bepaz10 Member


  • The Raw Meal is super thick and gets thicker by the second if you don't drink it fast. I only used a small amount and tossed the rest because I read that the company was having issues with heavy metals in their products and were trying to address that issue.…
  • Have you had your body fat measured? I am wondering why you are trying to get to a specific weight instead a specific body fat %.
  • I am having a lot of luck using my TDEE - 20% instead of MFPs's recommendation for calories. I couldn't decide if my exercise level was light or active, so I averaged those 2 numbers together. My daily calories doing this are 1650, but I found that varying my calories daily according to my exercise level has me losing at a…
  • I'm two years into menopause (age 50) and I'm really not finding my weightless any different now. I agree with the above poster who said not experiencing PMS and cravings is very helpful. You had asked about increasing your metabolism. Try weight lifting to build muscle mass (preserve muscle mass and bone). Also, I noticed…
  • How many calories are you eating a day and are you allowing yourself to eat favorite foods? I know from experience that when I over-restrict myself, I eventually crash and burn- binge eat. Maybe if you aren't so strict with your eating, you will not have the urge to do that again. Good luck!
  • The 7oz container of Fage 2% plain yogurt has 20 g of protein.
  • Egg whites, whole eggs, low-fat cheese sticks, Greek yogurt
  • Good for you, but 2 things: Weight loss isn't linear. Unless you weighed and measured the food you ate, you have no idea how many calories you actually consumed.
  • I just had my 4th surgery related to endometriosis. I have had it for probably 30 years and am now 50. A lot of women with endometriosis have pain/discomfort/heaviness in their legs. For me, that's the tip off that I have something major going on. My third surgery, I had an 8.3 cm endometrioma on my left ovary and this…
  • jaxblu143 wrote: » » show previous quotes I drink about 2 pots a day lol This may be part of the problem. Doesn't caffeine spike cortisol? I still drink coffee every morning, but a couple of pots a day may be too much.