Hi, I am 40. I really care about healthy life style. I cook a lot and always try new recipes. the only problem I have is not being self motivated enough to move about more. How are you all staying focused?
Hi. I have been trying paleo for a while now but find it hard sometimes to stick to it. I love coking and I always try new recipes. But there are moments where I just follow and join my family with normal eating. How can I stay motivated and strict guys? Any ideas? Is Here any group that I could join to get support and…
Hi. I'm trying to be paleo. But there are sine days when I'm giving up. It's very hard to do it on your own.
Hi. I'm 5ft4 and I'm looking to lose 12 pounds. Seems not too much but honest to God, how difficult that is. I'm a health freak, eating around 1200 kcal a day. Cooking at home only and I'm stuck with the same weight. Losing my motivation now. Anyone there to share their tips? add me of you wish and let's do it together.
Hi guys. That's it! Motivation. How do I find it?
It's never easy,is it. In the same boat here, trying to lose around 12 pounds.