

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    I've been off plan since May and now starting again. I've done strength training twice a week with a trainer, and I took my first yoga class this week. Was a private lesson... thank goodness! I'm feel like I look too large for yoga. DH has done yoga for years and really wants me to start. This is a new week and I'm planning to stick w my eating plan this week. Wish me luck!

    Just curious, how much time do most of you spend on this message board each day? Sometimes I sit down to log my food for the day, and when I visit the message board it looks like so much to read. I tell myself I'll come back to it and then get busy. Do you do a little bit throughout the day, or one longer session once a day? Any tips?

    :) I read this thread every morning while I eat my breakfast....I plan my food for the day but often don't post it in the food log until later.....I stop by the thread again later to see what's going on.....connecting with like minded women keeps me focused on my goals so this thread has a high priority in my day.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    tamyena wrote: »
    I would love to join y'all, if I still may, please? I've been here for like 3 plus weeks now and I record everything I eat, even weigh and measure it all, and record all my exercise. I am on disability due to many past health issues and injuries, so I have found the pool to be my bestest friend!! I am able to do laps, aerobic exercises and aquatics class. I have been going 5-6 days a week, work for the 6 days if at all possible, but, sometimes real life interrupts me. Anyways, so far, I have lost 8 pounds since I joined MFP. Taking me a bit to find everything and learn what all I can do on here. But, I love to be supportive and could sure use any advice and support as well. :)

    If you read this thread every day and join in the conversation you'll find that you are part of the community in no time....we support each other. My main exercise is walking my dogs and I'll be getting my coat on in a few minutes (after I meditate) and walking one of them, then coming back for the other one.

    :smile: Barbie
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    edited June 2016
    Michele NC: Love the caterpillar! Both of your pieces are cute but the caterpillar really strikes my fancy.

    Bought a new La-z-boy yesterday :) I've been looking for a recliner my size for the past year. I thought I'd found one at Sears and then discovered that I couldn't get the color I wanted and I would have to wait 6 - 8 weeks for a custom one and then still couldn't get a color that would work at a reasonable price. I would have had to buy a complete leather one and that added about $1000 to the price. I think I shopped every furniture store multiple times before finding this one. It has separate power settings for headrest, lumbar, legs and back and is in a neutral darker brown. Very comfy! So I changed all my living room furniture around yesterday - lots of fun with a hamstring injury. :) DS#1 was my assistant - I could not have done it without him.

    Have a wonderful day friends,

    Carey - Northern Alberta
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 293 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Here are some pics of the turtles I made. I'll hopefully remember to post the pic of the mermaid tonight since I won't pick it up until later today


    Wow! Reminds me of Eric Carle.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary from MN: So far the vinegar treatment is a success. I'll see how it goes today and keep going unless I run into trouble. Thanks for your support! :bigsmile:

    tameyena: Welcome! :smliey:

    Gloria: My dad used to dip his finger in whiskey and rub it on my gums back in the day. I did the same for both of my kids but we didn't put it on the pacifiers. Those were just washed in clear water frequently. I couldn't get the youtube link to open. :ohwell:

    Lisa: The mirror is wonderful! :star:

    Michele: Your painted creatures are charming. You seem to be really good at painting them. :smile:

    Becca: I'm thinking of you & your trip in to OHSU. I hope you slip though at a time when traffic is not horrible.

    We had an invitation from our new next-door neighbors for a glass of champagne yesterday. They provided a lovely treat, and the champagne was actually French in a lovely decorative bottle. I was impressed. I took them a little outdoor planter with bright sun loving plants. I originally bought an orchid for them, and realized at once that I couldn't part with it so I stopped & found the cheery outdoor pot. They had already bought an orchid on their own, and their color choice was very different than mine. I'm happy with the choice I made for them and don't feel guilty about keeping the orchid. I have two items on my agenda at the moment. One of them is yoga and the other is vacuuming the house. It NEEDS a good cleaning!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :)Michele, your turtles are fabulous...you do great work and choose great colors
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    tamyena - Welcome! Tell us a little more about yourself and let us know what you want to be called.

    Lisabridwell - I have to admit that I don't have a good system for keeping up with these ladies. Some days I just try to catch up in the evening and some days I check in periodically throughout the day. Just depends on how busy my day is. Sometimes I miss a few days and then I have to either skip or skim many of the posts. I think each person has to figure out what works best for them.

