

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2015

    WooHoo ... ticker worked!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2015
    bwcetc wrote: »

    WooHoo ... ticker worked!
    But I have no idea how that just got there twice ... sigh ...

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends,
    CP: My favorite non-food rewards include flowers, candles, magazines and naps. I work in a corporate setting and travel extensively, so I also indulge myself with mani-pedis and therapeutic massages.

    Katla: I agree about Zumba being a calorie torcher. I’ve continued to attend the Sat AM class when I’m in town. I wear an elastic brace on my wonky knee, and also watch the side to side movements.

    Barb: LOVE the Zig Ziglar quote. So true!

    Lisa in Missouri: Welcome back. Your plan sounds sensible. You can do it.

    Margaret in Twin Cities: Welcome to our community. Your progress has been awesome. Keep sharing.

    Sharon in Alberta: So sorry to hear that you lost your exercise buddy. I’m sure she’s with your in spirit.

    Heather: So enjoy your entertaining travelogues. Mango and lime – yes, a divine combination. Glad you got time in the pool. I find swimming so healing.

    Caddi: We’re here for you. Keep coming back, especially on those times when you’re feeling anxious.

    Karen in VA: I feel your frustration. Scales are so arbitrary. I take my cues by how I feel, how my clothes fit and the changes I see in the mirror. I was on a plateau for months until I changed up my eating to focus on limiting refined carbs and processed foods. For me that works better than counting calories alone.

    Diana: I’m a bouncer, too. Here’s to continuing our up and down journey to new low weights.

    Anamika: Great words of wisdom. I am trying to make mindfulness a habit. Keep reminding me, please!

    Sylvia: How sad about the obese mom and young coffee swilling son. Shaking my head.

    Cynthia: Holding good thoughts for your job-related meeting tomorrow.

    Meg: Can just see you on the floor coloring with your DGD! :smiley:

    Sally: I smile everytime I read the final line of your post “looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs”

    Barbie: You’ve reminded me I need to get Mars’ teeth cleaned. Will ask for a long lasting pain shot.

    I thought my tennis elbow was healed after one session of dry needling from the physical therapist. However, after spending the weekend sanding and painting, the pain returned. Lesson learned. :frowning: Got another therapy session today, along with a lesson on how to increase my grip. Right now, I have the hand strength of an 80 year old. Ugh.

    Stay well. We can do this. :sunglasses:
    Colorado Foothills

    Feb Goals:

    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day
    2) 80 oz of water per day
    3) Add a few minutes of hand/wrist exercises every day
    4) Meditate for minimum of 10 mins per day
    5) Savor more, guzzle less. This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the Ticker help, I thought last year we just checked it and it worked.

  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    thorn377 wrote: »
    Thanks for the Ticker help, I thought last year we just checked it and it worked.


  • cutec527
    cutec527 Posts: 18 Member
    ok just checking in while my arms will allow me. did my first strength training program at home yesterday and i hurt today. the hardest part for me is the whole mind over matter thing i see myself doing it but my body just won't co-operate. i know it's little steps that lead to the big ones so i'll stick it out. only 3 days in and have dropped 5 lbs so that's a boost :D have a great day everyone
  • Red94568
    Red94568 Posts: 36 Member
    Hellloooo Ladies!!!!

    It's Wednesday, which means my week is half over! Yippee!!! Welcome to all of the new gals.

    Some quick thoughts about several posts I've read tonight re those having trouble actually losing weight and they are "doing all the right things," which as we know, (I know), means squat:

    1) Be sure to eat within 45 minutes of waking up. After not eating all night, this kickstarts your body into gear. Be sure it is a protein/complex carb enriched breakfast! My favorite is 1/2 c 1% cottage cheese mixed with 1/4 c Fiber One original cereal, 12 almonds, 1 packet of splenda and 1 tsp of a cinnamon mix spice. Yummers!

    2) Exercise, even if it's just to walk around the block. Make sure you do something different for exercise every couple of days, as this lets your worked muscles recover and allows for better toning.

    3) Remember to log your foods, all of them! I logged everything for 6 months and printed it out to show my doctor. At one time, I was told to stop eating bananas everyday as although they are a good nutritious food, for me, it was too much sugar. I also found that I was eating too big of meals at night vs. lunch, even though I was in my daily calorie goals. The log is your weight loss bible and we know when we stray, we sometimes lose sight of our goals. Yeah, I'm VERY guilty of that and that's why I'm back here!

