
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Hidee Ho again ladies~
    I am sitting on the porch ,listening to Pandora and have a nice fan with a breeze on me. and who showed up but the hubster and Homer ... came for a nice visit stayed for about 1/2 hr and off they went.. but I do truly miss being in my own home with my 3 men...
    No grocery shopping this week, he just paid the mortgage ,but I will go next week so that he will have stuff for when I am gone..
    Faith is in doing her needlepoint.. even though she is getting wifty she is amazing at that stuff...
  • sandsearch
    sandsearch Posts: 1 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    Welcome to a wonderful supportive community of women. The name of the thread is Women Ages 50+ but all women are welcome.

    Some of us have been posting on this thread for awhile and others are new.

    Please join us on the journey to health, weight loss, and fitness.

    If you made any goals or resolutions for May, how did you do?

    If you have made any goals or resolutions for June, please share them with us.

    Don't forget to click on the star outline at the top to bookmark this thread so you can find us again.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    Resolutions for May (with end of the month comments)
    *weight training twice a week (great at the beginning of the month, not so good at the end)
    *30+ minutes of garden puttering three days a week (great)
    *daily meditation--gradually increasing time (great---up to nine minutes)
    *continue sorting and discarding photos (almost daily with great progress up to 1964)

    June Resolutions will be the same as May

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    Sorting photos? A woman after my own heart! I have case boxes full and it would make me feel so good to whittle them down! What are you doing with the ones you're saving?
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well my middle son sent us funds. He is such a considerate son, and caring. I had to call the bank to see which son had sent it. Earlier this month my eldest son had sent us money. To not worry about making ends meet this month, is such a comfort. To even treat ourselves is even better!

    Tomorrow think of me. I will try not to worry about youngest son off in Portland doing the MEPS (Military Entry Processing Station) staying overnight, and then on Monday standing around in his skivvies! To top it off today I talked (whispered to him actually) about going thru my blank card section and finding a Fathers Day card for tomorrow. He was looking at me like I just told him to fly to the moon using his pinkies..... Why is it so hard to put feelings down on a card for sons?? He is whispering, "I don't know what to write". I told him, "write what you feel about your father...". I said, "this isn't rocket science son". Finally I just said, "google it". *Long sigh*. I feel guilty, so many hugs are in his future today... I am just stressing.

    Yesterday I rec'd many things from the food bank. A huge bag of granola, asparagus, a small head of cabbage, a whole chicken, some hot dogs and buns, a cake mix, some pastries, granola bars, and much more. I was blessed, and it will help out for the rest of the month. I always give a hug to the lady that is my "shopping assistant". The Saint Vincent de Paul center in Gearhart, Oregon makes the food bank seem like a grocery store, and they have assistants that give you one of this or that. It's not just getting a box of food, (some that you would've rather not taken), and the people there give you dignity, and not make you feel embarrassed. Many people I have talked to shy away, even if they qualify for a food bank because they are proud people and just don't accept hand outs. I think my husband has earned the right to qualify for this service, because he has served his country. I have no guilt. Plus I have made friends there, so its like a meeting place.

    So as I was turning into the strip mall where the Saint Vincent de Paul center is, I am in the left lane, next to the double yellow line that separates the other two oncoming lanes of traffic. I had clicked on my turn signal a bit earlier, and had stopped to wait to turn. Two cars were caught behind me, not able to get in the right hand lane, so one (or both) had honked at me. Sheesh!! I will not turn into oncoming traffic if I am not safe, darn it! Some people are so impatient.

    Everyone have a great Saturday!

    Posting a pic of my father....Happy Fathers Day (early but maybe there is a time difference in Heaven.. )


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin- 3hrs, 101ar, 46aw, 5-6g, 150mhr, 34.1mi = 1158cal

    5.1mi to go. goal is 400

    currently 8th overall (as far as miles ridden) in WA state, 2nd female,
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Happy Fathers Day weekend! I hope everyone is having a great day spending time with their loved ones. Time for a hug for those you have close to you and a prayer to those you love who have passed.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    edited June 2016
    Janetr – my heart goes out to your family

    Becca and Joyce– you girls are amazing! Dealing with the DH’s medical issues is huge! I’m squeamish about even the tiniest medical things..

    Alison – Love the background on your work, and since you do not have the “paper work” the education to support what you do, I get why you don’t just change dentists offices many place seem to value the “paper work” over the skills… He sounds weird! And if he is that way in front of clients, then I do think the owner needs to know as maybe not immediately but in time that will affect the patients and then the business overall.. And the owner sounds like he wants a thriving business.

