TGIF! Beware temptation is near...

TGIF!! But that means the weekend is here and temptation is near!

Remember: temporary happiness isn't worth long term pain.

Temptation is the feeling we get when encountered by an opportunity to do what we innately know we shouldn't!

Stay away from fast food & alcohol!

Good luck!


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Or, work the foods you love into your calories. I had fast food last night and still woke up two pounds lighter this morning.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I may even have two beers.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I've earned mine thanks all the same.

    Will accept donations though if it helps? :smile:
  • gdljjj
    gdljjj Posts: 10 Member
    A lightbulb just clicked on. For some reason, my brain has always interpreted temptation to be an-opportunity-that-might-never-happen-again-and-therefore-must-be-indulged! And temptation interpreted this way every weekend and once/twice a week is going to bring me right back where I was 24 pounds ago. Seeing it immediately as temptation instead is really going to help me, thank you!

  • sherryherrington
    sherryherrington Posts: 1 Member
    Good reminder, thanks LaDawnie. This is my first week actually trying to do something about my weight in like 10 years. I used to have a glass of wine every night to "de-stress" but I went without it all week for the first time in forever. I am a homeschool stay at home mom of 5, so yeah, I need to de-stress:) HOWEVER that little glass of wine almost always opened the door to me getting super munchy, so I either indulged or obsessed about food the rest of the night and then indulged the next day:) I was planning on rewarding my week of good behavior with a glass of wine tonight but after reading your post, I think I might just reward myself with another night of success instead! Thanks LaDawnie:)
  • LaDawnnie
    LaDawnnie Posts: 72 Member
    gdljjj wrote: »
    A lightbulb just clicked on. For some reason, my brain has always interpreted temptation to be an-opportunity-that-might-never-happen-again-and-therefore-must-be-indulged! And temptation interpreted this way every weekend and once/twice a week is going to bring me right back where I was 24 pounds ago. Seeing it immediately as temptation instead is really going to help me, thank you!

    Your welcome! I think I viewed temptation the same as you for many years, now I see why I failed every time. Now I know to say no to temptation! Good luck!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I'm giving in, but it's all good. I've accounted for it.
  • LaDawnnie
    LaDawnnie Posts: 72 Member
    Good reminder, thanks LaDawnie. This is my first week actually trying to do something about my weight in like 10 years. I used to have a glass of wine every night to "de-stress" but I went without it all week for the first time in forever. I am a homeschool stay at home mom of 5, so yeah, I need to de-stress:) HOWEVER that little glass of wine almost always opened the door to me getting super munchy, so I either indulged or obsessed about food the rest of the night and then indulged the next day:) I was planning on rewarding my week of good behavior with a glass of wine tonight but after reading your post, I think I might just reward myself with another night of success instead! Thanks LaDawnie:)

    First I want to say good job on your first week! I know it's definitely not easy! But you did it and know you know you can do it! When accomplishing small goals it's good to reward yourself with something. Keep food for a hard time try rewarding yourself with new dress or get your nails done. Something to make you feel good that you've been wanting but haven't done for yourself! Good luck this weekend!
  • jetortola
    jetortola Posts: 198 Member
    I have a book club tonight and a baby shower on Sunday... both events I think were invented to allow ladies to gab and eat (and drink wine, in the case of the book club!).

    I've tried to plan my day to leave room for some wine and some snacks, but I will be restricting myself. Wish me luck! I need to not undo the hard work from the week!
  • dirtyflirty30
    dirtyflirty30 Posts: 222 Member
    Moderation FTW! :)
  • LaDawnnie
    LaDawnnie Posts: 72 Member
    I have a book club tonight and a baby shower on Sunday... both events I think were invented to allow ladies to gab and eat (and drink wine, in the case of the book club!).

    I've tried to plan my day to leave room for some wine and some snacks, but I will be restricting myself. Wish me luck! I need to not undo the hard work from the week!

    Enjoy your outings this weekend! Just keep control! I wish u the best of luck! It's hard but u got this! It's ok to have a snack here and there. Just never lose focus!
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Sod that. I'm having a beer tonight.

    I'll virtually join you with an Amaretto and soda water spritzer. :)

  • danielmena59
    danielmena59 Posts: 2 Member
    What's Goin on people!!
  • jules6669mfp
    jules6669mfp Posts: 446 Member
    Bad night. Met up with friends from work for happy hour at TGIF's. I don't drink alcohol but I did indulge in appetizers. Ugh...., overdid it, tasted good but boy do I feel yucky right now. Certainly not worth the thousands of calories. Tomorrow is another day so I will put this behind me and learn from it.
    What do others do in situations where you'd like to go but have difficulty ordering?
  • alicia5569
    alicia5569 Posts: 6 Member
    I try to plan ahead when possible. Whether it's by checking the website for the restaurant's nutritionial information and/or menu and deciding at home. Then the real hard thing is sticking to plan once you're there. But when you do, boy it feels good. You've enjoyed your time eating out and didn't feel guilty and also don't feel sick. You will leave feeling very accomplished and on plan :smiley: