
Hello MFP community,
Last night i went out for a birthday meal with my family, afterwards there was birthday cake as is usually the case at birthday parties, anyway i had a piece of the cake, now my dilemma is i've very guilty for it since, but it did not take me over my calorie goal for the day but did take me over the sugar allowance due to the icing. I had also been out and burned 500 calories on my bike before the meal, my question is should i have said no to the cake?


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having cake. You fit it into your goal and enjoyed it, so why should you feel guilty about it?
  • Ugggug
    Ugggug Posts: 6 Member
    Well i think it's mainly due to how disciplined i have been the rest of the week, i guess it feels like a failure in my eyes, the calorie thing doesn't concern me so much its more the fact it put me way over my sugars for the day.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It sounds like a victory to me. You had a reasonable serving of cake and fit it into your goals. Good job!
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Ugggug wrote: »
    Hello MFP community,
    Last night i went out for a birthday meal with my family, afterwards there was birthday cake as is usually the case at birthday parties, anyway i had a piece of the cake, now my dilemma is i've very guilty for it since, but it did not take me over my calorie goal for the day but did take me over the sugar allowance due to the icing. I had also been out and burned 500 calories on my bike before the meal, my question is should i have said no to the cake?

    Don't sweat it man! I rarely even look at my micros.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Unless you are diabetic or have a medical reason to track sugar, it simply doesn't matter

    I have swapped out sugar tracking for fibre...far more useful

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ugggug wrote: »
    Well i think it's mainly due to how disciplined i have been the rest of the week, i guess it feels like a failure in my eyes, the calorie thing doesn't concern me so much its more the fact it put me way over my sugars for the day.
    Everything in moderation. The sugar macro on MFP is more for added sugar. Sugars are really counted in your carbs macro. But anyway, it's far from a failure. Do you plan on foregoing cake for the rest of your life? Probably not. Eat the way you plan to for life - moderation.
  • nikkinoellemary
    nikkinoellemary Posts: 119 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Unless you are diabetic or have a medical reason to track sugar, it simply doesn't matter

    I have swapped out sugar tracking for fibre...far more useful

    Same here!

    Because most times, just logging my breakfast puts me near or over my sugar micro (with things like raspberries or milk with no added sugar). I wouldn't sweat it. It fit into your calorie goal. Go you!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You should never feel guilty about birthday cake, especially if you remained within your calories!
  • Ugggug
    Ugggug Posts: 6 Member
    awesome thanks for the support, i feel much better about it now :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Absolutely. Never feel guilty about it. And remember too, even if you go over goal, it doesn't erase all of your progress. You might just lose a little less that week, but otherwise, that's it. Enjoy yourself, don't stress out. :)
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    You had cake, you were under your calories and it was TASTEY I bet! Win for you. I love cake!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you going to say no to cake for the rest of your life? eat, log, enjoy.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    It sounds like a victory to me. You had a reasonable serving of cake and fit it into your goals. Good job!
    Exactly. This is how it's supposed to work!
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Happy birthday! Eat your cake and enjoy your life.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Ugggug wrote: »
    Hello MFP community,
    Last night i went out for a birthday meal with my family, afterwards there was birthday cake as is usually the case at birthday parties, anyway i had a piece of the cake, now my dilemma is i've very guilty for it since, but it did not take me over my calorie goal for the day but did take me over the sugar allowance due to the icing. I had also been out and burned 500 calories on my bike before the meal, my question is should i have said no to the cake?

    Did you just start on mfp? Because I totally worried about stuff like this when I started. Now I eat cake at every birthday I'm invited to. It's not the birthdays that make ya fat, it's the everydays.

  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Nah, it's not like you can go back in time and take it back anyway. The only way you should have said no is if it was gross... then it's a waste of calories! Hate it when that happens, haha.
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    No way, as long as you're within your calories, why feel guilty? I'd be pleased that I'd had a slice and not five slices as I would have before deciding to lose weight! Every day I put aside at least 400 calories for a 99 calories Aero biscuit, 99 calorie Muller cappuccino yoghurt, etc, and don't feel guilt at all. Keep up the good work!
  • Digbysmom
    Digbysmom Posts: 36 Member
    The thing I love about MFP is that I can have what I like only in moderation. I definitely wouldn't feel bad about the cake. I budget my calories so I can have a piece of chocolate every night. Look at it this way, you stopped at one piece and you exercised beforehand. It's all good.
  • rkcampbell
    rkcampbell Posts: 188 Member
    Heck no! I love cake! Go you!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Is there a medical reason you're watching sugar? Regardless, it's cake. You should never say no to cake!