Need weight gain pals!! :)

hey all , it's really motivating to see other people trying to achieve the similar goals as I. I would love to see others on their weight gain journeys and get tips! So add me as a friend please and thank you :)


  • I'm also on a weight gain journey, I'm a mom and also lost weight after having my baby. Just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey. P.s. Do you find it difficult to eat light along with doubling your calorie intake?
  • neemiller
    neemiller Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also on a weight gain journey. I have tried before with no luck but this time I am determined! Will update
  • bstrowsen
    bstrowsen Posts: 21 Member

    Hello all I'm also on a weight gain journey! I currently am working out everyday with one day off a week sometimes. But I take a pre wrk out supplement called c-4 and also add creatine mono hydrate 5000 To it. And after my workout is over I take a mass gainer complex from GNC and jus started three days ago so I'll post how it's working! But the pre workout and creatine works great! Oh an I'm taking a Mega Man sport vitamin supp as well works!!! Any questions jus add me and ask I don't kink how to add ppl so if u do help me please lol...
  • I'm trying to gain about .5/1 pound a week. My goal is only 10 pounds,… butttt thats extremely hard to do because I'm not used to eating so much food in a day, so it helps to keep each other motivated …
  • klake2
    klake2 Posts: 4
    Good luck on your weight gaining journey, I definitely need luck with mine! Trying to make sure I'm gaining muscle and not fat is sure a challenge!
  • elfman5150
    elfman5150 Posts: 116 Member
    klake2 wrote: »
    Good luck on your weight gaining journey, I definitely need luck with mine! Trying to make sure I'm gaining muscle and not fat is sure a challenge!

    It's only a challenge when you refuse to accept that a little fat gain is inevitable. If you are eating in excess in combination with a solid workout routine, you'll be happy with the results, even with the fat gain that comes with it. Many people increase their body fat when bulking, yet look better since they've also increased muscle mass. Stay the course, and it will be worth it!
  • MissKsr1
    MissKsr1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is awesome.. It's so hard to stay on track in order to gain weight .. Glad I found this group

    Add me!!
  • Maky20
    Maky20 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello another weight gainer here :blush: been here before but got off track about 6-7 months ago and now i'm in the beginning AGAIN...but I'M BACK! Feel free to add me :)
  • melodymommie
    melodymommie Posts: 11 Member
    It's soooo nice to find so many others on a weight gain journey !!! That's why I love this app :) all my friends think I'm crazy for TRYING to gain weight lol but after my baby I was left way to skinny! Can't wait to see all you guys results and get good tips!!
  • melodymommie
    melodymommie Posts: 11 Member
    Also I can not figure out how to add friends on this thing! :-/ lol
  • melodymommie
    melodymommie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm also on a weight gain journey, I'm a mom and also lost weight after having my baby. Just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey. P.s. Do you find it difficult to eat light along with doubling your calorie intake?

    Yes I do!! It's extremely difficult to eat soooo much extra food, I feel so tired and sluggish all the time and can never finish all my meals , I've started a supplement called cb-1 weight gainer , it's supposed to stimulate your appetite and slow your metabolism , hopefully it helps
  • Hi I'm trying to gain weight would love some help from you guys add me!!!
  • I'm also on a weight gain journey, I'm a mom and also lost weight after having my baby. Just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey. P.s. Do you find it difficult to eat light along with doubling your calorie intake?

    Yes I do!! It's extremely difficult to eat soooo much extra food, I feel so tired and sluggish all the time and can never finish all my meals , I've started a supplement called cb-1 weight gainer , it's supposed to stimulate your appetite and slow your metabolism , hopefully it helps

    I fell like I don't have the time to eat extra I've been at this a month and only gained 4lbs
  • bstrowsen
    bstrowsen Posts: 21 Member
    Hey all if ur in a weight gain journey join my group I've sent a few of u an invite to join!!!
  • bstrowsen
    bstrowsen Posts: 21 Member
    Also I can not figure out how to add friends on this thing! :-/ lol

    Hey join my weight gain group I sent u an invite???
  • bstrowsen
    bstrowsen Posts: 21 Member
    I'm also on a weight gain journey, I'm a mom and also lost weight after having my baby. Just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey. P.s. Do you find it difficult to eat light along with doubling your calorie intake?

    Yes I do!! It's extremely difficult to eat soooo much extra food, I feel so tired and sluggish all the time and can never finish all my meals , I've started a supplement called cb-1 weight gainer , it's supposed to stimulate your appetite and slow your metabolism , hopefully it helps

    I fell like I don't have the time to eat extra I've been at this a month and only gained 4lbs

    Hey join my weight gain group please sent u an invite!!!
  • bstrowsen
    bstrowsen Posts: 21 Member
    bstrowsen wrote: »
    Also I can not figure out how to add friends on this thing! :-/ lol

    Hey join my weight gain group I sent u an invite???

    Go to friends and type our name in and send it where it says email or username in the friends thing
  • melodymommie
    melodymommie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm also on a weight gain journey, I'm a mom and also lost weight after having my baby. Just wanted to say hello and good luck on your journey. P.s. Do you find it difficult to eat light along with doubling your calorie intake?

    Yes I do!! It's extremely difficult to eat soooo much extra food, I feel so tired and sluggish all the time and can never finish all my meals , I've started a supplement called cb-1 weight gainer , it's supposed to stimulate your appetite and slow your metabolism , hopefully it helps

    I fell like I don't have the time to eat extra I've been at this a month and only gained 4lbs

    That is normal , 1lb a week , keep going :)
  • melodymommie
    melodymommie Posts: 11 Member
    bstrowsen wrote: »
    Also I can not figure out how to add friends on this thing! :-/ lol

    Hey join my weight gain group I sent u an invite???

    Will do! :)
  • knitknut44
    knitknut44 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to the forums here, and hoping to a part of this group. I too am trying to gain weight (by several doctors' orders). I'm currently 20-25 lbs underweight (or more depending on which doctor I talk to), recovering from another serious abdominal surgery (3 weeks post op), and just starting to try to eat a bit more again. I am facing another surgery later this year (jaw replacement, one of my other problems for eating normally!), and need to gain weight for it, as well as to recover from this current surgery.

    I am almost vegetarian (still do some fish though), and can only eat soft foods, and in small amounts. It might not be long until my diet will be liquids only. I do lots of smoothies (of my own creation), and want to gain weight in a HEALTHY way, I do not like empty calories, I am not use to any junk food in my diet, and sweets and rich foods just make me feel sicker.

    I look forward to being part of a group with the same goals...I need motivation from others who understand! I'm so tired of being told to just eat ice cream and cookies. That is not what I consider a good option for my health! I am very health conscious, and most people just don't understand that. There's more to gaining weight AND eating healthy than normal people realize. My goal is a half pound a week gain, but I've still been sliding downwards post-op, and need to work harder on it.