

  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    B) Now off to get DS to haircut store and then finishing packing for his trip to Germany- he leaves Tuesday- very soon.

    Hugs and prayers to all that need them.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    rosie big congratulations for this happy event. Okay no more cake!!!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Kat in Illinois – I am a Midwesterner for sure. I grew up in northwest IA, went to college at Iowa State, lived in Chicago for a couple of years, and have been in the Des Moines area for over 25 years. I was in Springfield this past March while chaperoning a high school chorus trip. We stopped there to tour the Lincoln museum on our way to St. Louis.

    Gloria – Glad you had a good time at your grandson’s grad party. It is always fun to catch up with friends that we haven’t seen in awhile.

    Dawn in Maryland – Good idea to check things out with your GP. I know there is a lot of talk here about calories in/calories out and at the most basic level, that is how we lose weight. But our bodies are so much more complex than that. Some reasons that I have learned may cause weight loss to stall… (1) Stress – our bodies often compensate for stress by storing fat; (2) inflammation – there are many things that may cause inflammation in our bodies including not getting enough of the right vitamins; (3) food sensitivities – sometimes our bodies can be sensitive to foods such as dairy or gluten. Anyway, those are just a few of the reasons and I think you are right to talk through it with your GP.

    Karen in Virginia – Excited to see the pic of you and Cheri. You both look very happy! Good luck to Griffin and his baseball team.

    DJ – My free gym membership started in mid-February and went through May with the program. Then, as part of the program, I earned an extra month of membership. So, I’ve actually been at this gym for almost 4 months now. I like their approach which is called functional training and is focused on learning our individual heart rate zones and working out using interval training to get our heart rates into different zones. But, I think I have learned enough that I could apply it somewhere that is much less expensive.

    I went on a 3 mile walk this morning and the temperature had already hit 80 degrees by 9AM. I was one sweaty mess when I got home. Now, it’s air conditioning for the rest of the day.

    Linda in hot and humid Iowa
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stat for the day:
    furry 5kwalk incl to/from car- 1hr, 46min, 36sec, 2.7amph, 86ahr, 131mhr, 4.8mi = 650c
  • Igilchrist
    Igilchrist Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies,
    New motto: One day at a time, One task at a time, One momen in time!!
    thank you for the encouragement:)
  • kat02092015
    kat02092015 Posts: 36 Member
    Linda in Iowa... I live in Springfield, Illinois. I grew up in a rural area very
    close to the Mississippi. The old stomping ground was Burlington which I have relation there. My brother lives in Muscatine. You're a fellow midwestern girl for sure!

    Kat in Illinois

    I currently live in southeaster Wisconsin but was originally from Burlington IA.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Wow Anne, small world!!! I'll bet you're not that far from me in Springfield even being in Wisconsin if you're in the southeast part. Nice to know we find connections with gals who are in this group in all kinds of ways. So glad to meet you Anne!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    hidee ho all~
    well I was basically a clug all day, after getting about 5 1/2 hrs sleep last night.. I lolly gagged .. did make Tom a impossible coconut pie and bbq short ribs...
    even though my trip is not for another 22 days, I have alot packed already.. I like to have things organized and ready so when its time to go, im all set...
    gonna go to bed early working 9-5 tomorrow and it will be the first day back for Mary in a week and a 1/2 so we shall see how that goes...
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Linda in Iowa... I live in Springfield, Illinois. I grew up in a rural area very
    close to the Mississippi. The old stomping ground was Burlington which I have relation there. My brother lives in Muscatine. You're a fellow midwestern girl for sure!

    Kat in Illinois

    I currently live in southeaster Wisconsin but was originally from Burlington IA.

    Anne from Wisconsin

    Wow Anne, small world!!! I'll bet you're not that far from me in Springfield even being in Wisconsin if you're in the southeast part. Nice to know we find connections with gals who are in this group in all kinds of ways. So glad to meet you Anne!

    I live about 4 hours away from you. I live in Racine Wisconsin.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2016
    Rosie- Beautiful pictures of you and your daughter and congratulations! You both look so happy.

    Love the kitty pictures!

    Cheri & Karen- great picture of you two! It is nice that you were able to get together!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Newbie alert! I'm Paula, and I've recently started using MFP to help me track my journey back to health! In browsing the community boards, you ladies sure seem to have it going on! I don't think I've ever seen a community board thread that's as active and friendly seeming as this one.