    Thinking about all the victims and their friends/family in Orlando today. As a nation, we want to immediately start to question how we could have prevented this tragedy or how we can prevent something similar in the future. But I say, there is time for that later. Today, let us just take a few moments to be still and grieve. It does not matter the victims sexual orientation (or race or age or weight). They were innocent victims who have friends and family who loved them and they will be missed. My heart goes out to the victims and those who love them.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Drkatiebug –We have both a rural mailbox and a post office box at the USPO. Some things get sent to PO, such as medication and checks. Our mail carrier recently bought a car with a steering wheel on what is normally the passenger side. I am surprised we have not been required to change our mailbox. We were told several years ago, that regardless of where our mail was delivered, we had to have one with the address/street number on it for the EMT’s use. I’m surprised they have not told us that our DOS’s and ours could not be put side-by-side (for the same reasons) so they can tell that we 'share' a driveway. At least your pole was tall enough to compensate for having to move it. Nice mailbox.

    My DH had to wear a ‘urine’ bag (between his legs) after a surgical procedure and he *kitten* about it the entire time. His father wore a ‘urine’ bag all the time and it made him a ‘hermit’ because he never knew when it would leak.

    I love your Tibetan proverb.

    Michele in NC – Yeah, when I look at it in days, it does not seem as long than when I look at it in months.

    I’m hoping for no more seizures and was happy when Neurologist upped my Lamictal instead of the Dilantin because it has less side effects. I still HATE having to depend on someone else having to drive me. But, maybe this will get my DMGD the incentive to get her Learner’s License of get her parents to make her do so. She probably would not want to drive ‘in town’ though

    Linda/IA – We won’t tell your kids; but, they probably do the same. We had 2 bootleggers where I grew up.

    Don’t know if they sold anything stronger than beer. Liquor store in Macon would sell anything to anybody so long as the person could reach the counter and put money up on it. In other words, you could be ‘knee walking, commode hugging’ drunk and they’d still give you liquor for money.

    Sons had a friend who was extremely ‘hairy’ and because of this he looked a little older; so he was a source of beer for a lot of the boys. Unfortunately, including mine. But, they would stay ‘put’ rather than drink and drive.

    The worst thing that ever happened was the local TV station reported a teenager in a black Jeep had been killed about 5 blocks from our house. They kept zooming in on the tag. Thankfully, it was not him; but, I felt bad for the parents. Never learned who it was. But, I did call the station and reamed them out about showing the tag; we did not know our son’s tag number; but that would have been horrible to find it out that way. After that they started ‘fuzzing’ them out. That's how my sons and DH found out about our granddaughter being killed, in Atlanta, including the fact that the 2nd ambulance arrive, it hit the first one as they were putting her into it. I was 'out-of-town' for being trained for my job in Savannah and my husband and I had always agreed that the person that went out of town would be the one who called the one at home. When I came back to the room and saw the red light blinking on the telephone, I knew something had happened. When I called home, I could tell that DH had been crying. My first remark was, 'please tell me that our boys are OK'. He said, they're fine; but GD had been killed. I went down to the room of the other secretary and cried and cried and told her that she needed to tell me why I was not going to be there. Then I had to go get my MnL; and, my FnL came to the door and the first thing he said was, "DON'T cry!" But, did cry when MnL got into the car (because she was torn up about it).

    I then got sent to San Antonio for my 'training' a few months later. Such a beautiful city. Was right across from The Alamo. I never 'knew' it was right downtown. Really enjoyed the River Walk.

    Dawn – I never eat my calories back either; but, I still try to stay within my ‘caloric intake’.

