

  • I need new friends! :-)
  • I agree. And as you eat better you start to crave the bad stuff less. But for a foodie like me it's important to have balance or else I'll become so upset I'll binge in order to gain "foodie freedom". So for me I think at this point a cheat day is necessary. The good thing is I feel certain as I loss weight and get…
  • Interesting you included sushi in a treat meal. I've recently come to realize that sushi isn't as low in calories as I once suspected. Lol. And I love sushi!! :neutral_face: ... And wine...
  • Congrats on your weight loss!!! And I am definitely a social eater. I'm the person when you come to my house there is always food or I'm always willing to cook. I'm like a home chef. And I just love love food!
  • You're right. I log all my calories, good or bad. It allows me to hold myself accountable for what I put in my mouth and as you pointed out helps you pinpoint where you're going wrong.
  • I think that's a good concept. For me though I'm not sure that would work. Once I get a taste of a del taco 1/2 pounder nothing else will taste as appealing lol. But I have decided to let myself have one day, which is today. Pizza is in the oven. Lol
  • Yea I totally agree with @missiontofitness‌ as well!
  • Absolutely! Agreed! I think I can have much more flexibility once I become more active. Today will be day one of becoming active so that should allow me to be more flexible.
  • That is a very good plan!!!! I enjoy cooking at home and since becoming more serious about losing weight I've decided not to eat any fast food, which isn't too hard for me since I'm not a big fan of it. Thank you so much for the helpful tips!
  • I totally agree. I think you're right. Plus I honestly noticed I'm not so much craving the food but just wanting it because it comforts me. It's like part of my routine. Late at night, sit in bed and watch a few of my fav shows with some junk. Ok but what do you do at a party? Bring your own food? How do you eat well then?
  • I'm trying the same thing! Day 2 of a high protein diet and low carb. I really don't like meat, but I'm finding protein keeps you more satisfied. I don't get nearly as hungry I've found. Good luck!!!!
  • Agreed. That's not working for me either
  • Thanks!!! Yea taking it one day at a time. I'm glad to know everyone is supportive
  • Yea, I need a tutorial. Ok I'll look and see if you were able to add me. It's so hard!!! I actually don't like junk food. And you'll rarely find snack in my house. I dont eat cookies, cake or candy often at all. And I pretty much never drink soda. Love water and I try to cook healthy things to an extent. My problem is…
  • I'm new also! Trying to figure out how to add people because I would like support as well, and motivation to create healthier habits. I'm such a foodie!!! Lol