

  • There are HCL supplements in the form of tablets at many health and food stores, just make sure you follow the rec value or you could overdo it and form an ulcer. That is pretty miserable and the symptoms sound awful. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Edit: Final considerations to optimize digestion would be (A) to not…
  • I hope it works well for you!
  • How do you like your ketonix? I am waiting for mine to ship now. Have you compared its results to a blood monitor for correlation? Glad to hear someone else uses one as well though.
  • I don't know if I agree that 210 at 5"9 would be his natural maintain weight unless seriously broad/muscled. I was 210 at 6"0 while doing mandatory PT and moderate lifting and still was pretty chunky. I would definitely try IF and cut out everything to just water and basic foods to see if its something sneaking in carbs or…
  • Double post sorry about that.
  • From the /r/ketogains FAQ The Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD) is nothing more than the standard ketogenic diet (SKD) with carbohydrates consumed at specific times around exercise. This means that carbohydrates are consumed on days when exercise is performed. If fat loss is the…
  • It took about a week for me to lose any trace of the keto flu, and another three weeks or so until my energy levels were pre-diet.
  • Some people seem to take a bit longer to adapt, I'd give it a few more days. What tester are you using? Also make sure there aren't hidden carbs sneaking in. I realized the chewing gum and drink powder I was using added up to an extra 5-10g carbs a day as I had disregarded them.
  • The best bet is to weigh yourself the day you start, and two weeks following. That allows enough time for your body to adapt and will probably give you a psychological boost from seeing the water weight fall off. While its not real weight loss, the numbers can definitely keep you motivated.
  • This is definitely true, that's why I set my calories about 200 under as I just assume my count is off by a bit.
  • I bought the ketonix sport breath monitor and am going to compare the results to blood monitoring and see how accurate it is. Would be much easier to just breathe into a tube than prick my finger all the time.
  • Thats disappointing, but not overly surprising. After watching cereal killers I have to agree with it being driven by subsidies and whats cheaply and easily available.
  • Name: Montana Reddit username: Brotolemaeus Currently stationed in Katterbach, Germany. Stats: M/24/6"1/SW 230 CW 228 (haven't weighed in two weeks) GW 175 I just started recently, but I am hoping to be pretty near my goal weight come August and getting out of the military/starting University. All my stuff on here is open,…