Actually your body needs more than 1000 cal just to work and grow properly, I don't know if you've ever watched that show survivor, but they are put on I think and I might be wrong, a 500 calorie diet a day during that show. I watched a behind the scenes episode once and they go through hell, that's also with very little…
Don't be sexist now, I also say inappropriate things to men.
Looks like I have some groupies!
Believe me, her success comes from years of hardwork and dedication, proper diet is also key. Can I just ask, why are you eating so low? I fu$&en love food. And to get where she is, some meals she packs about 1500 a meal. I'm not bashing you, just wanna know? I'm here to help.
Because no matter what you say does it matter? She's setting a goal, the only thing you can do is give her some guidance, I did warn her that it is dangerous and for her to start slow. That's the best I can offer, people will do what they want, and by beating her down, making her feel inferior won't solve the issue, but…
He still uses a type writer.
Good for you, but just keep in mind, that's a lot of exercise. I can't even do that and she's a seasoned veteran with this stuff. Just make sure you stay hydrated and eat well. What your going to try to accomplish could be dangerous, so maybe take it slow and build your body up to it. Wish you the best.
I don't know, a girl who can handle a gun is pretty sexy in my book.
A friend of mine just logged 936 calories burned. Doing 120 mins of cardio. She's crazy fit. Your goal can be met. It will take a lot of work and dedication.
Damn straight 300 is one of my favorite movies of all time!
That looks like a good way of burning 1000 before bed, my opinion. Lol
I'm with you
Love your user name.
And she's Justine, nuff said!
Oh yeah
Is bulking and cutting, considered yo-yo dieting?
She wouldn't play beach blanket bingo with me.
For sure, he's iron man!
That's cheating.
Always gave me a basket of potatoes on my birthday.
Why is the bathroom always taken when you really need to go?
Both very good ideas.
Always needed to have her friend around.
I eat anything that agrees with my body. Sometimes I'll grab an apple for a quick boost of energy, or I'll have supper alittle earlier as well if it's at all possible. Some greek yogurt is good, with strawberries and a little bit of whip cream( got that from te hodgetwins) is a good snack, keeps you full for a while.
Blueberries, strawberries, banana, pineapple, spinach, watermelon, 1 scoop with water and yum!
Told me we couldn't have sex cause it would ruin her surplus.
Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Kept putting smarties in his belly button.