Need weight gain pals!! :)



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    knitknut44 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to the forums here, and hoping to a part of this group. I too am trying to gain weight (by several doctors' orders). I'm currently 20-25 lbs underweight (or more depending on which doctor I talk to), recovering from another serious abdominal surgery (3 weeks post op), and just starting to try to eat a bit more again. I am facing another surgery later this year (jaw replacement, one of my other problems for eating normally!), and need to gain weight for it, as well as to recover from this current surgery.

    I am almost vegetarian (still do some fish though), and can only eat soft foods, and in small amounts. It might not be long until my diet will be liquids only. I do lots of smoothies (of my own creation), and want to gain weight in a HEALTHY way, I do not like empty calories, I am not use to any junk food in my diet, and sweets and rich foods just make me feel sicker.

    I look forward to being part of a group with the same goals...I need motivation from others who understand! I'm so tired of being told to just eat ice cream and cookies. That is not what I consider a good option for my health! I am very health conscious, and most people just don't understand that. There's more to gaining weight AND eating healthy than normal people realize. My goal is a half pound a week gain, but I've still been sliding downwards post-op, and need to work harder on it.

    Sounds like you need a RD more than this forum but good luck and I hope it goes well for you.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    knitknut44 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! I'm new to the forums here, and hoping to a part of this group. I too am trying to gain weight (by several doctors' orders). I'm currently 20-25 lbs underweight (or more depending on which doctor I talk to), recovering from another serious abdominal surgery (3 weeks post op), and just starting to try to eat a bit more again. I am facing another surgery later this year (jaw replacement, one of my other problems for eating normally!), and need to gain weight for it, as well as to recover from this current surgery.

    I am almost vegetarian (still do some fish though), and can only eat soft foods, and in small amounts. It might not be long until my diet will be liquids only. I do lots of smoothies (of my own creation), and want to gain weight in a HEALTHY way, I do not like empty calories, I am not use to any junk food in my diet, and sweets and rich foods just make me feel sicker.

    I look forward to being part of a group with the same goals...I need motivation from others who understand! I'm so tired of being told to just eat ice cream and cookies. That is not what I consider a good option for my health! I am very health conscious, and most people just don't understand that. There's more to gaining weight AND eating healthy than normal people realize. My goal is a half pound a week gain, but I've still been sliding downwards post-op, and need to work harder on it.

    Sounds like you need a RD more than this forum but good luck and I hope it goes well for you.

    And keep in mind that being 20lbs underweight (or more) can be a serious health risk. If cookies and ice cream can get your weight up, I don't think I'd consider them unhealthy. Eating as you are now is what is unhealthy.

    Not sure what you consider rich foods, but if you can only eat soft foods, try nut butters (creamy), full fat dairy, pasta (cooked until it's rather mushy), refried beans, fruit juice, cream based soups (that might be too rich though), etc. But I agree that a registered dietitian familiar with your health concerns would be more of a help.
  • Hey, I'm also trying to gain weight. I started my journey on the 1st of december at 109lbs and today 3rd Feb, I weigh 122lbs. All the best to you and all that are trying to gain weight. We can do this! :)
  • Hi Everyone!!
    Good luck to you all with your weight gain! There's so much out there about losing weight they forget to remember how for some of us gaining weight and keeping the weight on (in a healthy way) can be so difficult! I've been back on a weight gain programme since December and I was doing so well (+1lb gain per week) but then I got ill and found eating a struggle and I lost 5lbs so all my hard work (eating 2300+ cals a day really is hard work) was wasted. However I haven't let it beat me and I am back eating lots again this week!! It can be hard being around people on weight loss programmes as they don't take me seriously - I just get a lot of "oh I'll give you my weight!" Be nice to know some fellow weight gainers for the extra support!
    What are your tips for weight gain? I eat lots of nuts and nut butters. It can be tricky too because a vegetarian.
    Best of luck everyone!
    Kate x
  • Kashgains wrote: »
    Hey, I'm also trying to gain weight. I started my journey on the 1st of december at 109lbs and today 3rd Feb, I weigh 122lbs. All the best to you and all that are trying to gain weight. We can do this! :)

    Woohoo! Well done!! You've done fantastic! :D What are your strategies for your weight gain? Good/exercise?
    Kate x
  • Katebe11a wrote: »
    Kashgains wrote: »
    Hey, I'm also trying to gain weight. I started my journey on the 1st of december at 109lbs and today 3rd Feb, I weigh 122lbs. All the best to you and all that are trying to gain weight. We can do this! :)

    Woohoo! Well done!! You've done fantastic! :D What are your strategies for your weight gain? Good/exercise?
    Kate x

    *Food sorry :)
  • knitknut44
    knitknut44 Posts: 5 Member
    knitknut44 wrote: »
    And keep in mind that being 20lbs underweight (or more) can be a serious health risk. .

    I know I need to get the weight back up for my health, and am working on it slowly, for now I'm just holding steady while recovering from surgery. I had a real setback last night after having a higher calorie smoothie that almost landed me back in the ER. So I found out I still have to take it slow. After I can eat a bit more normally I hope to add in the more rich foods. I did see an RD while in the hospital and will see about continuing with her after my recovery.

