smblahblah Member


  • im 5'5, 26yrs, and trying to lose 20 pounds!
  • I'm 130 and would like to lose 10-15 pounds too!
  • I agree, it can be done with any friends. But i kinda see where the original poster is coming from if their reasoning is that south asian cuisine is very often full of oil, butter, and fat. They might want to share healthy forms of indian recipes? Just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt!
  • I did the 30 day shred and I found that although i was following the steps, i wasnt pushing myself to work as hard as i can. basically its easy to kinda slack off. so just push yourself. its a good sign you are getting muscular! I find I get muscular at first too and my fat starts burning off soon after.
  • Thats amazing! congrats I've lost 19 lbs. I have 19 more to go. I've been stuck at this weight for the last month and just realized yesterday that if i really want this i need to step up my game and work harder in the gym and in the kitchen to get what I want. I just keep telling myself it's worth it and that i'll thank…
  • I did the 17 day diet from Jan-March and lost 20 pounds and manyyyy inches. Today is my first day back on the diet!
  • I did the first 3 parts of the diet back in Jan. and lost 20 pounds! Today is my first day of starting it again!
  • Name: Sarah Age: 24 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st March): 145 Goal Weight (1st April): 130 1st March: 145 8th March:141 1st April:136 Weight lost/gained this month: 9 Successes/struggles this week: Only 6 pounds away from my already ambitious goal. but I think i did well considering i barely worked out or ate healthy. im…
  • Name: Sarah Age: 24 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st March): 145 Goal Weight (1st April): 130 1st March: 145 8th March:141 15th March: 139.8 22nd March: 29th March: 1st April: Weight lost/gained this week:-1.2 Weight lost/gained this month: -5.2 Successes/struggles this week: Finally in the 130’s!!! its been almost a year…
  • Name: Sarah Age: 24 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st March): 145 Goal Weight (1st April): 130 1st March: 145 8th March:141 15th March: 22nd March: 29th March: 1st April: Weight lost/gained this week:4 Weight lost/gained this month: 4 Successes/struggles this week: My friends came to visit so it's been hard to stay on my diet…
  • i lost 10 lbs in the last few weeks and have 28 more to go but joining this would be a big help! I'm gonna add myself to the spreadsheet, feel free to add me!
  • Name: SM Age: 24 Height:5' 5" Start Weight (1st March): 143 Goal Weight (1st April): 130 =]