orchidbutterflies Member


  • I lost approx 50lbs before I was on medication (after not being treated for 5+ years). I lost the weight because I started tracking and logging all my food. I also have PCOS and honestly, if I actually stick to my calories, I lose weight. I haven't noticed any difficulty losing when I am accurately weighing and logging my…
  • I'm only 22, I have lost about 130lbs from my highest weight & still have about 100lbs left to go (so obviously a much higher starting point than average). My skin is already really bad. The skin on my arms hangs to double the size of what my arms actually are. I can't wear light coloured or too fitted jeans/pants because…
  • My dog has been a big help with my activity, I like taking him for walks because I see a big difference in his behaviour and energy levels when I do. I wouldn't go for a walk outside at all if it wasn't for my dog. Unfortunately I got him at the height of my social anxiety and when I was at my highest weight.…
  • Nothing. I don't miss: -The crippling depression and anxiety that kept me housebound for the better part of a decade. -Dropping out of High School & losing those years of education because of aforementioned anxiety. I was an honour student. I'm now 22 and only just able to work on getting my diploma. -Having a miserable…
  • I've been overweight from probably the age of 6 until my current age of 22. I weighed about 260 lbs when I was 15 and put on 100 lbs in a year. Over time I maintained that gain and put on even more weight. My highest recorded weight was 383lbs but there was definitely a time when I was more than that. I started making very…
  • My heaviest weight was 380ish lbs. I'm 5'6 1/2. I didn't notice that much until I hit around the 280 mark. I was wearing sweat pants at my heaviest because my size 26 jeans were a little too tight. It seems like I skipped from 26 to 22W though. I started hearing from family and such that they noticed a difference about…
  • I use plain Greek yogurt as a sour cream substitute because I don't enjoy eating it on its own due to the tartness. Now I love the Oikos Vanilla Greek Yogurt & very frequently will pop that in the freezer for 45 minutes and eat it nice and cold. Add some fibre one & strawberries = love.
  • I watched the documentary and it was the catalyst for me to give up drinking pop and incorporate water. I went from 5-6 cans a day and it's been almost two years since I have had any pop at all. I just personally feel better not drinking sugary drinks. That alone didn't make me lose weight (before anyone jumps in to tell…
  • I pre-log my food before I go to bed the night before. I decide what I want for breakfast and my lunch is dependent on that (if I eat toast for breakfast, I don't have a sandwich at lunch because that's 4 slices of bread). I do almost all the cooking between my parents & I, but we typically don't figure out dinner until…
  • I'm 22 and have lost almost 120lbs total. I'm a little over half way to goal at this point (had a much higher starting weight than average). I haven't spent a cent on any "program" or "product" and you really don't need to. Get a food scale and log everything you eat, it can be hard at first but then it becomes second…
  • I forgot to weigh back in, whoops! I'll update again on Monday since that is the "official" weigh-in day. SW: 274 CW: 265 GW(for challenge): 260
  • Awareness of just how many calories I was consuming during my binges was a huge factor for me. A trip to a fast food chain would net me over 3,000 calories and that was only one "meal" for me that day. On a bad binge day I could easily put back 7,000-9,000 calories. I just got sick of killing myself with food. It was and…
  • That is amazing! This really hit home with me, as I was in a similar boat (being stuck inside due to weight and anxiety). It really is awesome to feel like you are living again, keep it up & know that you can find success! One step at a time (:
  • Peanut M&Ms are my favourite, I'd rather eat smarties than the regular M&Ms though (Smarties are candy coated chocolate, not the pressed powder disks that they have in the states. In Canada those are called rockets) I think I will always be capable of eating large amounts and not feeling sick compared to other people. Even…
  • I've had it done twice & the first time I measured at 2550 and the second was 2700. They plug my nose with a clamp and I breathe into a tube. Is mine so high because of my large size? I was 350lbs with the first and I believe 290 with the second (I had increased my LBM by the second test) For reference, I'm 5 feet 6 1/2…
  • -Water (though I can't stand the taste of regular water, I only drink Aquafina or Dasani) -1% milk -Protein shake with 1% milk -Protein smoothie (typically with blueberries) -Very occasionally I will take a swig of cranberry juice just to satisfy a sweet craving or if the family is having an actual sit down breakfast I…
  • I think I'm in the minority here because of how high my start weight was. That being said, at my highest of 380+ lbs I was wearing a very tight 26 jeans. I was likely a 28, but I just wore sweat pants and rarely left the house rather than face the shame of buying the next size up. Now I am 110lbs down from that (274lbs) I…
  • I'll join! I only update my weight "officially" on here once a month so it syncs with the scale at my doctors office. However, I will do this challenge based on what I weigh on my personal scale. CW: 274 lbs CGW: 260 lbs
  • My highest weight was over 380lbs and my goal weight is 180lbs. Right now I am at 274lbs. It is completely achievable. Statistics mean nothing, there is always an exception to the rule and if you stay diligent and want it enough, you can and will achieve! Good luck on your journey!
  • I've been overweight since I was young, probably 5-6 years old. High School was rough, I didn't eat all day because I didn't want to be judged so when I got home I binged like crazy. Once the anxiety got so bad I stopped leaving the house, I literally had nothing to do but eat and sleep. So I did that for almost 7 years…
  • I can't comment on if it is a good idea for your son but I use Body Fortress Whey protein powder from Walmart. It's 25g of protein a scoop and the tub I buy is typically $19-$25 depending on if it is on sale. I drink a scoop with milk almost every day and it lasts me about a month. I buy the chocolate and I think it tastes…
  • I cut out all pop and majority of fruit juice. I'll still occasionally drink orange juice or cranberry if I am craving something sweeter to drink than water; It's very rare though & I measure it so I can log accurately. Before I would drink 6+ cans of pop a day. I feel I have more mental clarity when I just drink water ^^
  • I have almost always been overweight and suffered through most of school with the name calling and low self esteem. It got really bad, and when I was 15 I weighed 250lbs and had no choice but to drop out of school due to severe social anxiety. I spent almost 7 years locked away in my house because I was afraid to go…
  • Southern Ontario (Hamilton) for me ^^
  • I've dealt with customer service twice and they were super quick and helpful. I'd had my flex for just under a year and after wearing it everyday (including showering) the band started to separate from the plastic window. I was also having issues getting the contacts to connect consistently with the charger so I had to…
  • I used to drink anywhere from 5-8 cans (355ml) of rootbeer or gingerale a day. I didn't intake any "straight" water. I was also consistently eating Mcdonalds and Wendy's; each visit was netting me 3,500+ calories on top of all the other food I ate each day. I cut out pop, Wendy's & McDonald's cold turkey and went through a…
  • Having social anxiety, no way I could go outside or be even remotely comfortable wearing clothes that are too tight. That being said, I do buy clothes in smaller sizes if I really like them because I know I will fit into them eventually (plus that gives me motivation.) Typically I only buy 1-2 sizes down though. It feels…
  • I have PCOS, I aim to hit my macros as: 50 carbs 30 protein 20 fat That is definitely not set in stone, I mostly focus on my calories and hitting my protein/vitamin goals. I've lost 100lbs (which puts me almost half way)
  • You can stuff your face and get drunk all while paying to listen to someone tell you that your weight problems are out of your control entirely... Seems legit.