    Right now everything seems like a vicious circle. And normal weight people, and especially those trying to lose weight, just don't get it. Even my husband, who is trying to lose weight. He complains that weight loss and using My Fitness Pal is too much work...guess what, it's just as much work for us that are trying to gain weight, too! I know all of you here must "get it" though, because that's why we are here! So thanks for the support!
  • knitknut44
    knitknut44 Posts: 5 Member
    Kashgains wrote: »
    Hey, I'm also trying to gain weight. I started my journey on the 1st of december at 109lbs and today 3rd Feb, I weigh 122lbs. All the best to you and all that are trying to gain weight. We can do this! :)

    Wonderful! That is great, and encouraging! Care to share if that rate of gain had any "side effects", like more or less energy, or anything else you noticed? I feel like I need to go slow, as to not shock my system, and would be happy with half pound/week to start. But hopefully can do more eventually, but hope to know what others have experienced with faster gain rates.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Just cycled back on creatine. Quit smoking and eating close to 4000 calories a day to gain weight. We will see if it works. I weigh 200 but would really like to be 225.
  • Starting my journey today, after being away from it for like 6 months . It was so hard to maintain a 3000 calorie diet and feeling bloated all the time. This time I will accomplish my goal and will keep everyone updated, currently weigh 125. Sending everyone motivation ✌️
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited February 2015
    knitknut44 wrote: »

    I know I need to get the weight back up for my health, and am working on it slowly, for now I'm just holding steady while recovering from surgery. I had a real setback last night after having a higher calorie smoothie that almost landed me back in the ER. So I found out I still have to take it slow. After I can eat a bit more normally I hope to add in the more rich foods. I did see an RD while in the hospital and will see about continuing with her after my recovery.

    Right now everything seems like a vicious circle. And normal weight people, and especially those trying to lose weight, just don't get it. Even my husband, who is trying to lose weight. He complains that weight loss and using My Fitness Pal is too much work...guess what, it's just as much work for us that are trying to gain weight, too! I know all of you here must "get it" though, because that's why we are here! So thanks for the support!

    That's certainly a hard situation to be in. I hope things improve quickly and that the RD can help you on your road to recovery.
  • alisonstory
    alisonstory Posts: 39 Member
    elfman5150 wrote: »
    klake2 wrote: »
    Good luck on your weight gaining journey, I definitely need luck with mine! Trying to make sure I'm gaining muscle and not fat is sure a challenge!

    It's only a challenge when you refuse to accept that a little fat gain is inevitable. If you are eating in excess in combination with a solid workout routine, you'll be happy with the results, even with the fat gain that comes with it. Many people increase their body fat when bulking, yet look better since they've also increased muscle mass. Stay the course, and it will be worth it!

    Spot on here
  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    I agree with one slight emphasis. It is not many people increase bodyfat when bulking, it is EVERYBODY increases body fat when bulking. It is part of human physiology and unavoidable. But it can all be managed and controlled.
  • natchi42
    natchi42 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been underweight all my life, have a fast metabolism and have seen results using this app. My best friend when it comes to calories are Fruit Juices and Club Sandwiches (Homemade). Believe me, do not underestimate them... easiest 700 cals i ever had.
  • saharmohdali
    saharmohdali Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys!
    I'm working on gaining weight too. I'm currently at about 100lbs. I'd like to gain about 25lbs for now. I'm going to try the GOMAD diet which sounds insane but it will give me results in 1-2months apparently. Has anyone heard of it? GOMAD - Gallon Of Milk A Day. I know. Insane. But it's said to help you gain 25lbs in 1-months. And you'll keep it too. Add me guys :).
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Hi guys!
    I'm working on gaining weight too. I'm currently at about 100lbs. I'd like to gain about 25lbs for now. I'm going to try the GOMAD diet which sounds insane but it will give me results in 1-2months apparently. Has anyone heard of it? GOMAD - Gallon Of Milk A Day. I know. Insane. But it's said to help you gain 25lbs in 1-months. And you'll keep it too. Add me guys :).

    It's one of those diets that show up a lot for bulking I've heard mixed reviews but never tried it myself. If you need the calories it's probably something you can do but the most important thing is the calories then the macros and micros if you want to gain weight.
  • wellsjr79 wrote: »
    Just cycled back on creatine. Quit smoking and eating close to 4000 calories a day to gain weight. We will see if it works. I weigh 200 but would really like to be 225.

    Way to go on the not smoking! I'm currently a quitting smoker. I'm 5'5 118lbs and I know that if I quit completely I'll gain like 5 lbs just from the lack of nicotine. It's just hard to manage under the high stress environment that I am in.
  • knitknut44 wrote: »
    knitknut44 wrote: »
    And keep in mind that being 20lbs underweight (or more) can be a serious health risk. .

    I know I need to get the weight back up for my health, and am working on it slowly, for now I'm just holding steady while recovering from surgery. I had a real setback last night after having a higher calorie smoothie that almost landed me back in the ER. So I found out I still have to take it slow. After I can eat a bit more normally I hope to add in the more rich foods. I did see an RD while in the hospital and will see about continuing with her after my recovery.

    Right now everything seems like a vicious circle. And normal weight people, and especially those trying to lose weight, just don't get it. Even my husband, who is trying to lose weight. He complains that weight loss and using My Fitness Pal is too much work...guess what, it's just as much work for us that are trying to gain weight, too! I know all of you here must "get it" though, because that's why we are here! So thanks for the support!

    I feel for you! It's not easy at all and you are right average weight people or weight losers don't understand so I'm here offering my support. Sorry to hear you were ill again. Take it easy - I was unwell and the first day back on a high calorific diet didn't make me feel great. Gradually up the calories and you'll see an improvement. Lots of avocado !!
    - Kate x
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Melody_MCV wrote: »
    wellsjr79 wrote: »
    Just cycled back on creatine. Quit smoking and eating close to 4000 calories a day to gain weight. We will see if it works. I weigh 200 but would really like to be 225.

    Way to go on the not smoking! I'm currently a quitting smoker. I'm 5'5 118lbs and I know that if I quit completely I'll gain like 5 lbs just from the lack of nicotine. It's just hard to manage under the high stress environment that I am in.

    I would seriously look into that thought pattern and find a way to quit. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Good luck because I know it's one of the hardest things to do.
  • :D How's that GOMAD going? Are u seeing results?