

  • I take mine in the morning right when I get up so I can eat an hour afterwards.
  • My hands and feet are always cold. My toes are always either red or grey. I have been to a vascular specialist & a rheumatologist & they can't find anything wrong in their roam of things. I was tested for so many things---don't have lupus or diabetes.
  • Thank you for your post. I feel more energized working out daily than when I don't. I was diagnosed in July 2014 and have gained 10 pounds. This week I started adding kettle bell every other day. The other days I do cardio…not that kettle bell is not a little cardio. I'm hoping that will help me.
  • You could be in a place right now where I was in July when your levels were just starting to sky rocket. It was not until after I was diagnosed that I started getting all the symptoms of ridged nails, extremely dry hair, dry skin, dry eyes, no energy, and here came the weight.
  • I started taking this supplement 2 weeks ago. I'm waiting to see if the full affect will kick in for me. So far I haven't had the constipation issues I have had.
  • I've been on Synthroid since the beginning if July. I still have most of the symptoms like ridged nails, dry hair and skin, being cold, dry eyes, and sometimes my eyes get real heavy during the day even though I get 7-8 hours of sleep. I can say though that after 4 weeks on the medicine for the first time in years, I did…