Ugggug Member


  • Hey chezzabelle82, I don't know your circumstances but maybe you have other things going on in your life that your focussing on at the minute and its stopping you from sticking with diet, have you maybe tried saying to yourself, ok if i diet monday to saturday then i can have a cheat meal on sunday, that way you have an…
  • I have done MFP before, just want to make sure that this time round i do it right! Thanks for all the feedback all!
    in Cake Comment by Ugggug April 2015
  • awesome thanks for the support, i feel much better about it now :)
    in Cake Comment by Ugggug April 2015
  • Well i think it's mainly due to how disciplined i have been the rest of the week, i guess it feels like a failure in my eyes, the calorie thing doesn't concern me so much its more the fact it put me way over my sugars for the day.
    in Cake Comment by Ugggug April 2015
  • Hey mllemuguet and as9823, just seen this post, i am brand new to MFP, literally just set my profile up properly this time and ready to start from tomorrow morning, i unfortunatly have not got any friends therefore no support, would love to add you for support and challenges