knitknut44 Member


  • Wow, we have a lot in common! I'm also Pescatarian, same height, but only 97 lb right now as I'm recovering from major abdominal surgery. But before surgery I was still only 101, and also had the same problem of not needing much food to be full, and it's hard since that is what your body is use to, your stomach does…
  • Ok, you have my interest with the sweet potato part, it's one of my favorite foods! But how do you prepare it with peanut butter? Topped with it, or mashed together? I actually prefer almond butter over peanut, so might start experimenting. Never thought of these foods going together! Thanks for any more tips!
  • Wonderful! That is great, and encouraging! Care to share if that rate of gain had any "side effects", like more or less energy, or anything else you noticed? I feel like I need to go slow, as to not shock my system, and would be happy with half pound/week to start. But hopefully can do more eventually, but hope to know…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm new to the forums here, and hoping to a part of this group. I too am trying to gain weight (by several doctors' orders). I'm currently 20-25 lbs underweight (or more depending on which doctor I talk to), recovering from another serious abdominal surgery (3 weeks post op), and just starting to try to eat a…