PatrickWegner Member


  • Im 6'4" tall and started out at 174. I take in 3580 to 5700 calories per day. 108 days later, 3 days a week heavy lifting I weigh exactly 200lbs. My first time ever in the 200 club. Im also super active at work with all the lifting and walking, 9-15 volleyball games on Thursday, Line Dancing on Wednesday and Friday nights…
  • I only take protein shakes as a late night perk every 3-4 days, not as a meal replacement. I get the same stomachache. Goes right thru me. When you type in your height and current weight and your goal weight here on Myfitnesspal it should give you your daily calories required to reach your goal weight. You can gain weight…
  • High metabolism here as well. I'll be 39 in august. Eating more to pack on the weight, cardio to cut fat and weights to gain muscle. I line dance Friday nights, 6-12 volleyball games Thursdays and gym every day but sunday. Hats off to you girls for taking charge and making positive changes. GREAT JOB!
  • My personal goal is to gain 50 lbs. So far 22 lbs gained in the last 94 days. Last 3 years eating has been a mental challenge for me. Eating means I have stop what I'm doing which is usually working. I'm trying to get over viewing eating as a major waste of time. If i could take a pill and get all the nutrition as regular…
  • When I setup my profile on MFP I typed in my weight goal of 225lbs. It also asked my current weight which was 174 so the system did the math and started me out at 3420 calories per day to average 1 lbs of gain per week. I'm finding the daily number goes up every few weeks to keep me on track knowing that it will get harder…
  • Weight gaining / muscle goal of 50 lbs and I'm almost half way there in 94 days.
  • I just started gaining weight / muscle myself (4weeks) up 6 lbs. I'm 6'4" and 174 Lbs. currently weigh 180. Goal of 200+. Perks to my fitness pal is you can set a target weight goal and it tells you how many calories you need daily to reach that goal at 1 lbs per week. I don't do cardio cause I walk for work, and dance…