I would try to watch your sugars and your carbs, especially bad carbs like white bread and pasta. Try upping your protein through things like beans and whey. Good fats to eat are almonds, avacado, olive oil, eggs (also good protein). Would also recommend eating steel cut oats everyday. Great source of carb
What are your macros like? (Protein, carbs and fat)
Saint John, Canada
Saint John!
Steel cut oats made with Apple sauce, raisins and a splash of vanilla and 3 hard boiled eggs. Yum!
Make sure to get your macros in order. Once I grasped that concept and started getting my macros in order my fat loss and muscle gains went through the roof.
Good job on the weight loss! Keep it up! Request sent
Hey you can do it! Keep up the good work! Request sent!
A healthy diet, lots of water and a steady workout routine will do wonders! Don't beat yourself up over a bad day if you have one, it happens to everyone. If you ever need any diet or exercise advice feel free to ask or add me! :)
Good luck! You can do it no problem with a good diet and steady gym routine! Lots of water!!!
Ok thanks for the heads up guys. I will definitely give it some rest and lay off the lifting for a bit, upper body anyways. Gives me an excuse to do more cardio, core and leg work I guess :wink:
Going to physio next week but I'll definitely take your advice and lay off the lifting for a couple weeks.
***Doing presses***
I'll add you!
I'll add you!
I've done P90X and wasn't a big fan. If you're just getting started out I would do a little research on strength training and join a gym.
I use Six Star Whey Protein. Here in Canada I can get a 2 pound tub at Wal Mart for $20. It's cheap and works great. Tastes great too. I have 2 scoops with a cup of skim milk for my morning snack and repeat that right after my workout. Been taking it for about a month and have had some good results so far.
Low carb day: 3 eggs 3 pieces of turkey bacon Greek Yogurt with blue berries Almonds High carb day: 3 eggs Steel cut oats with skim milk and blue berries Cortland apple
Here's what my week usually looks like: Monday - Weights Tuesday - Cardio and abs Wednesday - Weights Thursday - Weights and abs Friday - Cardio Saturday - Weights Sunday - Cardio and abs High carb intake on weight lifting days and low carb intake on cardio days.