


  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Cake for the win! I also had cake last night & only went two calories over my goal.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You should never say no to cake!
    Unless it's bad cake. Bad cake is one of the world's great disappointments.

  • Ugggug
    Ugggug Posts: 6 Member
    Ugggug wrote: »
    Hello MFP community,
    Last night i went out for a birthday meal with my family, afterwards there was birthday cake as is usually the case at birthday parties, anyway i had a piece of the cake, now my dilemma is i've very guilty for it since, but it did not take me over my calorie goal for the day but did take me over the sugar allowance due to the icing. I had also been out and burned 500 calories on my bike before the meal, my question is should i have said no to the cake?

    Did you just start on mfp? Because I totally worried about stuff like this when I started. Now I eat cake at every birthday I'm invited to. It's not the birthdays that make ya fat, it's the everydays.

    I have done MFP before, just want to make sure that this time round i do it right!

    Thanks for all the feedback all!

  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Remember, this is a lifestyle change; you're not planning on avoiding cake for the rest of your life (unless you are some sort of superhuman, lol), so let yourself enjoy it! Sounds like you deserve it for being so strict the rest of the time :)
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    God I love cake!
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Cake is awesome!!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Cake is delicious. Fitting cake into your calorie goal is a victory, all the way.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Ugggug wrote: »
    Hello MFP community,
    Last night i went out for a birthday meal with my family, afterwards there was birthday cake as is usually the case at birthday parties, anyway i had a piece of the cake, now my dilemma is i've very guilty for it since, but it did not take me over my calorie goal for the day but did take me over the sugar allowance due to the icing. I had also been out and burned 500 calories on my bike before the meal, my question is should i have said no to the cake?

    Awww, it's your Birthday! It only happens once a year and it's yours (and all the other people born on the day) I really wouldn't feel guilty about it! Maybe if it was someone in the office who brought cake in for their Birthday but once a year won't derail you. In fact, I think you should have had icecream with it :wink:
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I like to still enjoy life every now and then so I say yes to cake. It fit in your calories and you exercised, I wouldn't even give it another thought!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I want cake now.
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    OMG I had birthday cake tonight!!!! It was delicious! And I had some ice cream with it and a slice of pizza to boot. It was my Moms birthday, shes 72, and I was still under my daily calories (this included my excercise calories)
    Its my mom,,,I have to have cake and ice cream with her on her birthday. <3
  • MK24551
    MK24551 Posts: 174 Member
    That is one of the many reasons why I love this app n counting calories, u can fit in what u want to eat :) don't feel bad be proud of urself :) happy bday!