    Lisa – well it is 1pm in CA so your sale is over and I am sure it went well. Has DH given notice? Just thinking it might seem weird to be taking furniture out if they don’t know he’s on the way out…

    Heather – I’m sad for you, this has been a great holiday a bit eager though that when you have good internet we’ll see some more pic…

    Karen - Here in CA the home schooling network is well developed also and much of it has a religious bend - but I was doing some research for a friend thinking about moving here and home schooling and what I was impressed with was how those not of the religious mind set, banded together a bit. So it seems you have to be in the community to find your niche.

    Taking a break from the shopping and packing for camp – it is just 2 miles from home but I have to provide everything (they provide the gas, electric, water and the fixtures (stove..fridge….) So I have to be well organized – all the food, pots, pans, dishsoap… all of it.. For the shopping, I make the recipe booklet up then make a list of EVERYTHING all the recipes need, then go though my supplies and pull out and pack what I have – then make the list to shop from, I thought you might get a kick out of a little window into my shopping list: 113 cups all purpose flour, 1 orange, 16 cups powdered sugar, 1 can canned pumpkin, 51 eggs, 23 cups butter, 3 cups grated cheddar cheese, 5 cups rice chex, 5 teaspoons baking soda…. There is a whole page of little print, 2 columns of items… then on the flip side is the things I need for lunches and dinners… My crazy world.

    Just an FYI I buy flour and sugar in 25lb bags....

    So it turns out that the interview on Thursday has been moved to Monday – some how they thought when I said after camp they were thinking 3pm; so I said I could not be there until 6pm and suddenly the next week opened up and my interview is Monday 27th at 2pm… that will be better, I would have been exhausted after a day of camp.

    June Goals
    1 fun thing a week, graduation, visiting with Vickie, working in Eden garden,
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday


    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, good luck with getting around town for Jake's surgery. How is he feeling about surgery, being down, having you driving.

    I am ready to throw this recliner down the stairs although i know I can't. It is heavy., hard even to move. The living room is small. It used to be pretty good with a love seat and couch, small entertainment center on an angle with a recliner sitting beside it against the wall that was where the stairs that go downstairs. we put the recliner there because the reclining mechanism was broke and it wouldn't lock in place. So Michelle brought this BIG recliner up from his man cave. He really doesn't need it anymore, he just enjoys it. He hates it when i accidently 'hit' him with my body as I am trying to get around him to go to the bathroom, kitchen, outside, well wherever. But it is next to impossible to avoid him. I am ready for the chair to go downstairs. And if he goes with the chair then so be it. He has the remotes on this little table on his right side. I am on the couch on the left. He goes to sleep and I can't get to the remotes. I hate Fox news that eh can watch 24/7. Yes, news is needed but not 24/7.

    Allie, you have gotten good advice. You need to confront this man. Also I agree with whoever said it that you are being bullied from home and work and it is so hard on you. Maybe you need to book an appointment time to be in the chair under a different name and have one of the other girls be listed on the schedule as the assistant.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • laoighse
    laoighse Posts: 22 Member
    Dear Ladies, I'm still trying to find my feet here, getting all the names and situations mixed up! I had a nice day, went to a knitting event and won a prize. Dinner out which makes me a bit nervous but I had no fries, bowl of steamed vegetables instead with salmon. At the knitting there was so much cake. I just had a little carrot and hummus from my lunchbox. It's like my security blanket, I can't leave home without my healthy snacks.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    I will not let Dr Sortito work on me whatsoever...he started a bridge on me and he kept getting up and walking out of the room, went to the manager in tears and told her I was not in his schedule and I wanted Dr Ho to do work.. he finally came in and I assisted him on my own mouth.
    it is cooling off out here on the porch and I am relaxing with a glass of wine.. Alison Krauss on Pandora now....will water flowers before I go in for the night,but I plan on staying out for quite awhile
    Joyce~ Next time Michelle comes, move all that back downstairs and Charlie can go back down there.. lord knows you do need some peace, and I cant stand watching news shows so I am with you ;)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Joyce I am thinking Michelle could be enlisted to return the big recliner to the mancave to release you from your trap. It reminds me for some reason of when I had 4 large cats who would arrange themselves on and around me no matter where I was, on my recliner, in the bed, wherever, and I would be like Gulliver tethered down and unable to move. 70lbs of cat. They have all gone on to kitty heaven.
    I love the advice to Allie. Very creative thinking!

