emmylootwo Member


  • Thanks!! Also, the more I think about it... 1700 calories a week is just too much to bank even for a caloric meal with my grandma. Haha. I think I'll spread them out some more. Thanks everyone!
  • Thank you! I feel pretty well right now but it's only been a few days. I will definitely watch my energy levels. This might not be a thing I do on a regular basis, because ~1700 calories is a lot to have banked!
  • Oh good to know! I'll look into the premium upgrade.
  • I started over (about 2 years ago and I'm only now starting... yeah, it's taken me that long to kick my butt in gear). My old account from 2010-2012 was very closely tied to my bulimia mindset. Seeing all my old 500 calories per day entries made me sad! Edit: Oh, and my friends sucked!! I remember one lady who reamed me…
  • Thanks! And just to clarify, I do eat exercise calories back at 1990? (Or a percentage I know, because a lot of these calculators including MFP's are not accurate)
  • Oh gosh, I do know how that is unfortunately! At the height of my ED, my skin turned grey, my hair fell out, my bones hurt all the time. I even lost my period for over a year. It was horrible being sick like that. So you're right, even if it ends up being a smaller deficit than I originally wanted, at least I'm not in…
  • Thanks for the link! I had been looking for a way to do that. MFP suggests 1990. That seems like a lot to me. I guess I'm having trouble figuring out what my best TDEE estimate would be considering I spent a vast majority of the day sitting (or lying down to sleep). MFP's suggestion would have my TDEE at 2990. That also…
  • Reverse dieting? As in gaining weight instead of losing it? Yeah. I have a lot of experience with it.
  • Okay, I have to ask and I'm not trying to be rude... what in the world is that thing in the second picture? It looks like a fried... male appendage.
  • Does this work? I'm on my phone so not sure! :)
  • Personally, I look back at the years of happiness and wellbeing that I lost when I was battling bulimia and try to move on that way. I don't want food guilt to take me down that road ever again. Don't let it take you either!
  • Have you thought about maybe using a peddler like this? You can use it with your arms while you watch tv or if you're ever feeling up to it, your legs too. :)
  • Just make sure you are accurately logging your calories (I.e. With a food scale and not measuring spoons). A 250 calorie deficit can be easily wiped out due to inaccuracies in logging, especially if you eat any high calorie foods like peanut butter or avocado. (Not saying these foods are bad, just an accidental extra…
  • What about Chick-fil-A? Grilled chicken sandwich with chicken noodle soup or fruit instead of fries. Or just a large chicken noodle soup because man I'm obsessed with theirs.
  • Turkey white bean pumpkin chili. Really good! I made mine on the stove instead of crockpot because I was impatient. ;) https://www.skinnytaste.com/crockpot-turkey-white-bean-pumpkin/
  • I don't know why but something got majorly lost in translation! I regret not checking this thread sooner to clear things up... Sorry about that 1.) I had a little virus or something this week and ate an average of 800 calories a day for three days because I was feeling ill. I do not normally eat 800 calories a day! I weigh…
  • Thank you. It's just so disheartening to work so hard and step on the scale one day only to feel like you've ruined everything and don't understand how or why. I guess it upsets me more knowing that Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I had plans of going over my calorie limit and just enjoying the holiday. Now I don't know if I…
  • ??? I had a stomach bug this week. I used to struggle with bulimia several years ago, but am healthy (except for excess weight) now.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt5sCDgggWs One of my favorite youtubers emmymadeinjapan has reviewed the Beyond Burger. She's pretty great at explaining what foods taste like and what textures they have. Just wanted to share in case you're interested in seeing the meat and whatnot.
  • It doesn't matter. I personally just count my day as starting when I wake up and ending when I go to bed. Sometimes I'm up from 2pm to 7am, other times I'm up from 8am to 10pm. Whatever. Body doesn't know a difference.
  • I haven't seen it around here, but if you're into other vegetable swaps, I know some publix stores have started selling pre-cut zucchini, yellow squash, and sweet potato noodles. Also, you may find riced cauliflower and/or broccoli in the freezer section. Oh! And a good tip for cutting the spaghetti squash (because holy…
  • Or more like 600-900 calories? Yikes.
  • Oh I know. I had half an avocado and weighed it out at 55g. I was just expecting it to be in the 150cal range because I was thinking of the wrong type of avocado!
  • Thank you all. Some of the entries were suggesting anywhere from 60 - 129 calories and they were all "verified" raw entries. I thought the USDA would be the best but even then 88 calories seemed so low to me! Now that I think about, maybe I was thinking 300~ for one of those big Florida avocados, not a hass.
  • Oh my god you have got to be kidding me.
  • I'm with the others. Get it altered. :) But I might also try something like Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred and be extra careful with your diet (ie weigh everything!). EDIT: I will say that the 30DS that I recommended as an example is only 30 minutes long each day. It probably wouldn't be too hard to fit into your day,…
  • Ugh, I hate that show. Every one that I've watched has been all about making the "super sized" people feel like absolute *kitten*. There's always that moment where the "super sized" contestant is thinking he or she would really love to have the body of the "super skinny" contestant, but the "super skinny" person is all…
  • Sooo your doc wants you to starve to death. Okay, got it. See a dietician or nutritionist. My dad is a doctor and will freely admit that he isn't an expert in nutrition -- many doctors aren't.
  • As a former bulimic, I hate that my mind immediately jumps to "God I wish I had one." Sigh... As a rational person, I think it's pretty terrible. Still not as terrible as that torture device that I remember being advertised at my orthodontist's office as a kid. They would literally wire your jaw shut so that you had to eat…