Best way to burn 1,000 before bed?



  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I figure as long as I don't feel sick, don't feel exhausted, and am eating a balanced diet, I'm good. I can add calories later.

    You're not eating a balanced diet when burning off more than you eat. You're setting yourself up for permanent damage. You are well below what is only safe with medical supervision.

    Hopefully you realize how misguided you are before doing something you can't fix.
  • minionman
    minionman Posts: 308 Member
    I figure as long as I don't feel sick, don't feel exhausted, and am eating a balanced diet, I'm good. I can add calories later.

    Actually your body needs more than 1000 cal just to work and grow properly, I don't know if you've ever watched that show survivor, but they are put on I think and I might be wrong, a 500 calorie diet a day during that show. I watched a behind the scenes episode once and they go through hell, that's also with very little exercise, very little physical labour and one challenge every couple of days. They lose hair, muscle mass, nails become weak and brittle cause of insufficient protein, tons of problems. But it's TV and they know how to make them look good. You need to up your calorie intake. If you eat a 1000 burn 1000, you will get sick. There's nothing left for your body to use. If I can pm you maybe I can introduce my friend to you. She knows this stuff way better than I do and I'm sure she would love to help you.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    edited February 2015
    So how much exercise did you accomplish in the two hours you've been on this thread? And how do you, a presumably out-of-shape person, propose to do 1000 calories of exercise every day until April?

    If you need a period of self-flagellation, go ahead. I did too. And then I started having symptoms like dry, brittle hair and nails. It was so dumb.

    Some good advice was given in this thread by most of the posters. Listen to them.
  • theresaneal77
    theresaneal77 Posts: 62 Member
    So how much exercise did you accomplish in the two hours you've been on this thread? And how do you, a presumably out-of-shape person, propose to do 1000 calories of exercise every day until April?

    If you need a period of self-flagellation, go ahead. I did too. And then I started having symptoms like dry, brittle hair and nails. It was so dumb.

    Some good advice was given in this thread by most of the posters. Listen to them.

    Been doing a light cycle on a stationary bike, ate a couple cookies ;) I don't sit still very long. Was seriously about to go do more intense exercise before getting distracted.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    minionman wrote: »
    Because no matter what you say does it matter? She's setting a goal, the only thing you can do is give her some guidance, I did warn her that it is dangerous and for her to start slow. That's the best I can offer, people will do what they want, and by beating her down, making her feel inferior won't solve the issue, but maybe alittle encouragement and some education will. Do you really feel you make a difference on here? Or do you just join the masses to bash people down?

    So you're advocating her unhealthy decisions.
    minionman wrote: »
    Believe me, her success comes from years of hardwork and dedication, proper diet is also key. Can I just ask, why are you eating so low? I fu$&en love food. And to get where she is, some meals she packs about 1500 a meal. I'm not bashing you, just wanna know? I'm here to help.

    AND now you're back peddling. .
  • theresaneal77
    theresaneal77 Posts: 62 Member
    I did a moderate cycle for 30 min before work today, plus work keeps me somewhat active. I keep having to jump in Paddle Boats and move them across the lake. :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member

    "What we've got here is failure to communicate."

    An adult making unhealthy choices with enabling comments from one person do not supersede basic science here. The OP's net caloric intake for the past couple of days is unhealthy. Continued netting so little will result in damage over time. You can realize that now and eat a reasonable deficit or you can wait until it's too late .... up to you.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    minionman wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »

    That looks like a good way of burning 1000 before bed, my opinion. Lol

    Not the way he's doing it :joy:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    minionman wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »

    That looks like a good way of burning 1000 before bed, my opinion. Lol

    Not the way he's doing it :joy:

    RIGHT!! laughsss
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited February 2015
    Well, the ways to burn 1000 calories seem pretty well covered. I burn that much running a 10k currently. When I was heavier it would have been even higher. OP mentioned being 300 pounds so perhaps a similar burn could be achieved at 5.5 miles or something like that.

    Calisthenics can give a pretty good burn too if you go from exercise to exercise. This is pretty much how the popular "burn a crap ton of calories and build muscle" DVD sets that cost a pretty penny work. About an hour of that "supposedly" burns 1000 calories, but I think those calorie estimators for that are a bit high. So maybe 90 minutes is more realistic. I can't perform 90 minutes of that though...but I can run a 10k no problem!

    I have no advice for you on the calorie intake though. I know when I work out hard and eat too low I become ravenous and eat the whole house at some point. So my only advice is to watch out for that!
  • msoley2007
    msoley2007 Posts: 13 Member
    Whats the best home exercize that I can do to burn another 1,000 calories within the next few hours? I usually just bicycle as I watch TV but didnt have time today :<

    Swim full on for a full hour burns just over 1000 cals
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Whats the best home exercize that I can do to burn another 1,000 calories within the next few hours? I usually just bicycle as I watch TV but didnt have time today :<

    Come and crank out a 10 mile run with me.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    After all of the white knighting by one person in this thread it seems the OP is still doing her damnedest to net below 500 calories per day ... including more negative net caloric days in her diary since this thread started. When, not if, the permanent damage occurs ... look back and see it was preventable.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • g1ngermark
    g1ngermark Posts: 9 Member
    59d9de2b7850cc08336465b7d6503058.jpgSorry, couldn't help myself...
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Come back in about a month and let us know how your progress is. I give you one or two weeks before you won't be able to continue down this path.

    And seriously 1,900 calorie burn last Saturday?! We're you walking for 7 hours that day?
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    A couple of observations... OP's ticker says she has 164 lbs to lose... It's probably going to be a while before "starvation mode" sets in. But I still don't think that is a concern... Routinely burning 1000-2000 calories for riding a stationary bike while watching t.v.? Unlikely, unless you're doing that for 4+ hours per day. And overestimating caloric burns tends to go hand-in-hand with underestimating intake.
  • theresaneal77
    theresaneal77 Posts: 62 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    Come back in about a month and let us know how your progress is. I give you one or two weeks before you won't be able to continue down this path.

    And seriously 1,900 calorie burn last Saturday?! We're you walking for 7 hours that day?

    At least. I think thats the day i went to Disney AND rode my bike afterwards. I may be big but i move around ALOT. I dont put more than 90 min of walking on my estimates. Ive been on here nearly two weeks and my diary is public. Thanks for the discouragement.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    edited February 2015
    You are either very inaccurate in your logging or engaging in unhealthy acts ... which is it @theresaneal77?

    Negative net calorie days ... days with positive nets are still in the VLC range.
  • theresaneal77
    theresaneal77 Posts: 62 Member
    You are either very inaccurate in your logging or engaging in unhealthy acts ... which is it @theresaneal77?

    Negative net calorie days ... days with positive nets are still in the VLC range.

    If its inaccurate, the system is in accurate. Are you saying they are? I have measuring cups and scales that i use. I walk ALOT and ride my bike ALOT. The times are accurate, i dont accomodate for walking or paddling at work. If i go to one of the theme parks, the most i put it as is 90 min of walking.