gdljjj Member


  • The serving size will be listed on the box, so you can weigh it if you have a scale, or measure with a measuring cup. The milk will need to be measured with a measuring cup. Then enter the amounts into mfp and it will show you how many calories you just consumed. My suggestion is to remember that you can eat anything at…
  • I like to weigh everyday so that I do see the fluctuations. Weighing on a "low" day one week and a "high" day the next week would make me think I'm not doing something right, so I weigh daily and only record the new "low" on mfp. It is crazy to see 10 days with no new low and then a new low of 2.5 lbs overnight, but that's…
  • Now I feel incredibly stupid, but no, it didn't click. I had advertising telling me otherwise, and having the money to advertise must mean that enough people have used the product and therefore it must be legit. I tried Nutrisystem when I was like 20, and ate tiny pre-packaged meals and was starving, so eating less food…
  • Before mfp/internet, if you are as old as me and remember that, ci/co wasn't that easy. Figuring out the calories to what you were eating took a lot of time and effort when making/eating casseroles for the whole it just seemed logical/practical that cutting out "bad" foods is what was necessary...which then…
  • A lightbulb just clicked on. For some reason, my brain has always interpreted temptation to be an-opportunity-that-might-never-happen-again-and-therefore-must-be-indulged! And temptation interpreted this way every weekend and once/twice a week is going to bring me right back where I was 24 pounds ago. Seeing it immediately…
  • Did you ever see that show Hoarders? I imagine all my co-workers having houses like that whenever there is a potluck. It kills my appetite pretty quickly lol.
  • Weigh food with a scale and log everything, and I've found that more protein (compared to my previous carb-heavy diet that helped me gain all this lovely weight) helps keep me full longer so I'm not as tempted to snack and can eat the fewer calories needed to be at a deficit. I also learned to knit, so at night if I'm…
  • Thanks for this reminder, I'm glad I'm not alone. Calories in, calories out seems like it is basic math and so this shouldn't happen, but I have been very frustrated with the scale lately. My clothes are getting a little looser and I'm finding it easier to move around, etc., but the scale showed me down 3 pounds from 2/24…
  • I have thin socks from JCPenney, the brand is xersion, and I love them, extra padding is on the heel and ball of foot.
    in Socks Comment by gdljjj March 2015