Anyone else shocked?



  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I was more shocked by my FitBit. :( I move so little!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    What shocked me was the amount of garbage I was eating. While losing weight I literally ate more calories than I did before. CALORIES ARE NOT THE ENEMY, NON-FOOD GARBAGE IS!

    You shouldn't eat garbage...
    I agree, but many people differ in their definition of garbage, ie: SKITTLES, WHITE SUGAR, WHITE FLOUR, WHITE RICE, REFINED SOYBEAN, CORN, SAFFLOWER, CANOLA OILS.
    Funny, all these things are sold, purchased and used in foods all over Asia, South America, etc. Their consumption of "garbage" hasn't lead to the same obesity levels.
    Heck you can even find all of these in the prison systems. Eaten everyday 3 times a day. Obesity isn't an issue in prison due to the fact that with the exception of commissary (which is mostly junk food anyway), inmates eat portioned out amounts of food.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Noooo this thread was going so well.

    Snacking. The amount of snacks I would consume many years ago -- Rice Krispy treats. Chocolate donuts. What was I thinking??
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    I switched over from WW last year and was amazed at how unbalanced my meals were. I was on the Pro Points plan which essentially allowed free reign on a wide variety of vegetables and I avoided fat as much as possible. So I'd load up on veggies thinking they didn't have an impact on my waistline. When I started logging the quantities I was actually eating it was quite an eye-opener.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    so many things... olive oil (I still eat it though), nuts - I'd think "ooh I'm being healthy - I'm going to eat trail mix" and eat like - a bag of the stuff - hello 800 calories and I wasn't even full!!

    I still eat butter/olive oil (I don't even log the olive oil because I use it in every single thing I cook) but I call "good oils" and eat it anyway.

    Crisps were an eye opener too - one serving of crisps is 18 pieces - who the hell can eat only 18 crisps?????!!!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    so many things... olive oil (I still eat it though), nuts - I'd think "ooh I'm being healthy - I'm going to eat trail mix" and eat like - a bag of the stuff - hello 800 calories and I wasn't even full!!

    I still eat butter/olive oil (I don't even log the olive oil because I use it in every single thing I cook) but I call "good oils" and eat it anyway.

    Crisps were an eye opener too - one serving of crisps is 18 pieces - who the hell can eat only 18 crisps?????!!!!

    Nuts are a killer! I love them, but I can eat a bag of them over the course of an afternoon while grazing and never feel full.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Yes !! I was shocked to see how much i was truly consuming. I used to think i was having one serving of cereal. When i came here and started weighing it out, it was actually almost five servings! ! I had no idea !! Mfp has also taught me many valuable lessons about portion control and moderation.

    Oh lawd, pasta. After doing the old Fat N Fibre plan on WW, I actually though that pasta, being low fat, was a GREAT choice!! Pasta with a lean meat bolognaise... Holy hell, hello near 1000 calories in a big bowl. I'm a volume eater and could happily polish off a giant pile of pasta.

    Also WW used to peddle sushi as being a great choice! I'd have 3-4 rolls for lunch and feel like I did good - hello 800 calorie lunch!

    Mine was two things - butter and cheese. Slather butter on my toast, have a small bowl of pasta, and smother it in a rich sauce (cooked with butter) and shredded cheese. Now when I weigh out my butter for toast and other cooking, it scares me how much I used to use. I could eat a wheel of brie or large wedge of blue cheese without batting an eyelid. Now I cry a little inside when I have to weigh out my danish blue and see that my afternoon snack has more calories than my lunch.

    Weighing cheese is the biggest downer of all downers. Ahh for the days of eating cheese with abandon.
    But it's either that or low fat cheese...gag

    Weighing cheese is so depressing. I've taken to grating cheddar, even if it is to go on crackers or whatnot, because it looks like a lot more. Low fat cheese is a travesty.
  • missmatalini
    missmatalini Posts: 30 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Yes !! I was shocked to see how much i was truly consuming. I used to think i was having one serving of cereal. When i came here and started weighing it out, it was actually almost five servings! ! I had no idea !! Mfp has also taught me many valuable lessons about portion control and moderation.

