Feel Like I'm Stuck In A Hole

I’m looking for any support or advise I can from my fellow MFP.

I was doing really well and losing up until about August of last year when I plateaued and stayed there until December when I finally gave up and took a break from MFP. I gained a few pounds back and decided to give it another go at the end of January. My body decided it was going to rebel. I couldn't keep my blood sugar from dropping, I was shaking, and exhausted all the time. I had to eat nonstop just to have any energy to get through the day. I gain a few more pounds during this time. I talked with a nutritionist and found out that the problem was that my body can’t absorb or digest most fruit and vegetables and any kind of seafood. This explains a lot of why I never felt well when I would try to eat clean. I’m also sensitive to a lot of dairy and now stick to soy milk and goat cheese. I have to take a supplement to get the proper nutrient that my body needs. I feel like I’m stuck having to eat foods that are not the best choices but what my body can tolerate.

I work out 5-6 days a week. I do circuit training three days a week(20 minutes) and I work at a stable two days out of the week cleaning stalls and working with the horses(2-2.5 hours). If the weather is nice I take my dog out hiking on the weekends(45 minutes). I’m also signed up for my first 5k run in August. I calculated my calorie count using the tdee method with a 15% reduction and I try to eat as close to the 1908 calorie range as I can. I am usually under most days. I try to over estimate the amount I'm eating and also leave a little bit of leeway to compensate for any miscalculations.

Since restarting on MFP I haven’t lost any weight and I’m lucky to lost .5-1 inch total a week if anything at all. I feel like I’m doing something wrong or maybe I calculated things wrong? I know that the process is slow but after my body tried to break down I feel like I’m stuck in a hole that I can’t get out of. I've never really posted on MFP before, just lurked around the threads, I felt that it was time that I reach out for some help.


  • inchwormbyinchworm
    inchwormbyinchworm Posts: 180 Member
    {{{hugs}}} I'm sorry. You sound really active for someone who doesn't really feel very good a lot of the time. That's amazing!
  • Ness725
    Ness725 Posts: 13 Member
    That really sucks and I feel your pain. I have had celiac disease my whole life (since long before gluten free became fashionable). It can be really hard to figure out what to eat. Just try to find a few things you can tolerate and still enjoy, then google recipes that include them. I always do that and have found a million ways to modify recipes over the years. Think of it as a challenge!

    As for the weight, you may be miscounting your calories. Maybe aim for 1700 or 1800 and you'll start to see a slow drop. It may also be a good time to see your doctor to make sure there's no underlying medical conditions. Especially if your nutritionist is saying you cant tolerate most fruits and vegetables. Don't give up though. The difference between sucess and failure is not giving up! :)