

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    hey peeps - there were tons of dogs at the furry 5k this year. yogi just kept barking in the air to no one really but to everyone and everything. about 2 miles or so in he finally shut up.

    at least i got some calorie burn out of it, back to riding tomorrow.
  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Just a quick note because I realized today that MFP Tech folks finally resolved the issue with my profile picture! Woo Hoo!! This is a quick post to check it, but no time to do a lengthy one.

    Have been reading and thinking of you all. Special thoughts and prayers for Joyce, Becca, Margaret and others facing challenges.

    Went grocery shopping earlier today and have the fridge stocked with fresh fruits and veggies! Planning for a week of healthy eating!

    Take care everyone!

    Joyce in SD (no longer with a picture-less profile - I hope!)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    GLo, thank you. Love the quote from Ali, going to print it out.

    QuietBloom welcome.

    Janetr okc
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    GLo, thank you. Love the quote from Ali, going to print it out.

    QuietBloom welcome.

    Janetr okc

    Thank you!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Thank you for all the welcomes ladies. :smile: Today was a fast day, so I am just about ready to break it. I find that on fasting days it is easiest for me to abstain completely until evening. If I have anything at all for breakfast I really struggle throughout the rest of the day.

    My handle is QuietBloom but you all can call me Casey. And I live in Oceanside California. I work in the biotech industry as both a bench scientist and project coordinator.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited June 2016
    Just a quick post to tell Kim that she is not the only one with a citation. We, along with almost every other person in our neighborhood, got one for our mailboxes being too low. Apparently, the USPS raised the minimum because the mail trucks are higher than the sedans that rural mail carriers used to drive. It took us over an hour in the blazing hot sun, many cuss words on the part of DH, and it still needs re-painting, but we moved the mailbox up 5 inches on the post without ruining the look too much. It is a custom made wooden mailbox post painted to match the house. I was not happy about having to alter it, but I understand why it had to be done, our mail carrier told us that several have been killed by falling out of their trucks when the boxes were too low.

    Before and after..it looked so much better before, darn it! 6rgr4b3hw0cq.jpeg
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Cheri & Me meeting. Imaginary friends? I think not...

    Cheri is on the left.

    Karen in Virginia

    Yay!!!!!!!!! sherv.net/bravo.clapping-emoticon-5911.html
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    time to get glammed up. :D

    Love Heather.

    Heather It sounds like this trip is turning out to be all that you wished. I am so very happy for you, your DH and Penny You and Penny looked so comfortable in her home - just like good friends should. Do send us a picture of the glammed up outfit. It could not make you look any better than you already are.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- congratulations on completing your walk! Such a worthy cause! And I can just picture Yogi barking for 2 miles LOL

    Casey- what type of fasting diet are you on? I've tried several but I really like the 5 o'clock fast one meal in the evening and snacks until eight.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    edited June 2016
    :)Joyce in SD, glad to see your pretty face again.

    :)Pip and Yogi,, Brandy and Sasha said that if they had been on the walk, they would have barked right along with you
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    No sharks yet. Eels, crabs, shrimp and a lot of fishies!

    Marcelyn in Roatan.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did a pilates Super Sculpt DVD today. the plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of a Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Kat - the only thing I can tell you about the hot bread which I used to absolutely love is that one year for Lent I gave up white flour. Yes, it was extremely hard at first. Sometimes, the hardest part was finding foods that didn't contain white flour, like a lasagna. At the end of the 40 days and to this day, I would rather have a whole wheat bun or pumpernickel or rye than a white bun. That's the only way that I was able to kick that habit. It used to be the minute I'd walk by a bakery and smelled the bread baked (even tho I knew it was an artificial smell), I was a total gonner.

    zipp - the only questions that aren't appropriate on here are questions relating to religion or politics. Otherwise, everything can be (and is) discussed

    CJ - so sorry to hear about your problems at the fair. I agree, Becca IS very brave. Which turtle are you referring to? The turtle that sits on the ground I finished a while ago (I posted a pic already) or the turtle that goes on the log along with the worm is finished (I posted a pic of this while ago). Tomorrow I'll pick up my mermaid and I'll post a pic of that. Next I'll be working on the sea turtle, but I haven't even started on that. That's one of the things that will hang on the pergola. Which turtle do you mean? The ones that I finished already, I probably have a pic in my files and can repost it. Great NSV! Sorry you had to cut your ride.

    Since it's supposed to be in the 90's today I really don't want Vince to be working outside (and I know that he doesn't want to either), I'll probably go in the pool some.

    I don't remember who mentioned Fitness Blender, but I checked them out. Some of their workouts look interesting. Do you use your computer to access them or can you burn a DVD?