    Oh lawd, pasta. After doing the old Fat N Fibre plan on WW, I actually though that pasta, being low fat, was a GREAT choice!! Pasta with a lean meat bolognaise... Holy hell, hello near 1000 calories in a big bowl. I'm a volume eater and could happily polish off a giant pile of pasta.

    Also WW used to peddle sushi as being a great choice! I'd have 3-4 rolls for lunch and feel like I did good - hello 800 calorie lunch!

    Mine was two things - butter and cheese. Slather butter on my toast, have a small bowl of pasta, and smother it in a rich sauce (cooked with butter) and shredded cheese. Now when I weigh out my butter for toast and other cooking, it scares me how much I used to use. I could eat a wheel of brie or large wedge of blue cheese without batting an eyelid. Now I cry a little inside when I have to weigh out my danish blue and see that my afternoon snack has more calories than my lunch.

    Weighing cheese is the biggest downer of all downers. Ahh for the days of eating cheese with abandon.
    But it's either that or low fat cheese...gag

    Weighing cheese is so depressing. I've taken to grating cheddar, even if it is to go on crackers or whatnot, because it looks like a lot more. Low fat cheese is a travesty.

    Tricking your mind is the way to go. I only use super small plates for dinner now. The appearance of more food makes me happy
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Yes !! I was shocked to see how much i was truly consuming. I used to think i was having one serving of cereal. When i came here and started weighing it out, it was actually almost five servings! ! I had no idea !! Mfp has also taught me many valuable lessons about portion control and moderation.

    Oh lawd, pasta. After doing the old Fat N Fibre plan on WW, I actually though that pasta, being low fat, was a GREAT choice!! Pasta with a lean meat bolognaise... Holy hell, hello near 1000 calories in a big bowl. I'm a volume eater and could happily polish off a giant pile of pasta.

    Also WW used to peddle sushi as being a great choice! I'd have 3-4 rolls for lunch and feel like I did good - hello 800 calorie lunch!

    Mine was two things - butter and cheese. Slather butter on my toast, have a small bowl of pasta, and smother it in a rich sauce (cooked with butter) and shredded cheese. Now when I weigh out my butter for toast and other cooking, it scares me how much I used to use. I could eat a wheel of brie or large wedge of blue cheese without batting an eyelid. Now I cry a little inside when I have to weigh out my danish blue and see that my afternoon snack has more calories than my lunch.

    Weighing cheese is the biggest downer of all downers. Ahh for the days of eating cheese with abandon.
    But it's either that or low fat cheese...gag

    There are only two low fat cheeses I'm willing to put up with - babybel, and laughing cow. They're processed enough that there isn't that much of a difference. If you try to give me low fat tasty cheese or any artisan type cheese, and I'll attempt to maul you with a spoon.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Yes !! I was shocked to see how much i was truly consuming. I used to think i was having one serving of cereal. When i came here and started weighing it out, it was actually almost five servings! ! I had no idea !! Mfp has also taught me many valuable lessons about portion control and moderation.

    Oh lawd, pasta. After doing the old Fat N Fibre plan on WW, I actually though that pasta, being low fat, was a GREAT choice!! Pasta with a lean meat bolognaise... Holy hell, hello near 1000 calories in a big bowl. I'm a volume eater and could happily polish off a giant pile of pasta.

    Also WW used to peddle sushi as being a great choice! I'd have 3-4 rolls for lunch and feel like I did good - hello 800 calorie lunch!

    Mine was two things - butter and cheese. Slather butter on my toast, have a small bowl of pasta, and smother it in a rich sauce (cooked with butter) and shredded cheese. Now when I weigh out my butter for toast and other cooking, it scares me how much I used to use. I could eat a wheel of brie or large wedge of blue cheese without batting an eyelid. Now I cry a little inside when I have to weigh out my danish blue and see that my afternoon snack has more calories than my lunch.

