Daily Check In Thread



  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    another 30' run today. i was pretty slow, i always feel tired at the end of the week.
  • Lovemybody75
    Lovemybody75 Posts: 44 Member
    Ran 3 miles today finally! It took 42 min instead of 40 though!
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    All smiles! Week 4 day 2 completed! Day 1 was torture. My calves were burning, I had to take a break in the middle of my run and it made me hesitant to try day 2. Today, I warmed up for 10 minutes before starting, stretched my calves to capacity and slowed my pace a bit to 4.0 mph. (my legs are super short so it's a nice pace for me lol). Looking forward to completing this week tomorrow!
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    Nicely done!
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    It's so inspiring seeing people graduate today! For me, I'm feeling more confident with self talk and supporting my body so that I continue to progress. I was afraid of week 3... COMPLETED! I was afraid of week 4.. Week 4 Day 3 now...COMPLETED! My body wants to be fit. It's my mind who I'm convincing. I'm staying the course. On to week 5!
  • emerrywe
    emerrywe Posts: 32 Member
    I just did W1D1 and am excited by how good it felt. Its hard to imagine running for 30mins nonstop but I see all of your success and am feeling confidant!
  • MelissaCV
    MelissaCV Posts: 24 Member
    edited September 2016
    I completed Week 5 Day 1 yesterday and felt great! B)

    I have been following the program every other day (not just 3 times a week), not missing a day. One thing though...I took a peek at the workouts ahead and the app says that I am supposed to run 20min on Thursday! :o Really? Could it be?

    Seeing everybody's success posts makes me believe it's possible for me too! :)
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    edited September 2016
    another 30' run today.it went pretty good,i always have more energy in the beginning of the week. i even sped up at the last couple of minutes to an actual running speed.i'll stick to 30' for this week and let my body catch up, and add 3 more next week so i can eventually reach my 5k goal.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    MelissaCV wrote: »
    I completed Week 5 Day 1 yesterday and felt great! B)

    I have been following the program every other day (not just 3 times a week), not missing a day. One thing though...I took a peek at the workouts ahead and the app says that I am supposed to run 20min on Thursday! :o Really? Could it be?

    Seeing everybody's success posts makes me believe it's possible for me too! :)

    yes you're correct.week5 day 3 is a 20' run and you can definitely do it.just go really slow and believe in yourself.we've all been there.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    A good MFP Blog about How to run longer distance. A lot of it reinforces the concepts of C25K

  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    I ran in my 2nd 5K race this past Saturday and ended with a time of 24:31, which is 1:37 faster than my first 5K that I did in the beginning of August. Felt really good about it and had a pretty consistent pace.

    I am planning my next race on October 9th and it will be an 8K double run (5K+3K). The 5K will have a start time of 8a and the 3K at 9:15a so will have approximately 45 minutes of rest/recovery time in between.

    Thanks for the blog post @juliet3455 -- good reminders and HR is something I will pay closer attention to when running longer. I've done some 10K and 8 mile training runs this past month and I think my HR was close to the recommended range.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    i went for my 30' run today, and took the dog with me. that was ...quite challenging, but saved a bit of time.first we walked our normal route and then we continued for my warm up. at the beginning of the running process she was trying to stop and sniff everywhere, but after the first 20' she just followed and tried to stop only a couple of times. i'll take her with me on friday again and see if it will go any better. it might be a nice morning exercise for her.
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Week 5 day 2 completed. This run was more difficult than the last one :-/ I think that it was because I didn't eat before hand, my calves were more crampy and these allergies are messing with my asthma. I'll reassess and tweak some things. Last run for the week scheduled for Friday!
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member

    On July 5, 2016, I completed C25K. I was on top of the world! I cried on my walk home cause I was so incredibly proud of myself. I called my mother as soon as I got home cause she had been my biggest supporting of getting healthy again. I signed up for a race in October (next weekend actually) and another one for January in Disney World!


    That was my last run…

    I had a million excuses on why I didn’t keep running – It got too hot and I didn’t think it was safe. I had some family health issues going on, so I couldn’t devote the time to it. I didn’t know where to go from here as I wasn’t really interested in going further just yet and really just wanted to get faster, but didn’t know how to do that.

    None of those excuses were great. It was like I had completed the program and so I was ‘done’.


    Last night, I went out again for a run!  I figured I would start back at Week 3 as it had been almost three months and it’s not like I had been running the Week 8 distances consistently. It felt great to get out again! I hadn’t realized that I’d missed it so much! And it was EASY! I actually got to the end of the first run segment and literally said out loud “Seriously?” I could have easily kept going, but didn’t want to push too hard, so I just kept up with W3D1.

    My current plan is to do the 10K program as I hear that is the best way to improve my 5K time. When I go out again tomorrow night, I’m going to do W4D1 and see how that goes. Essentially, my plan is to keep moving up the weeks until it’s a struggle and then start the program from there.

    Does anyone have any other advice on how to get back into this?
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I've been trying to figure out what to do now that I've completed both C25k and rundouble's 5K to 10K program. I didn't want to continue running 10K - it's just too time consuming for me and I never adapted to running up so many hills. As soon as I got to the top of one hill, I had just enough time to dread the next one before I had to tackle it. The only good part was the last couple of miles when it was mostly downhill and the remaining uphill parts were short and not very steep.

    I tried just doing a reasonably short, timed run at the beginning of our daily walk and that was okay, but not structured enough for me. I find I need a program to follow to keep me running and motivated. I want something I can fit into my day - either at the beginning of our walk or that I can do separately without it eating up too much time. I want to learn to run up those darn hills, but in small increments, not the big jumps that the 5K to 10K plan imposed on me.

    So, today I restarted C25k, but instead of jogging and walking, I'm pushing myself when it says to run and jogging more slowly when it says to walk. For now I'm doing it at the beginning of our walk (last time I did it separately from the daily walk) and so I'm not turning around at the "You are halfway" announcement, but at (or almost at) the end of the run, so I can double back and rejoin my husband on the walk. For week 1 this has me run on the "beginner" hills and part way up the first really long, steep hill. I'm hoping this approach will keep me motivated, help my speed, and help me adjust to the steeper hills more gradually.

    Stats for today: 1.59 miles in 20:01 for a pace of 12:33. Elevation gain 240 feet. That's a pretty good pace for me, considering it was almost all uphill.