cutec527 Member


  • I know exactly how you feel. It took me a long time to get my weight off and have so far maintained for over 6 months but I have noticed a lot more cravings since I started maintaining. I do allow myself certain indulgences but very rarely because I am so afraid of going back to my old habits. I actually finally broke down…
  • Beautiful eyes. And honest lol
  • I have been logging my food for over 6 months now and it's funny how much is in things I would never have guessed. I now get on MFP Food Database before I eat things to see how many calories are in them before I consume them :D And I have fallen in love with the "create and log your own recipie" feature as I do love my…
  • Ok so it's been awhile since I posted here and didn't realize you need a link for each new month (not great with computers lol) but I figured it out. Am so happy with this MFP I cannot gush enough about it. I am finding that logging each day has really kept me focused. It's amazing sometimes how much we can put in our…
  • haven't quite figured a true goal yet. am 5'3'' currently at 137 but would loves to see the 120's for the first time in my adult life. i am also 53 and the workouts are pretty tough
  • i'm not really a heavy chocolate lover but when the craving hits i make myself a box of sugar-free jello pudding and sometimes fluff it with a tiny bit of coolwhip... also my diabetic husband and i LOVE the russel stovers sugarfree candies after eating one of those i feel like i've indulged myself :smiley:
  • same here always cold even in Arizona ... but I am also on blood thinners so between the two I think it's normal
  • saw something on here about gravy and i have an alternative suggestion that not only worked out beautifully but tasted excellent... a friend of mine taught me to make vegetable gravy.. all you need is roasted til soft veggies (i used carrots. parsnips and cauliflower) put in food processor or blender and pulse if too thick…
  • I just want to say how enjoyable it is to read and sometimes comment on everyones posts. It still amazes me how people who may never meet can have such an impact in our lives. The one big thing I've learned over the years is we never have to be alone in our struggles whether they be weight loss or life in general. I…
  • This day just seems to be so long :D Usually I'm busy and moving the whole day but today I'm just feeling exhausted. Started really looking at my Food diary and realized I'm really not getting enough protein so I will have to work on that. My mom who is 87 said something to me today that at first bothered me then I had a…
  • Hello all you very motivating people B) Am in the second week now of my re-dedication to get the rest of my weight off and feeling so much better. Still not eating up to my goal guess I'm still leery of the calorie counts. But not feeling weak at all which is good. Came home tonight ready to eat dinner and found my husband…
  • Terri i know how that is when i was doing the low-carb thing i saw how much a 6" Subway sandwich had in it and i said "No Way"
  • Hello girls I need to change my profile name to my real one when I figure out how lol My name is Tina and today is a good day :D I went to breakfast with my mom to IHOP and was so worried that I wouldn't find anything to eat but was pleasantly surprised at the simply light BK. Only 350 cal but I didn't eat one slice of…
  • ok just checking in while my arms will allow me. did my first strength training program at home yesterday and i hurt today. the hardest part for me is the whole mind over matter thing i see myself doing it but my body just won't co-operate. i know it's little steps that lead to the big ones so i'll stick it out. only 3…
  • Hi I am Tina from Arizona and today is my 2nd day of really using Fitness Pal. So far I am very impressed with the daily diet diary and the exercise logger. I know I needed to find a group that fit my age (lol) I am 53 . Anyone that struggles with weight is connected somehow but with my age I have also learned that I will…
  • you can add me i'm pretty new to this site but not new to trying to get this weight off and i agree it's better with pals B)
  • we are all human :D i have to keep telling myself that too. but i am learning to catch myself so much sooner if i feel i'm going off course just as you seem to have learned... and i agree with the high five bm1409 posted