lynngut2 Member


  • Glad to say I managed yesterday's problems. Even though I did not get in any excersize, I did manage to keep my calories to only +88. Kept myself accountable and logged everyone.
  • I hear ya reesa1234. It's so easy to let the busyness of life get in the way of keeping my health goals in focus. I think having this connection will help me. Also, logging my food every day keeps me on track, and it has to include the bad days. Lol.
  • I'm also starting over. Would love to join this group for shared stories and support.
  • I bought a Fitbit to track my movement. I challenge myself every day to move more than I did yesterday. Some days I challenge my son with a specific number of steps. Winner gets a reward, like the loser cleans up after dinner or gets to control the TV for the evening. Mostly it keeps me accountable to keep moving. There…
  • Keep praying and start listening for God's voice. I will also pray for you. Each day make your goal to move more than you did yesterday. Cleaning out a dresser drawer or closet can be exercise and can give you a sense of accomplishment. God wants us to walk with him, he doesn't judge the size of our steps. Always log your…
  • Good morning Melanie. My name is Lynn, I live on the central coast of California. I visit Chicago often, my son lives in Roscoe I'll. I would like to lose 60lbs. Keeping track of my daily calorie & nutrition goals is key for me. I recently purchased a Fitbit that tracks my steps. It has motivated me to challenge myself…