    Weighing cheese is the biggest downer of all downers. Ahh for the days of eating cheese with abandon.
    But it's either that or low fat cheese...gag

    Weighing cheese is so depressing. I've taken to grating cheddar, even if it is to go on crackers or whatnot, because it looks like a lot more. Low fat cheese is a travesty.

    Tricking your mind is the way to go. I only use super small plates for dinner now. The appearance of more food makes me happy

    Sadly, I'd be using a plate for an Espresso cup to make it look full for a recommended serving of cheese :(
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Yes !! I was shocked to see how much i was truly consuming. I used to think i was having one serving of cereal. When i came here and started weighing it out, it was actually almost five servings! ! I had no idea !! Mfp has also taught me many valuable lessons about portion control and moderation.

    Oh lawd, pasta. After doing the old Fat N Fibre plan on WW, I actually though that pasta, being low fat, was a GREAT choice!! Pasta with a lean meat bolognaise... Holy hell, hello near 1000 calories in a big bowl. I'm a volume eater and could happily polish off a giant pile of pasta.

    Also WW used to peddle sushi as being a great choice! I'd have 3-4 rolls for lunch and feel like I did good - hello 800 calorie lunch!

    Mine was two things - butter and cheese. Slather butter on my toast, have a small bowl of pasta, and smother it in a rich sauce (cooked with butter) and shredded cheese. Now when I weigh out my butter for toast and other cooking, it scares me how much I used to use. I could eat a wheel of brie or large wedge of blue cheese without batting an eyelid. Now I cry a little inside when I have to weigh out my danish blue and see that my afternoon snack has more calories than my lunch.

    Weighing cheese is the biggest downer of all downers. Ahh for the days of eating cheese with abandon.
    But it's either that or low fat cheese...gag

    There are only two low fat cheeses I'm willing to put up with - babybel, and laughing cow. They're processed enough that there isn't that much of a difference. If you try to give me low fat tasty cheese or any artisan type cheese, and I'll attempt to maul you with a spoon.

    Oh yeah, laughing cow is my exception too. Though I did buy full fat at Costco and it's still only 40 cals a triangle. I mix it into stuff and couldn't really tell the difference.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    I was never really overweight, but I was getting fatter. Not by much, but by a little every year. Still healthy, still happy, but sneaking on weight. What 'saved' me in those days is that I just do not eat much of any meal while polishing off bag after bag of chips. I went over maintenance, but just a little bit every day. When I had to cut out all grains two years ago, the weight automatically came off a little; because I cut out monster servings of pasta, croissants, and chips, I ate a deficit naturally. Not a big one because I was still packing away the sweets like a champ, but still. When I started logging, it gave me so much insight into how and why my body reacted the way it did in those days and crisps now? Soooo not worth the calorie splurge except for a tiny bag I have to go out and buy specifically as a treat. Logging made me aware of my body and its needs. Even in three weeks, it has changed my way of thinking about food and changed the way things taste. It has settled my cravings. I am so, so grateful.
  • wochlikgm
    wochlikgm Posts: 131 Member
    Yup. Shock factor here. MyFitnessPal is a bit of a wake up on quantity and quality of food. All those calories do add up. I now meticulously estimate or calculate how much food I'm taking in.
  • cutec527
    cutec527 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been logging my food for over 6 months now and it's funny how much is in things I would never have guessed. I now get on MFP Food Database before I eat things to see how many calories are in them before I consume them :D And I have fallen in love with the "create and log your own recipie" feature as I do love my casseroles still (mostly veggies). My husband thinks I have gone overboard with it all but it has worked for me I feel it has kept me accountable to myself. And I am so happy in the evenings when I still have calories left to eat my fave thing in the world popcorn :D
  • missmatalini
    missmatalini Posts: 30 Member
    What's crazy is when you have a day where you splurge and eat like you did before and you want to die because you feel so sick.

    Experiencing that today. Make me never want to do it again!
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yup, never calorie counted before and was surprised by the cals in deserts and soda pop. Since cutting back on sugar I have been able to lose weight.