those starting or about to start the c25k program do it and enjoy it. I started it on may 9th 2016 and on October 8 2016 I ran my first race. I ran a half marathon I had to walk a couple hills but I pushed hard and finished the race.

    day 1 week 1 of c25k had me feeling my pulse in my head and feeling ready to puke on the last couple race intervals. I remember failing a day on week 4 and making myself repeat it again. week 5 day 2 I think was the 20 minute run. sometime around minute 10 or 12 I realized that I had the wind to keep going and that my fear of failure was only in my head.

    I'm not a good runner neither fast nor do I even have good form but I am a runner and I credit to the c25k program.
  • fattothinmum
    fattothinmum Posts: 218 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    I found I ran faster outside than on a treadmill. I started using c25k on a treadmill and used an incline the whole time. Then when the mornings got lighter I went outside. I think it is because I vary my pace more outside - it's a gently undulating surface so there's a few downs as well as ups.

    Keep at it!

    Any one of the couch to 5k programs is good. I'm another one who runs faster outside than on a treadmill. I have no idea how that works as I feel I'm going at the same pace and leg turnover. I must take bigger steps outside.

  • MichaelJSwann
    MichaelJSwann Posts: 35 Member
    Just started doing this as all the cycling of done means that walking doesn't get my heart rate up as high as it used to. Also my Physio doesn't want me to just ride my bike because the static position can (and has in the past) cause problems in my neck and shoulders.

    I found the program and set it up in my Garmin Connect calendar so I can schedule things around my commute days when the weather permits.

    I don't have a goal event yet, but I'll see what comes up where I live.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I did it a year ago and finished right before Thanksgiving. Ran my first 5K as a Turkey Trot last year. Now I run every day and love it.

    Keep at it everyone!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.

    Don't do that. It might seem easy, but your muscles need time to adapt to the new form of movement.

    Do the program like it's supposed to be done. You'll be glad you did when it progresses.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.

    Don't do that. It might seem easy, but your muscles need time to adapt to the new form of movement.

    Do the program like it's supposed to be done. You'll be glad you did when it progresses.

    Yeah, don’t think of it as a workout and think of it as endurance training. What C25k is teaching you is to be able to maintain a pace for a set number of minutes, and gradually increase those minutes. The day you hit week5 day 3 will be the one that tells you all your endurance training has paid off. And don’t try and go too fast.

    Running is like any sport – you are training muscle memory. One sport does not necessarily translate into another.
  • EternalTruth
    EternalTruth Posts: 491 Member
    I am on W1D2 tonight. I did C25K a few years ago and it worked great but then stopped running so I am back to square 1 but enthusiastic about it and this time I want to train for a 5K to keep me motivated to keep running even after I am done the program.
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    W5D3 tonight.....20 mins non-stop running *scared face
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    jdawson002 wrote: »
    W5D3 tonight.....20 mins non-stop running *scared face[/quote

    go slower to get through it. That's what I did when I did c25k. rather than bail and have a walk break, slow down. The sense of achievement when you get through it is great.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.

    Don't do that. It might seem easy, but your muscles need time to adapt to the new form of movement.

    Do the program like it's supposed to be done. You'll be glad you did when it progresses.

    I disagree skip a week try that if this isn't taxing enough skip another. If the person doesn't find the program benneficial they aren't gonna stick with it and go out and do something more stressful that could be more likely to cause injury or just give up running all together.

    I wouldn't skip more than a couple weeks though.
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    jdawson002 wrote: »
    W5D3 tonight.....20 mins non-stop running *scared face

    That's the big one for sure - just take it easy and I'm sure you'll be fine!
  • jdawson002
    jdawson002 Posts: 167 Member
    I've done 2x 10 minutes before with only a 3 minute walk in between so hopefully should be ok!!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.

    Don't do that. It might seem easy, but your muscles need time to adapt to the new form of movement.

    Do the program like it's supposed to be done. You'll be glad you did when it progresses.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I just started yesterday. I may have to bump up to the next week or so, though, because it wasn't much of a workout. I'm already fairly fit - just not a runner - so will try to find a good starting point over the next few workouts. I haven't signed up for a 5k, and not really sure I will.

    Don't do that. It might seem easy, but your muscles need time to adapt to the new form of movement.

    Do the program like it's supposed to be done. You'll be glad you did when it progresses.

    Yeah, don’t think of it as a workout and think of it as endurance training. What C25k is teaching you is to be able to maintain a pace for a set number of minutes, and gradually increase those minutes. The day you hit week5 day 3 will be the one that tells you all your endurance training has paid off. And don’t try and go too fast.

    Running is like any sport – you are training muscle memory. One sport does not necessarily translate into another.

    I do have a tendency to overdo things so I will be taking your sage advice. I may grumble a bit about it but I will take it. :blush:
  • jordanamrussell
    jordanamrussell Posts: 40 Member
    I just finished C25K about 2 weeks ago. Love this program! I'm now running 3-4 miles a few times a week. Next up, C210K :)