    Becca – My DYS will eat ‘cold’ pizza the day after we buy it, says it is better than when it is hot. Now me, I have to warm it up. Thankfully DOS and DDnL#2 gave us a ‘toaster oven’ for Christmas. DDnL#1 quit her job one week ago, this past Thursday. DOS had been trying to get her to quit because she’d always have a ‘migraine’ when she came home and would be so upset about what had gone on during the day. I think the ‘breaking straw’ was when she went in for boss to ‘ok’ an order that the salesman had ‘asked her to do so’; he said that EVERYONE was ‘bitching’ that day. She took it personally since she is the only one there that is a ‘female’; got upset and asked if she could take ‘lunch hour’ at that time; he said ‘NO’! She told him she NEEDED to take it then. Then he told her ‘if you want out that door, don’t come back’. She did, and she hasn’t. The following Monday she had another job; but, did not like it because it was way out in the boonies, and everybody ‘smoked’. Friend of DOS said the man had a ‘terrible’ reputation, and he would not let HIIS wife work for him (if he had one). She left it when she got there and nobody was there to let her in. Yesterday, she came down to finish some of the paperwork that she needed her SS card for to try to get 'unemployment insurance payments; in a horrible mood. I told her that she needed to ‘write down exactly what had happened that day because I am sure he will ‘fight’ her on this and she might not get it'. She’s been applying for jobs, took her resume to one of the places, who told her that she was the only person who had come up and handed them her resume; but, they still had to put it in the paper; but, would keep her resume ‘on top of the list’. She’s been offered a job; but at a greatly reduced starting salary that the one she left. Told her that she could not expect to start off earning enough to ‘clear’ that coming into a new job; but, that I would ‘flip burgers’ before I went back to it. I think she and DOS had had a small argument over needing the 2nd income.

    Lisabridwell – For me, I check it twice a day; right after posting breakfast and dinner. I usually stay on it 20-30 minutes. And anything under 100 post (or 3 pages) is hopefully my limit of having to read pages of posts. MFP will take you back to your last post; sometimes I will scroll back to see if any ‘new’ postings have been posted since I last posted; but, only less than 10. If I can keep it under 3 pages, I can usually keep up. But, don’t post until you get to the last page, or else a lot of us won’t see it. I open up a page in my word processing application and minimize both and put them side-by-side; because you cannot go back past the page you’re on without saving it first. If you do, you have to hit the black gear that will drop down and give you an hour to ‘edit’ it.

    Tamyena – Working out in the pool is my best exercise. It is finally warm (water) enough to get in it without freezing body parts off.

    Gloria – I’m the one who could not pick up the 40lb. bag of potting soil Sorry you badly strained your bicep.

    Lisa – Love the mirror!

    Karen in Virginia – My nephew had/has ‘dysgraphia’ – NOT to be confused with ‘dyslexics’. My sister had a hard time dealing with this. She would study spelling words with him, he ‘knew’ how to spell; but, when he got to school … he could not ‘write’ them. They live in Miami, he was in a private school. They finally got him into a ‘preforming arts school’ and he did very well. He could remember every person’s line in a play. He could be a ‘stand in’ at the last moment.

    CJ – love the characters. Very colorful.

    Carey – Northern Alberta – Both my husband and I are (now) under 5’5”; so find any chair that ‘fits’ us (comfortably) is difficult for us to find. Can’t stand those that have the top that us puffed out, like a lot of recliners and sofa sets. My FB has a couple of rocker, swivel, recliners that fit both of us very comfortably; but I know she spent (easily) $3000 each. Finally found a sofa (we haven’t bought it) that fits seat, front to back, that doesn’t make it so that our feet won’t reach the floor. One that I like and would like to buy is actually a sofa bed. Before I buy it I’d want the store to let it out to make sure the bed is comfortable first. And it was under $2000. Actually, I’d like to have our club chairs and sofa recovered if I could find material that would go with our furniture; but, only if the upholster would put a padded board across the front of it so the springs would not give. My DSY ‘plops’ down on them, so we’ve had to put something under the cushion so we don’t feel like we are sitting in a hole. No telling what it will cost to have them recovered. We know that they ‘fit’ us.

    Sad news in Orlando, so many died uselessly; so many were injured as well. Mixed emotions about ‘gun laws’.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
    lisa- I love that mirror! Very nice of your sister to give it to you.

    Michele - that inchworm is very cute! I love the turtles too. We can't wait to see how your mermaid turned out.

    Katla - I am so happy that the vinegar is working for you. Using that and watching your diet will really help. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gerd/basics/lifestyle-home-remedies/con-20025201 this is some information on how to avoid acid reflux.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    Morning peeps - starting to feel the knee and hamstring:0(
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lisa ~ As others have said...love the mirror. I have a shabby chic one hanging over the towel bar in my bath and love it too.

    Michelle ~ Your ceramics are very colorful and I know will be cute in your pool area.

