JacqueLiveOTB Member


  • For myself, I believe that it keeps me healthy. It might be in my head but it’s working so far. I make sure that I am taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral pack 2 x a day, watch macros, drink water, and try, and I say try loosely, to get enough sleep! Always a battle. Like right now! I should be heading to bed but nope.…
  • Hi Jane, I can suggest a healthy meal replacement free of soy, gluten, stimulants, artificial sweeteners and colours, and made with organic,grass fed, undenatured whey protein. It will absolutely give you the results you are looking for. If you are still looking, let me know.
  • I am thinking dehydration too! If you are dehydrated, your body will mistake it for hunger. Rule of thumb: drink half your body weight in oz of water per day.
  • Hi, just curious to ask how much are you trying to lose?
  • Increase your protein, and make sure you still have healthy carbs. What is your definition of bad carbs?
  • I agree that if you are not eating enough, your body will go into starvation mode. You can calculate you maintenance calories with an online calculator then subtract 500 calories. Make that your goal, log your activity, and eat the recommended calories suggested. Just make sure you are getting the right amount of protein,…
  • I would recommend to keep up with what you are doing, increase your protein intake with a good source of protein, add a bit of weight training and make sure you are drinking half your body weight in oz of water per day.