Ness725 Member


  • Im gluten free by necessity (30 years now) and I have to say, stay away from "packaged" gluten free food. It all tastes like poison. Eat lots of "real" foods (meats, fruits, veggies, cheese, etc). If you dont lkke to "eat" during the day, maybe try boost or ensure (meal replacements). They should help with the vitamin…
  • Weight loss is not linear, unfortunately. That said, I noticed you said youre doing a lot more exercise. Personally, I have found if I'm doing weight training or any strength/circuit training, my weight goes up the next day by a couple of pounds. I've done quite a bit of googling this phenomenon, and the internet consensus…
  • I agree with this post. You've lost a ton of weight really fast, which probably makes you feel better in the cosmetic sense, but your body might be revolting. I've been there and trust me, its a recipe for failure (not to mention unnecessary fights with your husband because your blood sugar is so low you're growing horns!)…
  • Try printing out all the posts in this forum and giving it to them...
    in No support Comment by Ness725 March 2015
  • That really sucks and I feel your pain. I have had celiac disease my whole life (since long before gluten free became fashionable). It can be really hard to figure out what to eat. Just try to find a few things you can tolerate and still enjoy, then google recipes that include them. I always do that and have found a…
  • Hows your first week going?
  • If you stretch clld muscles, you can hurt yourself! Be careful! :)
  • I used to do yoga using a DVD, then switched to a weekly class. Honestly, I would highly recommend taking a few intro classes with an instructor. Yoga is 100% form, and you would be amazed at how a little adjustment can make the pose totally different. I'd also recommend a good "sticky" mat to keep you from slipping. I…
  • First and foremost, have a gym employee walk you through all the equipment and show you how to use it without injuring yourself. You dont want to hurt yourself! As to how to structure your workouts, there are litterally thousands of ways (google is great). I normally start with cardio and do weights after. If you like it…
  • If you really are at a deficit, which it sounds like you are, it can really only be 2 things: water weight or an underlying medical problem such as hypothyroidism. I used to weigh myself religiously every morning and would find my weight shot up by 2-4 lbs the morning after a weight training session, regardless of diet. I…
  • Yes, it will get easier. For me, it takes 2-3 weeks after I start restricting. If you restricted something specific (ie: carbs) you may be going through a withdrawal period. Maybe reevaluate your calorie goals and ease in a bit. I also find that a glass of milk shortly after my workout staves off the crazy famished…
  • Just remember progress comes before success! Set realistic, achievable, measurable goals, such as workout 3 days per week or eat an average of more than 1800 calories per day each week. When those get easy, take it up a notch. Track your progress and celebrate your small achievements weekly. Its the sum of those little…