    And, last but not least:

    4) DRINK LOTS OF WATER. A nutritionist once told me that I should drink 8-8oz glasses of water a day, plus another glass for every 10 lbs I was overweight. Ummm, I thought I'd float away! But think about it, if you are exercising, which burns the water right out of your system, you need to not only replace what you've lost, but maintain the water balance so you won't dehydrate or cause other issues.

    Now to follow my own advice! A few drops of Mio into my water and I'm good to go! And, I haven't exercised today because frankly, I was tired after a night of little sleep. It's ok though, my calories are still on target and from the right foods!

    I have a plan, and that is to be healthy, inside and out!

    Choice, choices, choices!

    Hope everyone has a good night!

    I logged 35.64 miles of slogging in January. That doesn't include my steps, just my timed exercise miles. So far this month, I'm on target for my 500 in 2015!

    Dublin, CA
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    edited February 2015
    Red: thanks for the info.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I'm still unable to get the tickers! I tried everything that was suggested. I think it is because I use my phone.

    Thanks for the help. At least others have been successful in setting up theirs.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janet, Michele and any others sorry if I was TMI about the use of a strainer and kidney stones. I was a nurse and hubbie was a medic in the Navy and the a pharmacy technician so hospital talk was not unusual in our house. My girls were quite used to it and didn't mind it at all and in fact quit the young medics when in college. Michelle said she loved to say she had 'chronic sinusitis with an acute exacerbation' when she had a sinus infection. Her friends and teachers thought she was quit ill! o:) So please call me on it and let me know if I ever get to the point that it is TMI. As I have said many times, teaching was my favorite part of nursing. I didn't even mind at all when I had to talk to my male cardiac patients about the appropriate times to start resuming sexual relations.

    I feel like I am back to the days before i started my diet over 2 years ago. I have no will power any more. Therefore I feel kind of like a hypocrite giving advice. That's one reason I have been so quiet in here lately.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - I am enjoying your Sri Lankan experience so I am living vicariously through you. Sounds like you can really make a deal and that reminded me that when we go out I really can ask for what I want. Coconut oil is such a healthy oil that even though it puts up the calorie count it is still a good choice. I was worried that you wouldn't get your ride on the elephant. It really must be awe inspiring to be up on such an enormous animal.

    Sylvia , Kansas- That mother isn't doing her son any favours. It sounds like she is setting him for life long health problems. The kids that I know that are home schooled seem to have problems with socialization unless they join team sports.

    Janet - Thank you. I have meds but not seeming to do the job right now. I wish they would just do the endoscopy and I could stop worrying about that. It was another bad night . I had the hiccups for over 2 hours last night. Crazy. I survive to tell about it though so all is good.
    Being able to wear your pretty sweater set is a great NSV. I bet you looked like a million bucks.

    Red - Love your plan to be healthy, inside and out.

    Last night was not fun but I survived it. I probably need to watch the restricted foods a little more. I was thinking of doing an elimination diet or I could do what DH has done and go to a naturopath and have blood tests done for sensitivity/allergies. It cost him almost $300. though because my plan wouldn't cover it. He is gluten free and I kept telling him that I thought dairy was a problem for him too. He now has a nice report that says so but I did resist temptation to say I told you so. He is mourning the loss of his nightly ice cream fix.
    DS has his lawyer here and everything filed. He still has to have the lawyer in Ontario deal with things there. Court will be Feb 24th here. He let DGD skype with her Mom tonight. I am proud of the way he is handling this.
    Weight loss nurse tomorrow and I am afraid of the results because I have not been on track lately. Distracted, I guess. Scratch that, it's only an excuse and i am planning on quitting excuses.

    Thanks for letting me ramble
    Sharon in Alberta
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Can't seem to keep up lately, I'm sure it's because I'm working all this week. Roll on the time I can either reduce my hours or take early retirement!

    I ache all over this morning (and yesterday too) not sure if it's because I fell Tuesday morning on our dog walk, (well I tripped over the dog - I'm sure he walked in front of me on purpose) or whether it's because I have added some weights to my exercise routine. Probably a bit of both.
    It's 8 o clock already so I'd better get ready, haven't done my exercises yet so better get a move on.

