mary251 Member


  • I like Firefly or Mangajo iced teas here in the UK, but I'm not sure if they're available elsewhere in the world. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Hope you find something :smile:
  • Exercise is really good for menstrual cramps, so going for a walk or getting some other form of exercise is really beneficial. Allow yourself a treat, but don't overdo it. If you crave ice cream, say, have one scoop of low fat ice cream a day and no more. If it's chocolate, have a fun size bar. Remember to eat lots of…
  • Breakfast smoothies are the easiest way to up your fibre intake. They're also really quick and easy to make. I've not had as many recently, but when I have them, I make them the night before so that I can just grab it out of the fridge and go. The best bit is that you can change it up so often that it's really hard to get…
  • When you click on the "complete this entry" button right after logging dinner so that you're not tempted to snack in the evening. (I'm too embarrassed to add a snack after I've finished logging for the day, and refuse to cheat, so it's cut out my evening nibbles entirely!)
  • Hi. I also have fibromyalgia. I'm trying to lose weight and get fitter in the hope that it will help me keep my pain in check so my partner and I can try for a baby without having to risk taking meds during the pregnancy. Im just starting to diet and exercise lightly again after a series of flares, so if you fancy teaming…