jintheusa Member


  • Hello! I have recently made the transition to a plant based diet.. I will add you :)
  • Any suggestions for a protein bar that tastes good?
  • Also download the forks over knives recipe app... really simple yummy meals on there!
    in Vegan Comment by jintheusa April 2016
  • I recently made the transition from a vegetarian diet to a plant based vegan diet.. Definitely start slow. I started by cutting out all meat/fish first, then eggs, then dairy.. cheese was the last thing to go. Hard to give up real cheese. But I do feel a lot better, my skin is more clear etc
    in Vegan Comment by jintheusa April 2016
  • I am also getting married in August and going to attempt to drop 25-30 lbs! Definitely need support, it will be a difficult journey for a pizza and Mexican food addict such as myself ;) Add me!!
  • Yessss the WINE!! I am trying really hard to just limit my consumption. Easier said than done after some stressful days at work :) I have been eating a lot healthier but have difficulty with portion control. Anyone add me!
  • Also a night shift RN! Please add me everyone, I have just recently started getting serious and need some support and people to keep me on track ;)
  • Wow!! Very impressive. What kind of exercise have you been doing? I could really learn from you. I am trying to lose the same amount for our wedding in August. Just started getting serious though and it's already so discouraging. Add me? :)
  • Add me too!!! Just starting need some encouragement and buddies :)
    in New!! Comment by jintheusa February 2015
  • Hi! I'm also getting married.. Our wedding is in August. I just stepped on the scale for the first time in a long time and was stunned by the amount I put on thanks to stress and medications. I am attempting to get down 30 lbs (anything more is unrealistic for me). I'd love some support as I am seriously struggling!!!