    Sorry I've not read any of the posts yet I'll try and get back tonight after work, but the last few nights I have been exhausted by the time I've eaten my tea.

    By the way I was good yesterday Paula one of our nurses is leaving and she brought in cakes. I only had half a small cup cake - which is good for me.

    Have a good Thursday -

    Viv xx York UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia the naughty pudgy boy may have an underlying behavioral issue and that is the reason he in homeschooled. The Mom may be relieved he is 'some one else's problem right now. He is just s misfit boy everywhere. I have 2 nephews who are diagnosed obsessive defiant disorder. I used to think it was an old term for being a brat but the more I got to know the problem it was way more than that.
  • k2boxlady
    You ladies are wonderful. Thank you everyone for the comments, encouragement, and motivation. I have changed to caloric intake to 1200 and will continue with everything else.
    Michele in NC, for crispy sweet potato fries, I microwave the whole potato first to almost done, then bake on foil in 400F oven with just a tad of olive oil on the foil. Doesn't take long to brown at that temp with the foil.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,968 Member
    Just lost my post! Bleh........ To work now.. Must read page 9 before going on....
  • Gma03
    Gma03 Posts: 1
    Looking forward to some motivational posts. I'm new to MFP.
  • farmwifenmom
    farmwifenmom Posts: 7 Member
    I love this discussion group, but I am new to this thread/posting stuff, so there is a lot I don't understand on how to do this. I am determined to loose 30lbs by May. I live in Kansas and farm and raise cattle with my husband. Our cows are starting to calve, so the next 2 months will be very busy.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Red, you gave some very good advice. Thanks for sharing. Many of us can use a friendly reminder. o:)

    *Joyce, I do hope you know that I was kidding about TMI. I actually did find it very interesting and it’s good information to have should the occasion ever arise. (God forbid) Please keep sharing all the medical info that you have. It’s wonderful. If something is really TMI, we don’t have to read it. I love this room because we can talk about any real life situations.

    *Sharon, I hope last night was your last bad night. When anything causes me a bad night’s sleep it really throws off the next day. Sending good thoughts your way.

    *I checked in here last night before I went to bed and I think there were 18 new posts this morning. I love it, but only because I’m retired and have the time to read them all each day. You ladies are wonderful and so informative. It always helps to get reminders on how to travel in this journey.
    I didn’t think I would like being retired and thought I’d look for something part time, but I love it. It gives me time to do all the things I want to and to be a bit lazy when I want to. I’m going to get in my exercise then go to have nails done. I’ll be checking in later.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!!
    Everyone have a healthy and happy day.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody and thanks for the good wishes. Unfortunately, after about a year (!!) of uncertainty, my job at the university will be over in a couple of months. More later (maybe).

    Hope we all have a good day (aside from this). :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning ladies~well it is snowing to beat the band again here :# it should stop around 11, then will have to go out and pay the water bill.. after a little computer time, I will start organizing and purging,closets and bathrooms..after 18 years we have collected alot of junk that just needs to go!!!
    had a NSV sorta- went down to feed DFIL, he was in good spirits,and I always spend a little bit of time with the residents on his wing.. I asked what was going on, and Mimi pipes up nothing,its boring and Bob chimes in until I get there.. so they enjoy my company too :D which is nice.. I enjoy them too.. I have found alot of music that they enjoy on my phone on Youtube, so every day I find something to play them while they are having breakfast.. they love polka's especially...
    Got all my DFIL food in him I had a 12 minute frank sinatra medley on while he ate.. he so enjoyed that.. he always tells everyone Danke Schoen,so found the Wayne Newton song and played it for him, he started tearing up..
    also they crush his pills up and put it in applesauce and sometimes he spits it out..I found the solution, vanilla ice cream , we buy the little dixie cup ones and boy he gobbled it right up..
    I have to give an A plus to my DH, he is on a mission, he is losing where I am gaining, he said to me last night , what has happened ? I had salad and water for lunch yesterday and I am a meat eater.. his dad has grown from medium sweat pants into large because he isnt moving around much anymore, guess who fits in them now? the DH.. bless his heart..
    I have to get on the bandwagon .. I am going to see what alternative exercises there are for me out there..
    right now I am cruising the internet ,and sitting with my boys...