    Heather - even on vacation you exercise! Good for you! Love reading about everything that's happening on your trip

    miriam - get better fast

    Dawn - MFP many times tells me that "in 5 weeks you'd weigh ..." There is no way on this green earth that I'll ever weigh that amount and still be feeling good. Don't let that bother you one bit. I totally agree with katla - I know I was surprised at some of the things when I measured them. There are some things that really surprised me (how little a cup of the item really is). I don't ever eat back my exercise calories. If I go over, I figure I have a "buffer"

    Zipp - one day I looked in the mirror and there was this roll of flab. I just said "what the h*** is this". I'd never had that before, or if I did then I could lose it. But that roll is just staying there no matter what I do so I'm just resigning myself to the fact that this is just part of me.

    DJ - the timer I have that doesn't like the heat is a Kitchen Aid. I usually keep it in the garage when I'm not using it by the pool. Today I put it in the shade under a chair and the display went out. So I did what I mentioned to Vince that he didn't think would work. That is that I wet my towel (just a part of it) then rolled the wet part in the dry part and put the timer on top of that. No problem at all. Men!!!!

    Gloria - be sure to stop in North Carolina on your way to South Carolina!

    Larisa - the bosu DVD's that I have are basically aerobic and then toning. I have one by Mindy Mylera which I'm not crazy about. She's a bit too advanced for me.

    Karen & Cheri - what a lovely pic!

    Kim - whenever we go out, I almost always order "water without ice". To me, sometimes the ice makes the water so cold that you almost can't drink it. I usually add some of the "True Lemon" stuff to it.

    Lenora - love that we're all winos. Not meaning to rub it in...but assuming no more seizures here only 52 more days!!!!

    Sunnygirl - lovely daughter. You have a lot to be proud of! A streaker! Was he a throwback to the 70's?

    Welcome everyone new!

    No_Excuses - awwwwwwww! I know if Jess saw them, they'd be gone! She's a foster failure

    Paula - welcome from another North Carolinean. There are quite a few of us on here. We're lucky, even tho it's hot (it was in the 90's today) it isn't at all humid where I live. You need to move further West

    drkatie - I shudder if we ever have to move our mailbox. It's bricked all around it. So are almost all the others in this neighborhood. Not sure what you do if ever the mailbox rusts out. Hope I never have to find out. Your mailbox looks very nice. Did you put the reflectors on yourself?

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Drkatiebug - I love your mailbox! We don't have a mailbox just a PO box.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    barbicat - yeah, we would have had some barking fools! more riding tomorrow
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Paula – Welcome! Glad to have another animal lover on the thread. Besides my three foster kittens and their momma, I have one dog and three cats. We sometimes refer to our home as the local zoo. One of the cats is what we refer to as our foster failure. He was an orphan kitten that was one of four brothers we fostered last summer. When it came time to send him to the shelter for adoption, I just couldn’t do it and so we adopted him ourselves.

    Joyce – Glad that you got your profile picture working. Where in SD do you live? I grew up in Sioux City, just across the border in IA. I have to admit that when I was in high school, we would drive across the border to North Sioux City, SD to buy beer because the drinking age there was 18 and it was 19 in Iowa. LOL – don’t tell my kids.

    It “cooled down” to 90 tonight and my daughter convinced me to go on a bike ride. 7 miles and 50 minutes later and I did survive my first bike ride of the year. She took it easy on me. She is training for a sprint triathlon later this summer so she is in great shape.

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Dawn I agree with Kim. I use Under Amour Record & the caloric values for exercises I do seems really high...therefore I never eat back my calories. I also agree with Katla's suggestion of weighing/measuring everything you can. It was an eye opener to me & even though I've gotten better at eying it I still measure & weigh. I know doing this faithfully is why I've been successful in my journey to a stronger, healthier me. I've got more to go but feel very confident I'll get there and stay there.
    It's been so helpful reading the posts of so many who have been sharing for a long time...

    GLo on the very windy North Shore of Ma
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Michelle, the reflectors on my mailbox were put there by the newspaper delivery person. I'm sure they are a code of some kind. I hate them. I took them off once and they were back the very next day.

    Some of the people in our neighborhood have theirs in brick, too, and many of them are lower than the 41 inches they are supposed to be. I don't know what they will do.

    I still need to paint it again. If you look closely you can see the white stripe that was where the support strip used to be. I've got yo wait until the heat wave breaks, though.

