marmaladepixie Member


  • My sister had it, and she was borderline underweight at the time she was pregnant. She didn’t gain much weight either when she was pregnant, and was restricted as far as activity due to placenta previa. She spent the last 2 months in the hospital on bed rest. The only food that did not make her blood sugar go up, was…
  • Curious... you aren’t on any meds for heartburn are you? I was on PPIs for a little over a year for ulcer/GERD. I kept getting stress fractures. Apparently you don’t absorb as much minerals and it gets pulled out of your bones. Just a thought
  • This used to happen to me, and what worked was eating light during the day, and having the bulk of my calories at dinner time.
  • This strategy might not be for everyone, but it has helped me a great deal recently. If it’s more of a mental craving for food and not actual true hunger, then when I feel like snacking, before I open the fridge, I just open my phone and look at the brutally honest unflattering full body selfie I took, right before I…
  • The only time poo will stick around your insides, is if you have diverticulitis, toxic mega colon or a bowel blockage, in which case you would either have a raging infection or be severely distended in massive amounts of pain. Buildup just isn’t a thing that happens in the walls of a non diseased colon. It’s basically like…
  • Have you had any blood work done lately to check your liver enzymes, etc? Might be worth it to see your GP. From what I can tell in the photo it looks more swollen, not squishy.
  • Look out for ogliofructosaccharides, inulin, prebiotic fiber, chicory root. Those can all be huge causes of bloating and gas. They add them to things like protein bars, breakfast type bars, “healthy” versions of ice cream and yogurt.
  • I logged 7 hours of "gardening" today..manually digging up tree stumps and their roots, filling ditches, hauling wheelbarrows with 75 lbs of fieldstones uphill for 10 acres, maybe 15 load back and forth. Took maybe one 5 minute break and worked at fast pace. Gardening and housework can be very good exercise!
  • What has worked for me is to save up enough calories to have a really substantial dinner...otherwise it's up at 2 am and staying awake the rest of the night
  • Republic of tea jasmine pearl
  • run outside and go to the gym to lift! I save treadmill running for after dark or bad weather, or if i am having one of those days where i might not be able to make it back to the car after hitting the halfway point lol.
  • see a doctor... this happened to a girl i worked with that was also tiny. She said she would bloat up after eating, well, it turned out to be a huge slow growing benign cyst near her ovary, it was big enough that she lost 20lbs as soon as they removed it. She had no other symptoms except feeling bloated after eating.
  • ^ This... i find i am less tolerant of tannins the older I get. I need to have a meal in me now to tolerate any type of black or green teas. If you want a nice antioxidant/caffeine boost without the nausea you can try yerba mate or guayusa tea. White teas are lighter and have less tannins in them too
  • I have pcos but eat a lot of carbs. as long as I count calories I lose. I also do not have IR though.
  • I was diagnosed with pcos when I was 25. Biggest problem was cystic acne and hair thinning. Birth control always kept most of my symptoms at bay, but 2 years ago I had to stop taking it because of the type of migraines I get. Within 3 weeks of stopping I gained 10lbs, and another 10lbs in the next few months. I am slowly…
  • I tested with high cortisol levels several times years ago. I was very deficient in certain vitamins and had a very physical job, was overtraining, and stressed out. One thing I noticed is that I could not build muscle, no matter how much strength training I did, and I would wake up a lot during the night. So, in short, a…
  • if it is over from eating beta carotene containing plant foods, no, if from taking supplements of pro formed vitamin a, like cod liver oil, or eating liver, than that can be bad
  • it could be a histamine intolerance, or it could be pre rosacea. either way it is a histamine response or a vascular response, or both. Both those things (alcohol and artificial sweetener) are known flushing triggers for rosacea. I flush from both those things, and it definitely has gotten worse over time, as in, the more…
  • If your vitamin D levels are frequently low, it can cause your cholesterol #'s to go up.... at least that is what I've been told by my doctor
  • cholesterol is weird... when i was completely vegan for 3 years (eating dr. fuhrman style) , and did not eat refined fats like margarine, processed foods, or flours etc. My cholesterol was just over 200. I was told the ratio was more important than the total # though. my numbers were 101/100. As long as your triglycerides…
  • curtsy squats with weights
  • i used to get pain like that on occasion, mostly starting as calves cramping up, then aching down the outer edge of my lower leg to my ankle, then feet would get numb. iIt was eventually diagnosed as peroneal tendonitis. Are your calves really tight? How is your range of motion in your ankles? I find that if i stretch…
  • 50 minutes of jumping jacks, lunge jumps, burpees, jump squats, pushups, lateral lunge jumps
  • no, but i had a black bear come up behind me once when i was sitting at the top of a hill sketching. I felt it breathe on me lol. I'm not actually sure it saw me as a "person" though, i was very still. I turned around and stood up, and it did a backflip and ran away! When i volunteered at a wildlife refuge as a trail…
  • I love dessert... i feel like my meal is not over until i taste sugar lol. Sometimes i'll have a cup of home made hot cocoa, some type of fruit sorbet, a spoonful of so delicious coconut whip, or a spoon of peanut butter with mini chocolate chips.
  • i don't get cravings for junk, but my stomach genuinely feels like it empties a lot faster they day before and the first day of my period.
  • honestly i can't tell anymore... different brands/cuts of pants have crazy differences in sizing anyway. I have pants that are size 2 through 10, and they all fit great. I have one pair of jeans that have no stretch, size 4, and they zip up without any problems when I am 123 or so. I am 132 now, 5'4" and they aren't even…
  • gnat bites? we have tons of gnats here right now, and they make me itch!
  • they have an earthy sort of taste... i think for most people the texture can be hit or miss, they have a very pasty soft texture.
  • i feel like my workouts are much much harder starting the week before my period, then as soon as I get it I am back to normal. I will get out out breath really fast doing the same workouts I killed 2 weeks earlier, and my legs feel like they weigh a million pounds. I save the really hard workouts for the first two weeks of…