hug, dance :)
hey, that's not that bad at all, trust me it could be a lot worse. This is a big lifestyle change we're trying to make so we aren't going to get it right every time. Think back to when you used to go over by heaps, before you started actively trying and feel proud of yourself for the effort you're putting in now. Get back…
I know you're right, break the pattern. It's funny trying to think of things I like doing that aren't eating as I've been rewarding myself with sweet treats for so long. Yes you're right I can do it though! Just had three glasses of water, I think that will hold me for a while lol Thanks for the support :)
Wow love your smile :smiley:
Add me everyone, I need all the support I can get! :)
Oh those are all my favourite foods! I've cut down on bread big time but I'm not getting rid of cheese. But pasta, yes that has gota go, also haven't had chocolate or icecream for a week and a half. Good luck :)
Wow 7 stone, that is amazing! Keep it up :)
Hey I'm Kelly from New Zealand and I want to get back to the weight I've been for the last 10 years (until last year) which is 64kgs so I need to lose 10kgs which is around 20 pounds I think. Feel free to add me too anyone and good luck :)
Hey Rick Thanks for the advice :) It's just so hard to change old habits ya know, but yes day by day, hour by hour lol and trying my best to stay distracted till bed :)
Hey Charley, keep up the good work :)
Hey, I'm new here to. And 10kgs, that's heaps, well done! I want to lose 10, heck I'd be happy with 5! Good luck :)
Hey I'm Kelly :) This is my first attempt at losing weight. I'm two weeks in and third day on here and it's kinda disheartening! Every time I log a food in my calories go through the roof! How I'm supposed to stay below 1200 is beyond me, I feel like I'm going to have to starve myself. I know it's not that bad but that's…