Whether it exists it not in your world I think "starvation mode" is the best way to describe what I was going through. I worked out, ate clean and healthy for 3 months plus drank half my weight in oz of water, with no results Now that I'm following the goals I'm actually struggling to meet the requirements. I literally…
Thanks again. Btw I was just using 1000 as an example
Thanks Ladd-alvy1986. So if my goal intake is 1000 I should striver to meet that if not a little less each day correct? What had me confused was the 'net' label which had me thinking that after I eat and exercise I should still be in the green by my goal calorie intake.
I'm seeking clarity on this issue. I don't want to bulk up. What's best for lean muscles heavy weight low reps? Or lighter weight with high reps?