How exactly does this work?

Am I supposed to be meeting the caloric intake entered? Trying to balance out food with exercise and meet the daily goal?

I'm not sure if I should be trying to intake the daily goals or save on calories.


  • ladd_alvy1986
    You are supposed to stick to the calorie intake. It tells you the proper amount to eat to lose the designated amount of weight per week.
  • ladd_alvy1986
    You can eat under the calorie amount indicated, but it will let you know if you are taking in to few calories for the day.
  • Sumabadi
    Thanks Ladd-alvy1986. So if my goal intake is 1000 I should striver to meet that if not a little less each day correct?

    What had me confused was the 'net' label which had me thinking that after I eat and exercise I should still be in the green by my goal calorie intake.
  • ladd_alvy1986
    Oh 1000 is pretty low for a calorie intake. I would say try to take in the full 1000 or just under it like 900-950 no less. Then any excercise can be added in after and give you an even quicker weight loss and yes it will be green if you are under your calorie intake. Good luck :)
  • Sumabadi
    Thanks again. Btw I was just using 1000 as an example