    Kim Your camping list is intriguing. Such odd amounts. 1 orange for example. I was fascinated! :)

    Concerning the home schooling info, that is an encouraging bit of information. I already do know one like-minded brilliant progressive mom who is successfully home schooling her son. I passed the info on to my daughter-in-law who was appreciative. It turns out that the home schooler referenced is married to a musician who likes and plays the same kind of music my son does, so it would be a good match, with common ground already established, if my son comes around to the idea of looking at home schooling. My son is a good person but is somewhat rigid in his thinking. It's lucky he loves his wife & children beyond measure which makes up for the angst he causes them by being a horse's patootie.

    Pip! You're there! 5 miles to go. I think I shall make another contribution to your campaign in honor of little Superman.

    Becca We took advantage of free lunches from school for a few years. I should have applied for food stamps, too. Those days are past, and I was fortunate enough to be able to give my mom a chunk of money when she needed it in her later years. It feels really good to give money to your parents, so your boys are lucky to have this opportunity to do it.

    I love the photo of your dad and sisters. Are you on the right in the pink & white striped skirt? Lovely.

    Allie Pandora and breeze sound so lovely! I reread my post from this morning and it sounds a little overboard to me so I am apologizing to you for trying to tell you what to do. I hope you have a nice weekend!

    NYKaren What a relief for you, your husband, and your daughter! I am sure she is relieved and a little bit unsettled by the decision you & your husband have made about not bailing her out. She is in a safe place to practice being an adult. That's a big gift you gave her.

    :) MightyLoLo :)

    We trimmed the Zoysia back from the curb and used the chunks to fill in some bare spots. Then planted Lantana which I do so love. Wrists & hands are talking to me. Then, since I worked until very late last night and was too wired to sleep well, I took a long nap. And now I feel great! Grandkids are at their Nana & Poppy's house celebrating Poppy's birthday and Father's Day.

    Just hanging out now in my post-nap state of bliss. It's a good day.

    Missing Vicki from Grand Island.

    Karen from Virginiaxr2ev4qaj64h.jpg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    edited June 2016
    ketonekaren- thank u so much for your support., my heart, sore legs, and sore *kitten* also thank you
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    sandsearch wrote: »

    Sorting photos? A woman after my own heart! I have case boxes full and it would make me feel so good to whittle them down! What are you doing with the ones you're saving?

    :) I'm sorting photos based on the suggestion from marie kondo to pick up each item and ask if it "sparks joy" and if not, then I'm discarding it. Right now I am collecting the photos that bring me joy and keeping them in a box marked "keeper photos". I am resisting the impulse to jump to the end of the journey and making a plan for what to do with them, until I've done the hard emotional job of discarding. I don't have children so I don't have to be caught in the trap of wondering if I should save any photos for my children.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi all! Had a lovely last night. DH surprised me by having preordered champagne for our last meal. How lovely!
    All the suitcases have disappeared, my clock has gone back an hour and my alarm is set for 6.30.

    Much love, Heather, soon to be back in the UK.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    In the future what I would love to do is scan all the photos I have onto a USB,and give the paper ones to my brother.that way I will have all that I want to take with me to Florida,and not all the boxes to take with..I have also picked the few antiques that I will take ,my brother has first dibs and then the rest estate sale..now mind you this isn't for a few years.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2016
    Barbiecat~ I went thru my photos a while ago, and "returned" photos sent to me from other branches of my family. Cousins kids school photos etc. I then made a photo book for eldest son from birth to then, to give to him. I am going to try to do that for middle son this summer for his Christmas gift. I also have many important papers and letters from different members of my family that I keep in a book that has plastic clear pages in it.

    I am hoping to go thru my apartment this next year and give to people my treasures because if we travel in an RV there won't be room. My thoughts is that my trinkets need to travel to people that will appreciate them. So this month I took my favorite shell, a huge white clamshell, and put in it one of my favorite necklaces made by a friend of mind. It's all different beads and it has tassels on each end with small beads. That way you can loop it around your neck or just hang it single. I decided it needed to travel to my eldest sisters girl, my niece, birthday this month. It makes me feel good to pass on stuff. Like a bit of myself is traveling.

    Well we are going to watch a movie at a theater tonight. It's been years since I have done that! It's the movie called "Central Intelligence" with The Rock and that comedian. Should be fun! Laters all!