Those last 15 pounds



  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I weigh on Wednesdays so I will edit my spot on the spreadsheet them. Thanks again for starting this group. I could really use the support. I didn't think after coming this far in my journey it would still be this hard.
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't know how to add myself to document yet. I'll find out how to open it in another browser. For now will someone put me in starting weight 145. Seeing the progress will be helpful. Thanks
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    I lost 20 lbs then got off track. Yes, it is just as hard now because people are complimenting me on my weight loss and telling me how good I look. My motivation might not be as great as before. Set a goal and have a reason to stick to it!
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    Add me plzzz! I could use some MFP pals to hold me accountable. I have more than 15 pounds to go but my next big goal is about 15 pounds to go so I'm kinda there too!
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    So my husband is taking me to steak and shake for supper. I decided ahead of time what I was going to order, added it to my diary, and ate the rest of the day accordingly to stay under calories. Genius! The weekend is hard as I'm off my routine. I WILL lose this weight! I'm gonna take one day at a time.
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    Aaaaaaaw! I need to get on my PC.
    firefox on android won't let me edit the doc.
    but hooray. .. A typo means I lose a SHED load of weight in week 1.
    Guys... can someone change my starting weight ftom 218 to 128.
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    I haven't really got off the blocks yet... in fact I might have gained a few pounds. Oh well...
    There's one more day till weigh in on Sunday. I'd better make it count.
    How have you guys found week 1?
    Do you share food diaries then?
    I'll open mine. But don't look at today's disastrous intake!!!

    Feel free to friend me and I can have a good old pog at your eating habits.
    Wonder how differently we all eat?
  • Count me in! Those last 15 lbs are being very stubborn!!!
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    jemcad13 wrote: »
    Aaaaaaaw! I need to get on my PC.
    firefox on android won't let me edit the doc.
    but hooray. .. A typo means I lose a SHED load of weight in week 1.
    Guys... can someone change my starting weight ftom 218 to 128.

    fixed the starting weight for you!!!
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    ANYBODY.....could you add me to the document? My starting weight was 145. I will figure out how to update it. Thanks
  • andersonchloe289
    andersonchloe289 Posts: 11 Member
    I need to be added to this discussion but I don't know how MFP works! Aha Can anyone help?
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I have come close to goal twice....only to blow it. I was once 2 lbs away. Now 10+. It happens!
  • Level1Vegan
    Level1Vegan Posts: 43 Member
    How's everyone getting on with the weekend?
    We took the kids to the cinema and I mindlessly muched through half a bag of popcorn. 500 calories later.... eugh
  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    Went out to chinese with friends. I was so determined to just eat green beans, chicken on a stick, and healthier things. As soon as I walked in and smelled the food, I lost it. I used almost the entire days calories on the one meal. I'm not gonna beat myself up as we don't do that often . I enjoyed the meal and I'll just start fresh tomorrow. The weekends for me are terrible. Failure is "blowing it " and not trying again. Did u mess up? The only people who fail are those who try! :D
  • I would like To lose 15lbs by mau
  • Eleanor_82
    Eleanor_82 Posts: 57 Member
    Finally back to the weight I was before going on holiday last month and indulging in way too much German beer!
  • smblahblah
    smblahblah Posts: 12 Member
    i lost 10 lbs in the last few weeks and have 28 more to go but joining this would be a big help! I'm gonna add myself to the spreadsheet, feel free to add me!
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I am finally down to my last 15 pounds, too! The first 60 pounds have been banished, but I know this last stretch is gonna be rough! Would love support and accountability
  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    I'm down to my last 7 lbs that don't want to go away. Feel free to add me.
  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    I am down another 0.2 pounds this morning, it is not much but at least headed in the right direction! So good to read everyone's posts about their journey to lose weight and how we are all on the last bit! Inspiration and motivation comes from within others so thank you for whomever started this thread! It has been a wonderful help!