Losing weight when I don't think I should be losing

So this is kind of the opposite post that I tend to see on here....Lately I've been consistently losing weight even on days that I've eaten at or above maintenance. What's up? I'm super happy about it, but I'm just curious as to why that's happening.

For example, yesterday I weighed 192.8 (weighed in the morning, no clothes). I went to a women's conference where I drank quite a bit of coffee, diet pop, ate a grilled chicken salad with dressing, cake for dessert, trail mix as a snack, then had a decently large chicken alfredo dinner in the evening. I did do a fair bit of walking (twice what I typically average with my desk job) and I did 30 minutes of cardio on my elliptical.

This morning I weighed in at 191.6. And this isn't the first time this has happened. Is there a reason I'm seeing weight loss even when I'm over my calories? Should I even care?


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's only been a day, and we all fluctuate all the time anyway. If you carry on consistently losing weight over the next few weeks then clearly you need more calories than you thought, but for the sake of 1.2lbs in one day it doesn't really matter. It's likely that 191.6 is closer to your 'actual' weight, and you were just retaining less water this morning.
  • bepaz10
    bepaz10 Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you, but 2 things:
    Weight loss isn't linear.
    Unless you weighed and measured the food you ate, you have no idea how many calories you actually consumed.
  • AmZam05
    AmZam05 Posts: 130 Member
    Food and exercise doesn't reflect immediately. It's different for everyone of course but for me it takes at least a week or so to see results of calorie changes. It's definitely not an overnight process. Water weight has a huge impact on the scale number as well.