    Mary, the guy across the street says he's taking his mailbox down and getting a PO box. I have a feeling some of the other folks will, too. Especially the ones with fancy mailboxes that are not in compliance. Our "citation" said that mail would not be delivered after the 21st if they weren't within compliance.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hi all. Kim, I want all of those kittens. I am one of those that would love to have kittens or puppies and after they get out of that fluffy cute phase give them up and get some more. It just seems like every step they take is an adventure for them. They have to attack, discover, bounce, fall, jump. They are just so cute then. But then when I remember our dog Buddy as that stage and then watching him grow into a handsome shelty I wouldnt' have missed any of those months. I feel sorry for you in having to give them up when the time comes. But I also admire you.

    I think it was Kat who said she lives in Springfield Ill. I used to live there. I have no recollection of living there, my family says we lived there. I must have been pretty young.

    WOW, the amount of new women coming here is mind boggling! It is kind of hard for me to remember names. Welcome and enjoy yourselves here in our community.

    Well we had our first 'emergency' today. It was our day to change Charlie's bag. The 3 companys that make ostomy bags all sent us a box of sample bags a nice bag to carry all supplies in including a mirror with magnets so you can put it on a door in a bathroom. So today we tried a bag that would be a little shorter and he would't have the problem of only wearing long shirts that would cover the bag. He isn't ready to tuck it in his slacks yet. So it is outside his slacks. Well the other bags we had used were clear and I could see through it to get a good placement around his stoma. The bag today had a covering and it made it pretty hard for me to get a good placement. I did like the length. So after supper he comes to me saying we had a problem. Yep, we had a problem. So we tried another brand that was clear but all the other features I liked. He did say he doesn't know if he will ever feel comfortable changing his bag on his own. We see the ostomy nurse on Wednesday and we are making our list of questions for her.

    Joyce, Indiana who is glad to see Joyce from SD is posting again. I would hate to be the only JOyce here. Haven't heard from Joyce in northern Indiana lately
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well today, I gassed up the car for tomorrows trek back to Portland OHSU, took in 2 garbage bags of cans and bottles to Fred Meyer, bought a lot of "favorite sons' food", made a large portion of chicken fried rice for son to munch on Monday and Tuesday (in case we have to stay longer). That kid will eat my fried rice for breakfast! He helped me organize the dinner, stirring stuff, opening stuff and measuring stuff. Even though he is 17 yrs old, when he saw me on Saturday, he hugged me hard. He grew up always having people around him, so as independent as he should be, he doesn't do well being alone. He has school to distract him during the day, but in the evenings, he said he goes to bed early, because there isn't anything else to do. Maybe calling him when I am at OHSU to say goodnight wasn't the best thing, but I couldn't help it.

    Sorry I haven't talked a lot to you all about your doings and events. Very one minded of me. I am kind of in a fog these days. Today feeling so bad for the families in Orlando Florida, feeling my woes of worrying about husband into a proper perspective. Also connecting with middle son via email, he is feeling bad for not being there for us during difficult times. I told him we dealt with the crisis's individually and so they weren't so bad, but as a whole the journey was hard to handle. You helped us by staying in contact with us, supporting us. When he ends this deployment, he will get out of the military he says. So he is hoping to visit with us in September. The Navy kind of gave him a bum deal, not being able to advance because his rate was so crowded. It's hard to feel good about your job when you feel stuck. So I am excited to see what he does next. Wife will be in the Navy longer until she can get out. She isn't a lifer either. Only eldest son seems genuinely happy with his career in the Navy.


    Have no goals this month....only one I can think of is getting husband home and healthy.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Karen in Virginia ... I'm confused ... Griffin is entitled to an education, regardless of ability or disability. While we usually think of special education as referring to specific disabilities like ADD or other Learning Disabilities ... Physical conditions and mental conditions fall under the same umbrella. It would seem to me, that Griffin's circumstance deserves consideration as well. I would consider seeking the advice of an educational lawyer.

    Rosie ... Congrats to your daughter!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Just a quick post to tell Kim that she is not the only one with a citation. We, along with almost every other person in our neighborhood, got one for our mailboxes being too low. Apparently, the USPS raised the minimum because the mail trucks are higher than the sedans that rural mail carriers used to drive. It took us over an hour in the blazing hot sun, many cuss words on the part of DH, and it still needs re-painting, but we moved the mailbox up 5 inches on the post without ruining the look too much. It is a custom made wooden mailbox post painted to match the house. I was not happy about having to alter it, but I understand why it had to be done, our mail carrier told us that several have been killed by falling out of their trucks when the boxes were too low.

    Before and after..it looked so much better before, darn it! 6rgr4b3hw0cq.jpeg

    No One would even know that the box had to be adjusted unless you told them. It still looks great.