Your protein intake, like your other macros, would adjust to take into account your new calorie needs and should remain at 1g per lb.
Your first mistake is to buy into some fad diet. You're much better off quitting the "diet" and resorting to a proper lifestyle that involves understanding what you're eating, tracking it, and using moderation. Figure out your TDEE. Stick to it. Develop a pattern. As far as protein intake is concerned, I'd recommend…
She didn't remember me
Wait... ~~69sexXxygurl69~~ isn't sexy? Damn :/
dont know her
This is entertaining in a weird way
ragequit drama is the best drama
That's not a nerd check. That's a gamer check. See what I did there...
YES! I'm glad I'm not the only one. They've taken away the things that made Star Trek interesting and different and turned it into almost generic Sci Fi blockbuster stuff. It was entertaining but it wasn't really Star Trek.
I liked both but I prefer the Star Trek universe to the Star Wars one. Star Wars is fun but its more of an action movie masquerading as Sci Fi. Plus, there are no Jar Jar Binks in the Federation.
No, it doesn't... she's taking it off to make women in their 40s and 50s buy overpriced merchandise using a publicity stunt designed to enamor her with a generation of people who are struggling with aging and body image. How noble of her. Lets not call this art, it does good art injustice. There is art (both modern and…
Did this turn into a Hunger Games conversation?
Part of aging gracefully is knowing when to keep your shirt on in public
still dont know her
the girls on there are kinda forward, tbh
I was going to join
but I want to be appreciated for my personality
Honestly, I hate the idea of "first dates." Its usually corny and contrived. I prefer to hang out and get to know them (usually in a setting where we have either mutual friends or some sort of social relationships). If we click, then we just do stuff together (sometimes these aren't "date" things... just things we do that…
I just want to belong
Don't bother helping people who won't help themselves. There are more people in the world who want help than those that offer help. Focus on the ones who prove themselves worthy of your assistance.
my kind of thread
dont know her
picture removed upon request