    I won't bore you with all the details right off the bat, but I wanted to say hello rather than lurk! The basics...I'm 52 yo, I live in northeastern NC, I have a passion for animal rescue (LOVE the pics of the foster kitties), and have 7 furry, 4-legged furkids of my own; zero of the furless 2-legged variety. I'm trying to watch my diet (not the four letter use of the word) more closely, move more often & rejoin the world of strength training, and head in a positive direction back toward health. Hopefully I can contribute to, as well as benefit from, what seems like a terrific group of ladies here! Looking forward to joining in the group!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    prbford64 wrote: »
    Newbie alert! I'm Paula, and I've recently started using MFP to help me track my journey back to health! In browsing the community boards, you ladies sure seem to have it going on! I don't think I've ever seen a community board thread that's as active and friendly seeming as this one.

    I won't bore you with all the details right off the bat, but I wanted to say hello rather than lurk! The basics...I'm 52 yo, I live in northeastern NC, I have a passion for animal rescue (LOVE the pics of the foster kitties), and have 7 furry, 4-legged furkids of my own; zero of the furless 2-legged variety. I'm trying to watch my diet (not the four letter use of the word) more closely, move more often & rejoin the world of strength training, and head in a positive direction back toward health. Hopefully I can contribute to, as well as benefit from, what seems like a terrific group of ladies here! Looking forward to joining in the group!

    m1277.gif Paula, You have come to the right place....there are a lot of women from NC on this thread, also pet parents, as well as many who are seeking to move more and add strength training so you'll have lots of good company.

    :) I get a lot of exercise walking the frisky poodles, Brandy and Sasha. We get up very early in the morning and walk before there are people, dogs, or traffic to spoil our privacy. We walk again in the afternoon. I have an exercise bike in the middle of the living room so I can ride it while watching TV with my husband. I am retired so I have the luxury of going to three line dance classes every week.

    :) The weather was perfect for spending some time puttering in the yard this morning....later I finished doing the laundry.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
  • prbford64
    prbford64 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Barbie! I love your puddles...er, "poodles"! My sister has a rescued black standard poodle boy named Jackson...my dogs (6 of them) are all rescued mutts of the large dog variety and range in age from about 8 yrs to 14 yrs; the resident kitty found us in 2009 and decided she wanted to live here...we think she's about 9 or 10 years old. Brandy and Sasha are gorgeous!

    My front room, which I suppose was designed to be a dining room (though it's an open floor plan) holds my treadmill and other workout equipment, but the most action it's seen from me lately is dusting & vacuuming it. That's exercise, right??? I've injured my knee, so the "dreadmill" is out for a while, and I'm planning to drag my behind back to Planet Fitness starting this week so I can use the ellipticals, bikes, etc. and get in some cardio without making my knee hurt. Y'all wish me luck and fortitude to actually make good on that intention.

    Summer has finally arrived here, :s much to my dismay, and I'm already longing for winter. NC summers are so hot and humid that many times, the day begins in the upper 70's or 80's!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Cherie and Karen, how awesome that you two got to see each other....great picture

    :)Rosie, congrats to your daughter...great picture of both of you

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifPip, wow, running/walking a 5K with three dogs....you and Kirby are amazing

    :)Kim, gratitude has been an important tool for me in my life...I write a gratitude list every morning and include many different things...I have so much in my life to be grateful for and I want to avoid lapsing into worrying about what I don't have.

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2016
    Haven't seen too many other Georgians on his site; and, the one that is (Carol/Peach) is from my 'home town' ... talk about a 'small' world. She was in my sister's grade in school.

    Carey-Northern Alberta – I don’t take ‘fiber’ like you can buy OTC; but, my gastroenterologist prescribed Miralax for me to take it daily; but, I quickly found that ‘if’ I took it daily, it worked too well. So I usually take it about every 3rd or 4th day. I learned the ‘difficult’ way to be ‘patient’ when using a ‘laxative’. I ended up using a total of 4 one day (overnight and the next day); and this was before I went to my GYN for a 4th upper urinary tract infection in 2 months. It ‘worked’ too well; and, I told his nurse that he ‘could NOT’ do a pelvic on me and why. She laughed and said she’d give him a ‘head’s up’ (or is that a ‘tail’s up’?). I would have been ‘mortified’ if he had. I won’t make THAT mistake ever again. Believe me when I tell you that those 2 little Ducalax pills work! You don’t need to take anything else. Sorry, I know that was WTMI.

    Sunnygirl_2015 – Beautiful daughter … I know you are proud of her; with Honors, too.

    Dawn in Maryland – I agree with NO_Excuses… (Linda in hot and humid Iowa) I am on a very low CI, high CO because of the many medications I take (all with the side effect of ‘weight gain’) the ‘normal’ amount of calories in that is shown is really something I could take ‘if’ I was maintaining. I’ve lost just over 40lbs. since this past May a year ago. The other day I tried to pick up a 40lbs bad of potting soil and could NOT do it. Now I know why I was so miserable before; and, I still have another 15-20lbs. to go until I reach my goal.

    Linda – Cute kitties.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member