rialynn06 Member


  • Thanks everyone. I can swim easily for about 45 min. I am looking to swim on days I'm not running/lifting to give my knees a rest. Unfortunately there are not master classes or any classes for that matter. I live in the middle of no where. So I will be you tubing any stroke I need to learn :( I'm looking more for a good…
  • Perfect. The calculation put me at 1344 calories -- 7 carbs, 24 protein, 69 fat. I will report back I'm a few days. Thanks @strawmama‌ and @itcphotog‌ the advice!
  • @itcphotog‌ I used the calculation from mfp and it puts me at 1200/day. @strawmama‌ thinks it might be too low. Is there a better calculator to use?
  • I can do that. Any suggestions on total calories while keeping with the no sugar or wheat?
  • I do not understand macro ratios. If someone can explain that I'll let you know what mine are.
  • I can go as low as 20 carbs per day. Im comfortable at about 40 to 50 carbs but on days that happens i feel like im over eating bc my weight goes up by about 2lbs :( I'm open to any suggestions bc I know something in my diet is off just need help finding what that is.