KonekoKawaii Member


  • Maybe I could find a twin. (: * Height : 172 cm | 5'8" * Starting weight : 59 kgs | 130 lbs * Current weight : 54 kgs | 119 lbs * Goal weight : 50 kgs | 110 lbs * I've got blue hair * I'm a Comp Sci graduate, and Software Engineering major Maybe there's someone similar?
  • If I could lend some advice- the first step is to start logging everything you eat. Everything, this includes drinks, snacks, fruits and veggies (foods lots of people skip because they don't think it contains enough or any calories), even those teeny tiny things. Half a chocolate bar? Log it. A chip? Log it. It's proven…
  • Hi, Karen!
    in Karen Comment by KonekoKawaii May 2015
  • Good stuff to know. Hope it works out for you!
    in Hello Comment by KonekoKawaii May 2015
  • Hey Kristy, I'm totally down for being motivation buddies for June. I sent you a friend request! I myself am from Québec. Looking to log in all my meals, and see where it takes me.
  • Hey there! And welcome! Also, we have almost the exact same name, it's uncanny.
  • What kind of ideas did your dietitian give you?
    in Hello Comment by KonekoKawaii May 2015
  • Hey there- why I myself am not a mother, my sister most certainly is. She recently put herself in a bootcamp. She goes there before work (it starts sometime after six am, she starts work at eight am, so it's a good solid hour of strenoius exercise). It works for her because her husband leaves later, and can drop her kids…
  • Happens to all of us- my best advice is drink a tonne of water! 2 litres should be a good start. It's so dang easy to bloat-anykind of water retention is going to attribute to it. Make sure you drink extra water when: * You work out * It's a particulary hot day * You eat lots of carbs (they're notorious for water…
  • Welcome! My dad got himself the Fitbit charge, too, he loves it.
    in Newbie Comment by KonekoKawaii May 2015
  • Good for you! And that's almost a third of the weight you're looking to lose, so I'm sure you'll get there soon.
    in Hello Comment by KonekoKawaii May 2015