    Carey ~ The sofa in our den is about 45 yrs old. It was originally my DH's parents and we have just hung on to it until we find something we like better. We have leather recliners and, as Lenora said, I hate the ones that have the puffed backs cause I am so short they are uncomfortable. My DH wants a leather one but I think we have enough leather (3 leather recliners). Your recliner sounds phenomenal.

    Hot and humid here! Watered the grass early and walked the Pom. Too hot for him to be outside.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Home Sweet Home!

    Finally made it back to the homestead late last nite after 11 days of travel, packing, unpacking, settling in of 2 very happy children. Both of our kids love their respective new apartments and locations. Our son moved closer to downtown Chicago so he could walk to work and be nearer a grocery store so he could stop ordering in all the time. He is nursing some blisters he said but that has not deterred him from walking to work every day. So good for him health wise. And he is eating fresh fruit and veggies regularly now! Our daughter relocated from Chicago to Midlolthian, VA. She is over the moon happy! So much more space in her 2 bed apt for her and her 2 kitties. She is also a hop skip and a jump away from her 2 older cousins and their families. She is doing great with her driving again as she hadn't driven in many years. Like getting back on a bicycle I told her. She also had the opportunity to meet Karen and was overjoyed at Karen's request to consider her a back-up mom! Cannot wait to go back in "vacation" mode and visit her, family and Karen!!!

    Don't know that I will go back and read ALL YOUR posts but please know that I thought of all of you! Have some unpacking to do!

    Prayers to all in need, kudos to all with accomplishments to celebrate, blessing to everyone for being on this journey called life!

    back home in NE oHIo

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hello to all from steamy Omaha. We had an internet issue for several days, which was just enough time for me to get out of the habit of coming here nearly-daily. Then I took a little break from everything, and didn't get on the computer at all. But now I'm back and hoping to make this a habit again. I remember when I was here several times a day! Well I'll try for that again. Take care all. Meg
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    To answer the question about how long do we spend on this site: I can keep up best when I read every single time I come on to log my food, so about three times a day for however long it takes to read and reply. When that doesn't happen and the posts pile up, or I don't have time, I just skim and rely on those who comment to inform me of some of the things I miss by skimming.

    I don't think I could keep up if I was still working.

    My heart is breaking and my mind is reeling from the violence in Orlando - first Christina Grimmie and then the nightclub, seemingly unrelated.

    Good walk and workout this morning. I go back to the orthopedic clinic for a knee recheck this afternoon. Y'all take care.

    Kay from NEGA.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    To answer the question about how long do we spend on this site: I can keep up best when I read every single time I come on to log my food, so about three times a day for however long it takes to read and reply. When that doesn't happen and the posts pile up, or I don't have time, I just skim and rely on those who comment to inform me of some of the things I miss by skimming.
    Kay from NEGA.

    I do something very similar to Kay. It's a plan that works for me in keeping up with the lives of the wonderful women on the site!

    NE oHIo
  • sarahjsmythe1
    sarahjsmythe1 Posts: 6 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Lisa ~ As others have said...love the mirror. I have a shabby chic one hanging over the towel bar in my bath and love it too.

    Hot and humid here! Watered the grass early and walked the Pom. Too hot for him to be outside.


    I want 'hot and humid' it's been raining all day today and for most of the weekend! Bring me sunshine!
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Hi gals!
    I'm sorry that I haven't been able to so as much on this site as I would like. Internet sooooooo slow, it drives me insane. :#
    Had a strange day feeling very underpowered. It may be I'm getting DH's cold. Woke up exhausted and felt tired and lacklustre all day. I had a nap, but managed to do over an hour's gymming first.
    I am sad about Orlando and conflicted about emails going back and forth about a meet up with my old school friends. I also hate not having good Internet.
    Also, for me, the great highlight of my trip is over. Wonderful Svalbard and the meeting with Penny. I often go into a slump after a great experience, so I must just be patient with myself. It truly was once in a lifetime and one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. Having Penny there was nothing short of a miracle and can still make me cry when I read of her seeing my ship coming in! :) What a privilege.
    Going down to dinner in a minute. We had a lecture on the Arctic Convoys in WWII. Very good speaker with lots of info. Tomorrow we will see where the German battleship Tirpitz was sunk in Tromso. Such terrible loss of life on all sides in the most apalling conditions.

    Heather, very thoughtful in the Barents Sea.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Still sick. Feverish today. Sore throat and hacking cough. Ugh, I hate summer colds.

    Love to all!