Need some positive...motivated friendly people!

I workout consistently but my eating sucks and i cant give up wine. Lol. Need motivation to stay on track and hoping to gain new ideas for eating and working out!


  • Hi. I am good at eating but need some fitness motivation. I also enjoy my wine
  • danielpagan34
    danielpagan34 Posts: 16 Member
    Stay positive make short term goals and as u reach them make bigger goals. Mind over matter
  • Renee0887
    Renee0887 Posts: 214 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a shift worker so you'll find me here at odd hours! ;D
  • aznfun1970
    aznfun1970 Posts: 20 Member
    I hear ya! The eating has always been my stumbling block! You can keep me on track too!
  • MiaLove03
    MiaLove03 Posts: 12 Member
    Sweets....huge downfall!!
  • michellem124
    michellem124 Posts: 8 Member
    Yep count me in too, have just posted much the same thing. How easy it is to put on the weight and difficult to loose it!!!
  • bride230514
    bride230514 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm the same I need motivation. Want to lose 2 stone by November.
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    add me. I have a problem with overeating. Really trying to bring it under control
  • bride230514
    bride230514 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me I'm new and need some motivating people
  • jintheusa
    jintheusa Posts: 13 Member
    Yessss the WINE!! I am trying really hard to just limit my consumption. Easier said than done after some stressful days at work :) I have been eating a lot healthier but have difficulty with portion control. Anyone add me!
  • Caudy76
    Caudy76 Posts: 1 Member
    There's nothing wrong with having a treat, just moderate it to the weekends as the carrot to get you through.

    As for eating have you seen the T25 Meal Plan? You don't have to follow it religiously, however the meal ideas are easy and really do tend to fill you. I've stopped snacking completely.

    This website will talk you through things and there's also a PDF link.

    If it helps just one person, then that's a start.
  • MiaLove03
    MiaLove03 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone! I no longer feel alone in this difficult sweet restriction torchure! Lol
  • suziemills1
    suziemills1 Posts: 8 Member
    God, I'm just the same and I'm a chef. I make cakes and yummy stuff all day and I'm getting so sick of rock melon! Haven't had wine tonight as workout with PT was so tough I felt too sick for a glass of vino!
  • donnawtm
    donnawtm Posts: 35 Member
    MiaLove03 wrote: »
    Sweets....huge downfall!!
    I'm with you on the sweets and the wine! Ooooo wine, is 11.15 too early for vino?