kat02092015 Member


  • Anybody know how to get this group active again? I think there are MANY of us out there that need to find reliable support again!
  • I do protein shakes a lot too. It really helps curb the cravings. And MFP is what has helped keep me in line. I usually have my phone close for logging my food. I'm not a perfect dieter but I just keep going. Quitting is not an option this time! Kathy (IL)
  • Hi there, I'm 64 and have been on MFP for over a year. If anyone needs some extra support I'm open to emailing or texting if you need daily support. Kathy (IL)
  • Happy Fathers Day weekend! I hope everyone is having a great day spending time with their loved ones. Time for a hug for those you have close to you and a prayer to those you love who have passed.
  • Thanks Carey!!!
  • I have been struggling since the holidays were over and still haven't lost quite all I gained through those months. And besides that I still had more weight to lose. If anyone wants a buddy to try and keep each other on track with their eating message me. Kat in Illinois
  • I was going back to a couple of posts to be sure all the post posted this time. I read this one and my first thought was ... "When did I become Irish?" Lmao
  • Carol in NC... Your symptoms are like mine. Profuse sweating, shaky, woozy feeling, weak in the legs and if it's horrible I feel like passing out. All those were my symptoms of hypoglycemic attacks. Took awhile to figure out what was going on. And one weird thing is I get blinding white spots in my vision before the…
  • Karen in Virginia p.s. to whoever was losing part of their posts that happens to me when I add an emoticon from my Edit feature, but not if I use their emoticons. I don't get it... Good to know Karen, thanks! Kat in Illinois
  • Lenora - thanks for the info about the posting process. I will try and see how it goes. I'm usually on my phone or iPad so all this is new to me. You know the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? Well let's hope that's not the case. LOL
  • Is there any kind of "how to" articles on using all the parts of MFP? I get so confused on how to work everything. I can log my calories and that's about all I know. I come across a million things that I have no idea how to use or what things mean or what people are talking about. I am feeling so techie challenged right…
  • Linda in Iowa ... I will hold me head up without shame and admit to being a Bachelorette and Bachelor fan. And I think Bachelor in Paradise is back this summer. ABC Monday's is me drama night! :)
  • Why does my post keep getting chopped off? What am I doing wrong?
  • Stupid NBA games. The Bachelorette wasn't on tonight. Yes, I'm a Bachelorette and Bachelor fan (don't judge me
  • Wow Anne, small world!!! I'll bet you're not that far from me in Springfield even being in Wisconsin if you're in the southeast part. Nice to know we find connections with gals who are in this group in all kinds of ways. So glad to meet you Anne!
  • Linda in Iowa... I live in Springfield, Illinois. I grew up in a rural area very close to the Mississippi. The old stomping ground was Burlington which I have relation there. My brother lives in Muscatine. You're a fellow midwestern girl for sure! Kat in Illinois
  • Anybody have any ideas on what to eat when you are a hot bread lover? There has to be something out there that tastes good and is healthy. I'm talking hot loaves or crusty rolls... not sliced sandwich bread. Kat in Illinois
  • Ok Lenora, I have to ask.... Where did the GRITSandSLUTS name come from? I'll say it's unique! LOL Kat in Illinois
  • Could you be anemic? That would make you feel tired and worn out. Kat in Illinois Could you be anemic?
  • Thanks Glo, I'll give then a try! Oops... Remember I'm a newbie... Thanks janetr!
  • Is Pure a brand name? I have tried so many different protein bars and haven't liked many. Most of the time I'd rather eat the wrapper than the bar. The ones I do like seem to be high in sugar. What flavors do you find taste the best? Kat in Illinois
  • Thanks Barbie. Been trying to get myself in line. I feel like I've been struggling since the first of the year. I also am a night person. After supper snacking is a big problem for me. During the day is good and then I can completely blow it between 9:00 and midnight. Still working on how to get a handle on that. Some…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. It will take some time but as I read the posts I'm sure I'll get a better understanding of who everyone is. My name is Kathy but some of my friends call me Kat. I live in Illinois. I was never the skinny girl but my overeating problems really started after marrying and having kids.…
  • Thanks! I'm glad there are people who are kind enough to help me. Not sure how all this works but trying to learn.
  • I'm new to "community". How do I find this group without looking all over the place when I log on?
  • I'm from Illinois and joined February of last year. I've lost 45 lbs. but this last 20 lbs. I need to lose is really testing my patience. Up down, up down, up down... I know I can't give up or I'll be back to that yo-yo syndrome and I don't want to have to lose this weight all over again. I'm sure you can all relate. As…
  • How do I join the 50 + group?
  • Hi, I'm Kathy, 64 and retired. Anyone from the midwest? Someone responded to me about a week ago and somehow I lost her post. Looking to see who needs support besides myself.
  • I also had my RNY in 2003. The farther away from the surgery, the harder it seems to be for me. Im trying to recommit to protein shakes, complex carbs, lean protein, non-starchy vegetables etc. I don't think you can have too much support. Sometimes I need to be talked out of something while waiting for the urge to pass. We…
  • Hi there! I also was looking to see If there's much activity in this group. It always helps to have some support rather than trying to lose weight all on your own. Drop me a line if you'd like a buddy!