Thanks. I just wondered how other ppl got the information to create a food.
Thanks all!!
I want to thank everyone for their advice, websites & ideas. I have bookmarks the websites & taken notes. Thanks again!!
Thanks! I made it more confusing than I had to didn't I?? LOL
All I have to say is....scary!!
My lovely daughter was telling me this because I only lost .4lbs. & was mad at myself. Salt is NOT my friend but I'm sure it's more than that. Been going through a LOT of stress & I know that's not good. Thank you for this, I needed it. How about a fluffy black cat & no slap needed??? LOL
Thanks! I will check out the videos, maybe that will help. I do walk but can't right now, way too much snow & freezing cold. It's so hard to eat right in winter because I crave all the wrong foods. Could I ask what types of foods you both enjoy? I am not a salad person.
know how you feel, it's a tough illness to deal with. what do you take &/or eat to help with it?
Have had IBS plus other types of problems related to it. Not fun....
I want to thank everyone for some fantastic ideas. I'm certainly going to get online & see what I can find.
You have to enjoy the "no no" foods once in while. If I thought I could never eat cake again I'd be a depressed nutcase.
Good information. I love Amy's organics (baked ziti is a fave) & some of the Healthy Choice. Good for portion control. I do find most of the time my salt intake is a bit over when I eat one.
So this is what my beautiful daughter has been trying to explain to me. She's one smart kid. Thanks for sharing. I feel 100% better.
Ohhh, thanks again...I am so computer illiterate it's not funny. Can I bother you one more time? My profile picture is now showing up in my news feed but the "end-of-day" postings from my friends are not. It seems I now have a different problem. Can you help? I so appreciate you taking the time to help a newbie!
Thanks! May I ask another question? When I add foods to my page on here it does not show on my smarter-than-me phone. Any idea why?
Larissa, Thank You! I will check both of those apps.
CyberTone, I did read your instructions, both of them. However, I do not understand where the checkmark or the "Add exercise to Diary" site is and if I even have them. Not all of us are computer genius'. I may need a little extra input but apparently you find that an issue. I did not appreciate your "Sigh......" at the end…
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your help. However I did post my weight lifting exercises in the strength training portion & then added reps, sets, wt. but it still won't post to my profile page as the walking exercises do. I'm I still doing something wrong?